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News about patches-scrolls.de

Author: Administrator Date: 29.09.15 Language:

In the last weeks we rolled out our new version of patches-scrolls.de with some new buttons,icons and funktions. Here you can find the most imfortant changes:

Separate Changelog- and Download icons:
With the steady rise of download portals like Steam with their integrated autopatching we were faced with a problem:
In those cases it is legally - and even technically - impossible for us to track down and offer patch downloads.
When we first started doing our redesign, the problem just started to appear, but we were optimistic players would be left with an option.
Unfortunately, this wasn't the case and we are left with two options for more and more games:
ignore the game because we cannot provide any downloads - which was somewhat of a NoGo since almost all top titles these days come with "locked-in" patches.
So instead we opted for listing at least changelogs for each patch so people would know about them and could comment on them.

As it turns out, most people expected downloads and were confused when we did not offer any download buttons.

To remedy the situation, we now added extra changelog and download buttons for each patch.
Changelogicon - click an the flag behind the button to read the chagelog

Downlaodicon - if you can download a file you see flags behind the icon

Switching between Systems:
Over the last few years, mostly thanks to the efforts of Valve with Steam , we have seen a huge raise of multi-plattform games.
No longer restricted to the classic formula: PC and some consoles, gamers can now choose between PC games for Windows, games for Linux or games for OS X and get the same game with mostly minor changes between platforms.
Our original design did not take this into consideration. Afterall at that time we had 95% PC visitors, about 3% Mac and 2% everybody else.
But over the last year it became a major hazzle for us as well: Why would a Mac-user be interested in PC Demos & patches? Why wasn't it possible to switch between the two?
Thus we have introduced the switch button - if you highlight a platform icon by clicking on it (default is still PC), the content below will change accordingly:
you'll get separate downloads, game info and everything else.

What good is information about a game without screenshots? Pretty boring and very statistical.
We had this feature in place for a while already, but it was so bugridden, it wasn't worth making use of it.
Until now: our latest site update allows us to show screenshots in a presentable and modern manner.
Now you can browse through a slideshow of screens and enlarge the important ones.

How good or bad is a game and how do others see it? And is it a popular title or just one the developer and his neighbour actually play?
Even for us this is a question too difficult to answer - if everybody and his neighbour magazine writes about it, it doesn't mean the game is popular. It could also be terrible game with a working hype behind it.
And why stop at the game itself? Why not rate patches or other things important to a game?
So we decided to let you gamers vote.
Everybody gets one vote for any topic - be it a game, a patch or something else. You are even allowed to change your vote at any time.
And you can compare your rating to what others voted and how many votes a topic actually got.

Comments system:
Over the years we have tried many ways to gain feedback on what we provide:
Newsgroups: That worked very well in the 90ies, but nowadays most gamers don't even know they exist.
forums : hardly anyone used them, they were ugly , required you to register and left us with a headache to keep them up-and-current and free of spam
email: even less successful, only very hardcore people used it
Facebook: in the beginning, we were able to reach hundreds or thousands of people. But once Facebook decided it knew best when to display our posts, the number of people we could interact with has been on a dramatic decline.
Google+ : Never seemed worth the effort

So we decided to make a direct approach and let you comment on content. For now you can't enter a nickname, but we're looking into improving this service, if enough people use it.

Looking for review writers:
Have you ever wondered why there is a review button to games here but you cannot find any reviews?
Well, the truth is: this site is run by terrible review writers who are better left with keeping the other sections up-to-date.
So we are looking for people who want to contribute : provide reviews for the games they love.
At the moment, this is a volunteer position.
We can however get you access to many classic and new titles, betakeys and gimmicks not every gamer is entitled to, plus free admission to GamesCom each year.
If you are interested, drop us a line at our contact form below.

    • Date: 14.10.2015

      The interface was designed when you had to make every website work on 1024x768. Unfortunately right now we lack the funds and skills to adapt this to bigger resolutions, although it's been on our wishlist for quite some time. Hopefully we can fix this by next year.

    • Date: 03.10.2015

      UI is still pretty small.
      It feel like looking at something through a peephole.
      Do you really have an 1024*768 display?
      Maybe it's about time you upgrade to 1920*1200...

    • Date: 01.10.2015
