- now races remember 3rd party peace and war treaties for 20 minutes - can't get same treaty again during this time and they will get angry at you if you go against the agreement (Nelway)
- races now pay Operatives less to declare war on someone
- races that you are at war with will no longer sell you jump gate activations
- now races will pay less for player to break treaties
- now cancelling a treaty with a race permanent increases their natural hate for the cancelling race or Operative
- fixed a potential crash in PlayerCovenantClient::tradeRequestExpired and PlayerCovenantClient::ignoreTradeOffer
- ancients now drop better loot
- doubled search for enemy prices
- now print a message when a race is paid to declare war on another race
- now can see systems that have allies on sector map even if you haven't been there
- no longer get the benefit of being able to see systems with a quest from an enemy
- can no longer get paid to go to war when you're in a ceasefire (Amelie)
- increased ceasefire price by 50%
- race natural hate always applies to Operatives now (was spared if they were already in a war)
- decreased ResistanceReasonablePerLevel from 6.0 to 4.0 (makes resistances more powerful)
- changed GuardedPlanetDamageMult from 0.5 to 0.25 (harder to destroy guarded planets)
- bounty hunters now drop better loot
- now a race that captures a planet gets some of the conquered race's credits
- increased chances of zombies spreading from 0.2 to 0.3
- fixed a problem indirect peace treaties not working
- can no longer sell fighter tech to races (they don't use it)
- searching for a good no longer tells you about goods that are too low level
- radar stat on components now has a value
- changed paid to break treaty to always see (not just if against player)
- added race name to most quest announcements
- now on quest list from stars show which ones have and don't have (different colored *)
- now show level of tech when trading
- changed race level print to tech level (Delilah)
- tech power takes into account higher than current level tech better
- increased tech power mult from 4.0 to 20.0
- fixed Talon, Legion, and Overlord races attacking wandering vendors
- changed name and level on hardcore operatives to a larger font
- discovered tech print now mentions level also
- decreased TeleportConfuseProjectilesDistance from 250.0 to 150.0
- races can no longer colonize some of the lesser habitable planets until higher levels
- decreased toxic and inferno planet max population
- zombies now have defensive trait instead of stealth (Tyrax Lightning)
- now show all 4 of the Paranoia subrace's traits
- now if a race controls a planet, the planet always has at least 1 max health
- moved legend change for destroying race ships & planets to races instead of system
- fixed stolen technology print sometimes leaving out the tech name
- changed name of sector modifier from Traps to Mines & Traps (Delilah)
- fixed which stats to highlight not clearing correctly
- now if a planet is conquered by a monster race, the victim race automatically declares war (Yindo)
- fixed not clearing on use skill correctly when moving components around (Tyrax Lightning)
- missile defense (player and monster) should no longer target friendly missiles
- now ships will draw on top of recharge stations
- monster fleer quest now shows race in quest title
- now credit donation events use highest race credit value instead of average
- fixed Brunt Heavy Corvette light position (Tuidjy)
- can now search for overlords
- added race to overlord quest title
- now show number of bounty hunters after you on lose screen
- no longer show armor plating as permanently broken in hardcore
- elite and boss Tornados no longer use suicide attack
- components that the user doesn't meet the requirements for take double damage
- increased unrest event chance from 0.01 to 0.015
- increased chances of rebellion escalating from 0.25 to 0.35
- increased chances of civil war spreading from 0.1 to 0.15
- increased civil war split, overthrow, and leave chances by 50%
- increased default ui_textEventsTime to 30 seconds
- doubled power load component modifier values
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 17
- cleaned up the font a little
- a bunch of minor UI tweaks
- fixed an assassin typo (DarthNihilus)
- fixed a Tachyon Storm typo (DarthNihilus)
- fixed a Genetically Engineered typo (Delilah)
- fixed a truce quest typo (DarthNihilus)
- fixed some civil war text issues (DarthNihilus)
- fixed a typo in the Ozone Depletion quest (DarthNihilus)
- fixed a couple Killer Plants typos (DarthNihilus)
- propaganda, espionage, and rumor costs now add commas when needed
- fixed a typo in Computer Virus Trick quest text (DarthNihilus)
- economic win, fear win, legend win, and economic loss numbers now use commas when needed
- reworded anomaly with components slightly (Steve)