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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

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Troika Studios
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Your rating: None Average: 7.1 (5006 votes)

Patch 9.6 Beta 3

Author: Administrator Date: 16.09.2016 System:
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  • Downloads: 224
Your rating: None Average: 8.6 (16 votes)
    • Date: 07.12.2016

      Thanks for the remainder. This is unfortunately true - there is abolusutely no guarantee that you can continue old savegames created with an older patch or mod - Wesp5 simply does not have the ressources to test his patches that extensively. There is a explicit warning in the patches readme telling you to apply this patch only on a clean installation and without older savegames.

    • Date: 06.12.2016

      my friends are all telling me this is an amazing patch. Yet, you will have trouble starting up a new game if you have previous save files or have used a mod in the past, I would like downloaders to be aware of this before they patch so they will not run into troubles like I have.
      If you have modded before, no matter what, delete every previous save file and reset your Steam settings (if using a Steam copy). After this, follow your usual settings and it will run once more.

    • Date: 01.12.2016

      I first played this game 3 years ago on my old laptop. Now, I plan to reinstall this game on my gaming rig and use this patch. I'm thrilled to see how much of an improvement this will make to the game. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU

    • Date: 27.09.2016

      thank yopu so much for this