Power and Revolution
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plz give activation code
Unfortunately, these patches only work if you bought your game from Eversim directly. They will not work on any other editions, as far as we - now - know.
how did you update it, did you buy the game?
Error please help!!!
Please, help me!
I don't know how to install the patches!
Anyone know how can i install the patches?
How do i install the patch, keep getting an error.
Nao ta dando pra instalar o patcher diz q tem de atualizar algo nao sei oq
After I installed the patch he asked for the activation code
As far as I am aware, each patch will install over all previous versions of the game - so you only need the latest one , unless you want to play with an older version for some reason.
Installing this patch includes installing the previous ones or is it necessary to install every patch? Thanks.