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Games Distillery s.r.o.
bitComposer Games
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Patch #1

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

The following changes have made:

- Fixed the bug preventing the game updating the Quest in “Knights Advance” mission
- General stability improved
- Fixed a bug leading to crash once the Exit button was pressed
- Fixed a bug leading to low frame rates when expanding a wall while constructing
- Fixed a bug which lead to crash sometimes when changing the resolution ingame.
- Fixed a bug which automatically changed the difficulty when entering the next map
- Fixed a bug preventing sometimes to finish the map “The Gold Rush”
- Archers are now able to mount walls
- Fixed a bug leading to a crash sometimes when a peasant was assigned to repair a building
- Reduced the issue that peasants get stuck while mining
- Reduced the difficulty in “The Landing”
- Fixed a bug which lead to attachments still being visible after being deconstructed
- Catapults slowed down
- Archers now do not damage own buildings anymore while firing
- Some graphical issues visible on walls, gates and towers have been fixed.
- Fixed a bug which made towers invincible while being upgraded
- Fixed a bug leading to a crash while saving a game.
- Fixed a bug within the window mode which lead to a crash sometimes.
- Catapult-bug fixed which lead to the situation where the catapult got stuck and turned around in a loop.

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