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Europa Universalis 4

Also known as:
Europa Universalis IV
Paradox Interactive
Paradox Interactive
Release date:
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Your rating: None Average: 6.1 (26 votes)

Patch 1.18.2

Author: Administrator Date: 21.12.17 System:

- (Hot-)Fix for allies not joining wars when they should if playing without Cossacks DLC.
- Mayans can now reform their society
- Fixed issue with [TAG.<something>] localization.
- Fixed seemingly impossible trigger tooltip for tribal reforms.
- Added missing description to global trade institution (all languages).
- Corrected war check in Brandenburg event about the Pawning of Neumark.
- Fixed subjects being sometimes set as the war leader for a day when loading a save.
- Fixed some achievements not checking for custom nations.
- Fixed that Daimyos didn't accept alliances with each other.
- Fixed a crash when ending a war during which the player changed tags.
- Added missing achievement icons in-game.

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