Game Description:
A great new grand strategy game set during the wars of Early Roman Republic is here!
Birth of Rome covers the important and epic wars that led the Roman republic to unify Italy, then defeat Carthage in Sicily. Relive the first conquests of the Roman consuls as they face powerful and determined opponents such as Pyrrhus of Epirus or Hanibal Barca of Carthage. Don’t let history write your destiny, it is completely up to you on how to handle the situation, or try your hand at rewriting history as Rome’s enemies.
Birth of Rome offers a level of historical accuracy and detail never reached before in a video game. Birth of Rome is a true simulation where players are challenged to create armies and fleets, organize and maneuver them, sustain and reinforce them. All the time taking into account military, economic, political and diplomatic parameters.
Game Modi:
System Requirement:
OS: Windows XP SP2+/Vista/Win7
DirectX 9.0c or more
Processor: Pentium IV 1800+ MHz
Hard Drive: 4GB free on hard disk
Memory: 1024 MB RAM
Video card: 128 MB
DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card