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Crusader Kings II

Also known as:
Crusader Kings 2; CK II; CK 2
Paradox Interactive
Paradox Interactive
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RPG [+]
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Patch 2.02

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

Patch 2.0.1 fixed some game-breaking issues introduced with Patch 2.0.

  • Added missing Jewish religious icons
  • No longer possible to play as a Jew without the Sons of Abraham DLC
  • The "Legitimize Bastard" decision now sets the correct dynasty
  • Cathars now have access to the "True Cognatic" succession law
  • Jewish priests are now allowed to marry
  • The kingdom of Jerusalem decisions to vassalize the Knights Templar and Hospitaller now work
  • Heresies are now also shown on the religion page in the ledger
  • The Knights of Santiago now have their historical activation date and first Grandmaster
  • Fixed a bug where an antipope installed as proper Pope in Rome would get an antipope successor
  • Fixed a bug where the Pope could restore himself in Rome infinitely, for astronomical amounts of Piety
  • GamersGate users no longer incorrectly get the Steam overlay
  • Different platforms don't get different checksums anymore
  • You can no longer get a barony level character when pressing the Random Character button
  • Added more descriptive text when Ironman is disabled
  • Removed some ways in which one could cheat in Ironman
  • Disabled autosave to cloud storage option in settings if no cloud storage is available
  • Fixed some bugs with the new 'hold_election' effect 
  • AI: Massively reduced the chance that it will create antipopes, for now
  • Fixed an issue with ridiculously powerful Mongol stacks if there were Jews in the world
  • Fixed so Shift + I does not act like Shift + Insert anymore
  • Religion status changes (Mending the Schism, etc.) are now properly reset on resign
  • Fixed a bug where most councillor job action events were men only
  • Blocked Ultimogeniture for West African pagans
  • Limited the intrigue gained from certain successful plots
  • Fixed error in 'Viking Raider' achievment script
  • Fixed a bug with Zoroastrian Xwedodah marriages not being considered sacred
  • No longer possible to select Jews in multiplayer if the host does not have Sons of Abraham


Patch 2.0.2

- Added a "Depose Antipope" Casus Belli
- Added an "Antiking" faction. The leader usurps the liege's primary title, deposes the antipope and passes papal investiture. The Pope can be called into the resulting war.
- Not possible to set up an antipope within 50 years of one being forcibly deposed
- Fixed bug in Linux where the game became totally unplayable if you ALT+TAB
- Now possible to play in Ironman mode with the ruler designer and mods (but you won't get achievements)
- Significantly reduced the amount of event-spawned troops across the board to better reflect the rebalanced levies
- Fixed crash bug in the Mac launcher [Fix attempt did not work, sadly, so Mac Steam users still need to disable the Steam community overlay]
- Fixed religion reformation crash

- West African Pagans can no longer have higher CA than Low
- Fraticelli now get investiture laws
- Waived the non-neighboring rule for theocracy title grants, but made it moddable
- Now allowed to grant one higher-than-duke tier title to a theocracy
- Blocked granting away your capital county if you have moved your capital
- Disallowed revoking and plotting to revoke a title that you just gave to someone
- Antipopes now correctly lose the status if they change religion
- Antipopes now lose their status if their liege is not the same religion
- Fixed some memory and thread safety issues with the trigger 'check_variable'
- Added a blocker flag to first generation Jewish courtiers, preventing conversion demands
- Increased the revolt risk for wrong culture and religion a bit
- Antipopes now have papal clothes
- You now have to be independent to create an antipope
- Added Jewish buildings
- Added Jewish retinues
- Fixed a bug with patricians pressing claims
- Improved the "pagan converts to spouse's/concubine's religion" decisions to work with all heresies
- Mending the schism is also now possible for Orthodox heresies that have taken over and become the main branch
- Tweaked various religious events
- Lowered the mean time to happen for certain story events
- Fixed a bug with the de facto liege of primary holdings
- Now patricians will be picked sometimes when using the random character button
- Added trait "Battlefield Terrain Master"
- Fixed bug where independent characters couldn't be assigned a religious title
- Fixed issue where liege took barony vassals entire county as capital when he didn't own the county
- Fixed missed check for unlanded when usurping title
- Fixed crash bug when looking at religions in game setup
- Corrected Orthodox patriarch name lists
- Added missing reason tooltip for why you cannot make an antipope of a bishop of another religion
- Added missing crusade names for some heresies
- Fixed a bug with the ending of the Shepherds' Crusade
- Fixed some triggers that weren't correctly checking for the Jewish religion group
- Non-Jewish rulers with Jewish councillors can now get some special technology improvement events
- Fixed a very rare crash in combat
- Marriage, betrothal, and concubinage can no longer be arrange while imprisoned
- Fixed bug in the Crusade CB where a courtier could not get the king title he deserved
- There is now automatic peace with rebels if you get a complete victory
- Fixed bug where the unit reorganization window didn't pop up and split of troops was not selected
- Fixed the invasion CB for Muslims so it becomes invalid when the target converts religion
- Fixed bug where a regiment managed to detach itself from its army completely
- City and bishopric rulers can no longer get claims through inheritance
- Corrected several heretic religion descriptions
- Added some missing Fraticelli college of cardinal text
- Added a minimum cap for bottleneck chokepoints
- Fixed crash when randomly jumping around in history.
- Reverted back so levy modifier affects galley count
- The "Holy Smoke" achievement should now work as intended
- The "And Stay Out!" achievement should now work as intended
- Fixed a bug when saving a game that has a religion which has overthrown the parent religion
- Fixed problem where hordes counted as theocracies in the game setup
- Fixed flank leaders being reset when loading saves
- The Ibadi and Hurufi Caliphates and the Yazidi Sheikhdom can now be properly created
- Fixed a bug where rulers of all religions could ask their religious head to start a crusade
- If Catholicism becomes a heresy, "Mending the Schism" is no longer possible
- Fixed a bug where Muslim invasion wars against other types of Muslims would invalidate immediately
- Fixed so ironman mode is not locked out if you go back from saved games to bookmarks.

- Made sure the Vikings have enough ships in 867
- Strengthened 867 starting positions for Rurik, Dyre the Stranger and the Khazars
- Added Jewish Khazar names
- Made some minor fixes to male Iberian names

- AI: Adjusted succession marriage reasoning
- AI: Better at calculating odds of victory when attacking
- AI: Should now be more careful about attacking with inferior numbers
- AI: Will now re-raise its forces if current levies are significantly smaller than the potential amount it can raise
- AI: Will now use the Spymaster to suppress factions
- AI: Will now use the Chancellor to improve relations with vassal faction members
- AI: More careful about appointing disgruntled Spymasters
- AI: Will now always honor the terms of an existing betrothal
- AI: Fixed a bug where Catholic rulers would spam the Pope with money requests and bishop nomination requests, spending their Piety
- AI: Really powerful rulers now sometimes create antipopes, even when they are not excommunicated, depending on papal opinions and the number of church loyalist bishops

- Triggers are now automatically sorted by their computation complexity so modders won't have to think about it
- Added trigger 'is_recent_grant'
- Exported 'matrilineal_marriages' flag to religion script (no longer hardcoded for Muslims)
- Exported 'can_have_antipopes' flag to religions (now decoupled from 'investiture')
- Added event target 'betrothed'
- Added history command 'add_matrilineal_spouse'
- Added trigger 'is_married_matrilineally'
- Added support for the 'player_allow' trigger in factions
- Added a configuration "mp_max_lead_days" which is defaulted at 7, this prevents the server from progressing more than a week ahead of the slowest player
- Added do_not_disturb character flag to help optimize triggers and lock character availability for journeys, feasts etc
- Added any_claimant effect
- Fixed error with character and province event effect where they could not trigger cause they missed a trigger
- Added a new -debugscripts command line option that will output our internal asserts of the triggers and effects so modders can see what went wrong with their scripts
- Added EVENT_TROOPS_SIZE_MULT define as a global multiplier on match_mult
- Fixed an issue with namespaces and how delayed event ids are saved
- Fixed so duplicate entries of a character's ID won't create duplicate characters.
- Added BOTTLENECK_CHOKE_TROOP_CAP in defines which defaults to 300
- The 'intermarry' option in religions now works between religion groups as well
- Retinues are now scripted with a 'potential' trigger rather than simple culture and culture_group fields
- Added has_regiments trigger.

- Fixed bug where province view was toggled when siege ended
- Now the checkbox for auto invite plots displays correctly

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