- all subraces (except 3 monsters) are now playable once unlocked - 5 extra starting attributes, 10% per point boost, different race slots (IotA)
- decreased Doom SpawnChance from 4.9 to 2.0 (IotA)
- Nemato and Storm will now attack each other (IotA)
- Ascarid will now attack Schism, Pulse, Backlash, and Patchwork Legion ships (IotA)
- increased doom missile multiplier from 4.0 to 6.0 (IotA)
- doubled radiation damage from Quake, Limax, and Grudge
- increased chances of quests carrying over across sectors (IotA)
- fixed level of ships like rebels (Tuidjy)
- made planet population/health stuff more consistent
- planet health now uses difficulty multipliers just like ships (DoomAngelBlade)
- missiles now have an automatic 25% bonus to attack
- can now get AI crew
- fixed a rare complicated crash when Backlash fight Ascarid (IotA)
- now emerged subraces, monster, and ancient races can be eliminated from the galaxy again (Tuidjy) (IotA)
- now have quality variations of crew equipment
- now system and sector map scrollbars are separate
- added race emerged message (IotA)
- now auto detect starting resolution better on Mac
- now show mark level of component in space and in inventory before identfying it (Evan)
- fixed light on Scavenger Titan (Tuidjy) (IotA)
- fixed zombie shader on planets (Tyrax Lightning)
- fixed player thrusters volume (DarthNihilus)
- added Marines full help topic (Steve)
- added vendor specialties full help topic (Steve)
- added to Nemato description (IotA)
- added to Ascarid description (IotA)
- added to Doom description (IotA)
- added to Wrecker description (IotA)
- now show race in unleash boss (supplies) quest title (Tuidjy) (IotA)
- Causes: Stealth is now localized correctly (DarthNihilus)
- "Can't use for another X seconds" is now localized correctly (DarthNihilus)
- removed danger level stuff from reaper and infection subraces (IotA)
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 29
- changed saveVersion to 150