- changed SubDatabase has a duplicate index to a warning so would get version mismatch error
- fixed command attribute bonus for ai, mutant, weapon, and soldier subraces (Tuidjy) (IotA)
- now if win game and then eliminate a race, we remove the unlock points for the win from that race (IotA)
- changed clone layout from engines to active thrusters and a thruster boost (Tuidjy) (IotA)
- added ancients won't sign treaties warning to ancient descriptions (Annex) (IotA)
- can no longer pay Scavengers to scavenger crew
- fixed clouds (Steve)
- fixed alpha in corners of Drakk Hybrid and Lithosoid Xenophobia portraits
- fixed BasePowerBoostBonus & BasePowerBoostRestriction translations (ScrObot) (IotA)
- should no longer get a message that the Drox Operatives have emerged (CaptainWinky) (IotA)
- fixed component race requirement not clearing correctly (CaptainWinky)
- changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 30