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Drox Operative

Also known as:
Soldak Entertainment
Soldak Entertainment
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patch 1.000

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:


  • removed beta word on main menu
  • removed beta menu on exit


  • now auto detect a better starting resolution (Windows only for now)
  • tornado suicide damage now diminished over distance (random_rolle/Steve)
  • increased starting credits for a level 1 race by 50%
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 11
  • fixed trading contact, tech, or planet data not improving relations (Steve/Evan/DrIstvaan)
  • fixed problems canceling waiting for server
  • updated manual
  • increased Drive Disruption speed debuff by 40% (random_rolle)
  • increased resistance components resistance levels by 33% (random_rolle/Anskier)
  • decreased Tachyon Storm, Radiation Storm, Nanomite Cloud, and Black Hole chances to be in line with other storms
  • decreased starting damage of tornado suicide attack
  • now ballistics lead the target a bit
  • decreased player ballistic speed from 600.0 to 400.0
  • increased ballistic range from 400.0 to 500.0
  • Offensive Dampening Field status effect duration now increased by 2 seconds each level (Evan)
  • moved engineering highlight text to a better place (Steve)
  • fixed some component text overlap issues (Steve)
  • fixed component highlight text not showing when you can't equip the component yet (ScrObot/Steve)
  • increased Doomsday spawn chance by 33% (Evan)
  • can now negotiate a peace treaty during a ceasefire (Evan)
  • made buy/sell part of needed component quest text standout a little more (Eduardo X)
  • added some more color to help topics (Steve)
  • added a help tip to confirm turn off help menu
  • now show if overloaded in player menu
  • fixed the tesla leech status effect icon (Evan)
  • fixed Military Win spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed a couple typos in help topics
  • added beta tester names to credits


  • player can now pay for a temporary ceasefire with races that are at war with the Drox Operatives
  • fixed some potential crashes when client fails to connect to a server
  • missile defense now fires automatically
  • made ballistics straight, increased the touch distance a little, and increased the damage by 50%
  • tractor beams now disable movement for a second on victim and will auto target (Bluddy)
  • repulsor beams now disable movement for a second on victim and will auto target (Bluddy)
  • fixed Pulsar Generator and other radiation damage not damaging planets and devices (Evan)
  • races can no longer seize negative credits (Evan)
  • anti-missile missiles no longer start facing the direction the parent ship is facing (Sedlex)
  • no longer get yelled at when killing bounty hunters (Roswitha)
  • crew comparison no longer compares to crew in slots the new crew can't go into (Evan)
  • made player level guaranteed data across network
  • no longer get repair sound if enemies are nearby (Crisses)
  • renegade type quests now mention system in announcement (Crisses)
  • now if allocating a crew point raises the structure of your ship, it is not "damaged" (Crisses)
  • fixed status effect on EM missile and geomagneticStorm (Evan)
  • fixed some quests showing up on solve quest screen when they shouldn't (Steve)
  • fixed hitting end in console and scroll bar going too far


  • emp damage now degrades over distance (area effect versions)
  • fixed critical hit on Impact analysis components not working correctly (Sedlex)
  • killing a bounty hunter is now worth 2 fear points (alstein)
  • races will now go into debt if necessary to build the first defensive ship for a planet (makes sense and makes defend planet time estimate much more reliable)
  • fixed quest monsters getting put into dimensional pockets (Roswitha)
  • now when the planet's population is killed off there is a high chance that the planet type will degrade (MOOMANiBE)
  • random sector size will no longer choose a huge sector
  • added corruption per planet
  • now some technology might be found when a player destroys a race (longshot)
  • made it so quest only monsters no longer try to add to the shipyard (Sedlex)
  • fixed female versions of Talons not getting counted correctly in the shipyard
  • now switching race on trade screen clears the trade
  • can now complete propaganda and sabotage quests without taking them (sbach2o)
  • no longer get energy per hit on damage over time
  • no longer try to play powerburn.wav sound (Valgor)
  • fixed a reference to fireQuiet.snd (Valgor)
  • fixed getting teleported twice sometimes when entering a Teleporter Den (Roswitha)
  • status bars now shift a little to compensate for zoom level (ShaggyMoose)
  • no longer reset alpha on things that go out of view from zooming when paused (Valgor)
  • fixed not being able to see other players race specific components
  • fixed sorting issue with mineable asteroids
  • can now click on a power ranking bar to talk to that race (ScrObot)
  • in windowed mode, now save last window position for next time (Windows only for now) (Mivo)
  • can no longer select hardcore and semi-hardcore (ScrObot)
  • changed Your Ship to Your Position on opening screen
  • black box now has a graphic instead of a colored blip on minimap and system maps
  • localized Journal correctly
  • added achievements button to in game menu (ScrObot)
  • fixed a stealth/turning off thrusters sound issue (Shadowy Figure/Crisses)
  • decreased energy gain on hit efficiency a little (0.5 to 0.4)
  • extended rescue SafeRange from 250.0 to 350.0 (ScrObot)
  • changed decline button to remove when the quest has failed (Mivo)
  • npcs move a lot more now
  • added a description to passive weapon boosts to specify which weapons they improve (Crisses)
  • added a description to a couple of the EM weapons (Crisses)
  • changed population prints from an absolute number to a percent (ShaggyMoouse)
  • added a highlight description to tweaked find (demoss)
  • improved fear/legend part of game objective help topic (Roswitha)
  • added a comma to "Components in Space" help topic (Roswitha)
  • fixed Inertial Attenuator spelling (Sedlex)
  • made option capitalization more consistent (Valgor)
  • made option names more consistent (Valgor)
  • rearranged options slightly (Valgor)
  • now special Drox commands are announced at beginning of the game (ScrObot/Evan)
  • reworded a bunch of the lost text (Steve/Roswitha)
  • now mention system name in bounty quest (Crisses)
  • fixed hunter destroyed message (Roswitha)
  • fixed Trypanos Spies (plural issue) (Roswitha)
  • fixed spacing in Utopian recruit quest text (Roswitha)
  • now get green * next to this planet needs this component text if you are in the right system (Crisses)


  • fixed technology sometimes getting stuck in trade list (Valgor)
  • added punctuation to Hive Gift Accepted text (Valgor)
  • reworded boss quest text slightly (Roswitha)
  • fixed insectoid spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed Genetically Engineered Citizens typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed receive typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed enemies to kill progress text (Valgor)
  • fixed tech and doomsday weapons getting identified when try to pick them up with full cargo (Valgor)
  • added a life to ballistics (this should fix the slowdown issue)


  • improved the next/prev race buttons a little
  • made exit buttons on race relations and technology pages more consistent
  • increased damage of EM Burst and Lightning Cannon (Sedlex)
  • changed botnet benefit from +attack to *direct hit (Sedlex)
  • increased power load for Dynamic Frequency Generators by 50%
  • increased computer active boosts by about 50% (Sedlex)
  • fixed a rounding issue that sometimes results in a crew level up with not stat raised (Cheet4h/Crisses)
  • fixed a couple spacing problems in general tips dialog (ScrObot)
  • changed XP capitalization (ScrObot)
  • slight change to Asexual description (ScrObot)
  • fixed spelling error in advanced cargo topic (ScrObot)
  • improved boss quest text a little (ScrObot)
  • added a comma to ClearLevel text (ScrObot)
  • changed ignored to refused in blackmail text (ScrObot)
  • fixed plural issue in ArtifactOfDoom text (ScrObot)
  • fixed plural issue in BuildingFleet text (ScrObot/incognoscente)
  • reworded WarMonger quest text a little (ScrObot)
  • fixed punctuation issue in ExperimentGoneWrong text (ScrObot)
  • slight wording change in GeneticEngineering (ScrObot)
  • reworded CivilWar thanks text slightly (ScrObot)
  • reworded Coup text a little (ScrObot)
  • reworded Genetically Engineered Apes (ScrObot)
  • fixed a Gamma Ray Burst typo (ScrObot)
  • fixed OzoneDepletion typo (ScrObot)
  • fixed a MutantAnts crop failure typo (ScrObot)
  • reworded MagneticFieldShifting quest text some (ScrObot)
  • reworded MegaFlood quest text slightly (ScrObot)
  • fixed a Nuclear Winter quest text issue (ScrObot)
  • fixed a typo in SuperTornado text (ScrObot)
  • fixed layman's terms spelling (ScrObot)
  • fixed MutantAnts thanks text (ScrObot)
  • fixed existence spelling (ScrObot)
  • reworded Barbarian text a little (ScrObot)
  • reworded GeomagneticStorm text a little (ScrObot)
  • fixed general public spelling (ScrObot)
  • reworded ComputerVirusPeople text some (ScrObot)
  • fixed some punctuation in terraforming quests (ScrObot)
  • fixed some other minor quest typos (ScrObot)
  • fixed QuestTextNeededItemAsexualRebels not formatted correctly (ScrObot)
  • fixed QuestTextNeededItemTelepathsRebels not formatted correctly (ScrObot)
  • highlighting starlanes/wormholes on system map tells you quests in that system
  • highlighting starlanes/wormholes tells you quests in that system
  • fixed a fleet typo (incognoscente)
  • fixed a punctuation issue in Won Game help topic (incognoscente)
  • fixed punctuation of one of the Fringe dialog lines (incognoscente)
  • fixed the punctuation of a few comma splices in quest text (incognoscente)
  • fixed some spelling issues with ECM Spot Jammer (Roswitha)
  • changed fighters per bay: fighters (3), bombers (1), raiders (4), and drones (2)
  • changed structure/damage to make all fighters about as powerful as they were per bay
  • increased bomber damage to compensate better for slower missile time
  • added some new fighter, bomber, and raider bays to fill in some level gaps
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 10
  • kill race ships progress text is now smarter about plurals (incognoscente)
  • moving installed components to another installed slot no longer requires re-installation time (Crisses)
  • now starlane/wormhole locations match direction to system better
  • mouse scroll no longer affects game when in a full screen menu (incognoscente)
  • now dropped identified components show that they have been identified (Crisses/aReclusiveMind)
  • now stop all sounds when show loading screen
  • no longer get money sound if selling or buying fails for some reason (incognoscente/Crisses)
  • fixed getting ship components in anomaly message but none spawning (incognoscente/Crisses)
  • fixed ambush/rescue quest (incognoscente)
  • fixed renagades not spawning sometimes
  • fixed renegades spawning in wrong position if in first system
  • fixed rescue turn smuggler/pirate ship names changing (incognoscente)
  • fixed some cargo bay blinking issues (incognoscente)
  • Drox Operatives hotkey works on win and lose screens now
  • added achievement unlocked sound
  • added Bounty Hunters (they hunt Drox Operatives)
  • fixed ancient monster/weapon quests
  • rumored position text now tells you system name
  • decresed missile defense reuse time from 1.5 to 0.5 (Sedlex)
  • now won condition blinks on win progress screen (Steve)
  • added win type to win screens
  • now lose condition blinks on lose progress screen (Steve)
  • added loss type to lose screen
  • now lose timer highlight text is lose condition specific (Crisses)
  • made power load a little more obvious on equipment screen
  • toned down purple anomaly effects a little
  • now show X on race specific components that you can't equip (Crisses)
  • armor now takes twice as long to install
  • Talon, Legion, and Overlord no longer give clear system quests since they don't have general monster problems (Crisses)
  • Dryads will no longer give chemical, biological, nuclear weapon quests (Crisses)
  • fixed all of help topic ?s not highlighting correctly sometimes
  • can no longer install unidentified components (Crisses)
  • added text to pet stance to clarify difference between aggressive/defensive (Crisses)
  • typing in chat or the console no longer turns your ship (Crisses)
  • crew can now have bonuses other than crew points (Lyranaar)
  • centered stats on character menus
  • rewrote one of the win texts (Roswitha)
  • fixed some issues with picking up components near planets (Wanderer/dtolman/Sendrien)
  • improved planet explosion
  • fixed 2 "Trying to reference a userVar" warnings (Valgor)
  • fixed boss quests not spawning correctly
  • rewrote sound volume text slightly to make music volume more clear (Crisses)
  • only show selected arrows on main quest screen when a valid quest is selected (Steve/ScrObot)
  • now show a timer on main game screen if you have a quest with a timer (Jinsai)
  • ballistic shots from monsters are now straight instead of heat seeking (void)
  • made when hit/on hit components more clear which is which (Crisses)
  • now show the number of ships a race has when highlighting their icon
  • fixed renegade disappeared text (Roswitha)
  • reworded a Utopian Demand Rejected text (incognoscente)


  • moved focus on opening screen to right on focus planet
  • fixed closing tiny stash bags (ScrObot)
  • changed to a bigger explosion for anti-matter fields (Steve)
  • comets now have a new explosion (Steve)
  • fixed another way can get blank quests (Steve)
  • changed Food Grow Rate to Food Harvest Rate (Valgor)
  • changed Food Needed Rate to Food Consumption Rate (Valgor)
  • changed Worth to Planet Worth
  • fixed Ship Build Time Estimate capitalization (Valgor)
  • now show more accurate max relation number when highlighting race icons (Katrin)
  • fixed thanks and killed text for AntiNeutronium quest (Sedlex)
  • fixed EM Shockwave status effect (Sedlex)
  • fixed spacing in Super Tornadoes to Recession (Roswitha)
  • no longer show in escape pod warning (no longer relavent) (Sedlex)
  • now show xp gain on legend win highlight text
  • bomb damage now degrades over distance from explosion
  • mine damage now degrades over distance from explosion (not as much as bombs though)
  • decreased deadly aim critical hit boost from 0.25 to 0.15
  • now color code monster names correctly on planet attack messages (Roswitha/incognoscente)
  • fixed not showing unlocked challenges correctly (ScrObot)
  • added some circumstances text to max speed (ScrObot)
  • added reset to defaults button on message options screen (ScrObot)
  • added prev/next race buttons to many of the race screens (alstein)


  • increased points needed for fear win by 50%
  • now escape pods have a base structure of 1 to prevent a rare crash (Sedlex)
  • fixed not being able to repair with chests nearby
  • fixed unstable black holes causing wars :) (Sedlex)
  • fixed a potential crash in Skill::buildEnemyList
  • improved selected notch on lists


  • fixed opening screen bleeding into choose ship, new ship, and choose sector screens
  • changed normal sector size to medium (not the default anymore so not really normal) (Steve)
  • sped up respawn if system has a player and a quest that the player has
  • increased chances of spawning monsters involved in quests
  • added 13 types of mine fields (Bluddy)
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 9
  • doubled asteroid field chances
  • create ships screen now clears name when shown (incognoscente)
  • now will lose target lock on purpose if target goes out of range (option to keep old way though) (Steve/Cheet4h/keith.lamothe)
  • now get closest enemy to cursor method won't lock on if out of range (snow)
  • weapon control components now speed up bombs, em, freezer, mine, and virus weapons (fluffybot)
  • fixed planets and npcs screwing up strongest monster defeated stuff (Shardz)
  • added highlight text to Play button
  • added better messages when trying to change race ship components (ScrObot)
  • increased min level for long teleporter trap
  • made fighter types more unique: interceptors get a 50% attack bonus, bombers shoot missiles, raiders are 40% faster, stealth fighters get a 50% defense bonus, and drones get a 50% acceleration and turn speed bonus (goodgimp/RoboAV)
  • added context sensitive help for quest screen
  • added context sensitive help for buy/sell screen
  • fixed map help menu
  • fixed background on help screen not blocking widescreen things on the right even though the graphic covers it
  • key is now drawn on system map also
  • added context sensitive help for map screen
  • moved buy/sell menu up slightly so could see at least 1 text message (Crisses)
  • made Done button on various quest menus more consistent
  • made secondary right click slots a bit more obvious by making them smaller and more alphaed out (Crisses)
  • can now hold down right click to continue attacking (Crisses/cpmartins)
  • now tell player when his attack misses (Wanderer/Moonshine Fox)
  • stars no longer take damage (Ripperjk/Waffles)
  • black boxes show up on minimap way better now
  • added a try again button to the hardcore death screen (ScrObot)
  • added a description for critical hit and direct hit when highlighting their values on other stats page (Waffles)
  • added a quick tip about consumables and NPCs
  • system has become too dangerous now mentions race (Crisses)
  • fixed character exports (html & vbulletin)
  • added tachyon storms - speeds up missiles, speeds up ships, and destroys shields (Bluddy)
  • added radiation storms - lots of radiation damage
  • added nanomite clouds - lots of explosion damage
  • added antimatter fields - explode on contact or damage (pnakotus/Aganazer)
  • added unstable black holes - damage and slow down
  • fixed an effect problem with the Pulsar Generator
  • added nebulas - permanent part of system, lessens chances of being seen, increases defense, and has an energy drain (Magitek/Valgor)
  • monster ships are no longer capped at 200 speed
  • improved the bonuses page
  • improved the other stats/main stats/bonuses buttons
  • added selection graphic to quest menus (Mivo)
  • level 1 now gets a small boost of items (Steve)
  • added a little to Quest Givers help topic about relations screen (Steve)
  • changed save version to 131
  • now quest button glows when you have an auto quest that you haven't looked at yet (kerzain)
  • improved selected notch graphic
  • reworded the game object help topic slightly (Steve)
  • added System Map full help topic
  • added Galaxy Map full help topic
  • added Minimap full help topic
  • improved the advanced race relations full help topic
  • fixed full help topics on map screen
  • fixed Direct Hit on bonuses page (ScrObot)
  • increased legend points lost when destroying a planet, freighter, cruise ship, diplomat ship, or colony ship (Sedlex)
  • decreased legend points lost when destroying a military race ship from -1.0 to -0.25 (Sedlex)


  • fixed victimKilled not getting called correctly, causes lots of problems (ScrObot/Lollipop)
  • opening screen game can now be paused by menus again
  • fixed attacking with left click (Draciel)
  • added damage type hints to shields, armor plating, and structure highlight text on character menu (Crisses)
  • fixed scrollbar slightly on race text on create ship screen for translations (all_zebest)
  • fixed negative defense leading to block messages
  • now handle negative attack and defense values better


  • increased crew happiness drop chance from 0.01 to 0.02
  • now each ship upgrade lose some defense
  • added tactical bonus skills - damage, critical hit, and direct hit
  • added helm bonus skills - defense, thrust
  • added structural bonus skills - armor and structure regen
  • added engineering bonus skills - energy and power load
  • added computers bonus skills - attack, defense, and shields regen
  • increased resistance components bonus by 50%
  • made ship tilting smoother
  • finally fixed normal components showing up in essential components section
  • fixed drakk/cortex hybrid quest (Valgor)
  • fixed being able to swap a carbo bay with something else and getting a normal component in a cargo bay slot (Valgor)
  • can now switch crew equipment directly without warning that can't have more than one (incognoscente/aReclusiveMind)
  • improved confirm war menu
  • reworded you were spaced intro a little (Roswitha)
  • reworded war quest text a little (Roswitha)
  • changed Immobiliser to Immobilizer (Roswitha)
  • ballistics (kinetic) now get 35% damage bonus against shields and 25% damage penalty against structure
  • missiles (explosion) now get 35% damage bonus against armor and 35% damage penalty against shields
  • EM now gets 35% damage bonus against structure and 35% damage penalty against armor & shields
  • radiation now gets 35% damage bonus against structure and 35% damage penalty against armor & shields
  • beams are consistent against all defenses
  • when a planet changes hands it now clears the stored damage done so doesn't blame the wrong race or player later
  • fixed not showing quests for system when changed to a different system on the system map (Roswitha)
  • fixed not being able to start challenges (Crisses)
  • fixed scroll bar on select other race screen (ScrObot)
  • now show the number of followers you have next to the aggressive/defensive icon
  • opening screen game can no longer be paused (Roswitha)
  • now selected item in many of the ui lists shows an arrow to make it easier to know which item is selected (ScrObot)
  • rearranged buttons on trade/negotiate screen
  • moved power axis label to right side of graph (Valgor)
  • you can now block monster upgrade messages (Roswitha)
  • made monsters needed for terraform quests more common (Steve)
  • can no longer get multiple system anomaly modifiers (Steve)
  • can no longer get multiple system storm modifiers
  • fixed beams lasting longer than they were supposed to
  • can no longer repair at planets when enemies are too close
  • fixed a don't have enough credits for repair print


  • fixed some stray black pixels around the new hourglass cursor (Valgor)
  • increased the size of Drakk colony ships (Valgor)
  • added message options and drox info to game help screen
  • fixed Doomsday Wave spacing in a few places (Valgor)
  • fixed ECM Sweep Jammer typo (Valgor)
  • added basic tech name, level, and tech name for each tech on tech page (Crisses)
  • made the opening screen cool :)
  • rearranged buttons on main menu some to take advantage of widescreen modes
  • now initial ships start a little ways off of the planet
  • mimics now keep their direction and velocity when transforming
  • added a way to inject a code into text to shift character vertically or horizontally
  • fixed alignment of hardcore character score (Steve)
  • fixed + hint that race has stuff to trade when you added all of it to a trade but didn't actually trade (Steve)
  • now hide vendor menus a little more consistently when clicking to move away (Steve)
  • made research quests a bit easier (research clues spawn more often and correct monsters more common) (aReclusiveMind/Steve)
  • decreased fighter launch, weapon dropped, shield hit, and polaron beam sound volumes (Steve)
  • added Allow Basic Mouse Move option (Zengrath)
  • fixed starlanes/wormholes to first system not color coding correctly (Crisses)
  • now researched anomalies give 0.1 legend points (Crisses)
  • increased points needed for economic win by about 11%
  • now get fear points for destroying Expert and Veteran ships
  • now get some of the fear/legend points when killing a named monster and the rest when turning in the quest (Crisses)
  • can now give friendly race ships consumables (Crisses)
  • fixed DoesntMeetRequirements translation
  • fixed starlane and traps with minimum model detail (incognoscente)
  • now when subraces split off they take a good chunk of credits with them
  • increased race base starting credits by about 50% (a lot at lvl 1, insignificant at lvl 100)
  • crew's max health now goes up when they level up
  • crew now get full health when they level up
  • now crew start with the correct health (Roswitha)
  • increased crew health to the same level as components


  • comets can be seen on radar much easier now (Crisses)
  • solving quests no longer hurts/helps relations with 3rd parties that haven't met the helped race (Roswitha)
  • decoys no longer stay around forever (eidolad)
  • fixed model that Gleria Chimera uses (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Storm description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Swarm description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Tornado description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Claw description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Hyde description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Flame description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Lasher description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Ghost description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Quake description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Harbinger description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Grudge description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Obsidian description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Pulse description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Backlash description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Patchwork description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Venom description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Legion Lord description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Schistos description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Cryptospor description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Spiroc description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Acanth description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Gleria description (Valgor)
  • fixed some issues with the Limax description (Valgor)
  • fixed Repulsor Beam spelling (Valgor)
  • improved the borderless window descrition slightly (Valgor)
  • fixed somehow spelling in a couple places (Valgor)
  • added constrainMouse option (Windows only)
  • no longer count race specific slots in print out for the command stat
  • hopefully fixed a screenshot issue, alignment issue (pecet)
  • fixed ?. problem in one of the Cortex dialogs (Roswitha)
  • now show win condition journal stats (although they haven't been saving currectly)
  • fixed win condition stats
  • fixed bad translation of planet data when trading it (Valgor/Crisses)
  • added Diplomat, Brute Force, Economist, Shock and Awe, Legend, and Master achievements
  • added r_measureOverdraw (debugging purposes)
  • now get double fear points for destroying a race's home planet
  • colony and freighter ships now pick the best known tech, not just their level of tech
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 8
  • improved the hourglass cursor
  • can now check what technology each race has (only shows the highest of the main 10 types)
  • improved the lose, win, and drox menus a little
  • the less crew you have working, the faster they level up (Bluddy)
  • improved the various storm effects


  • fixed problem with trying to unlock achievements when there aren't any
  • added Genocide achievement
  • added Planet Destroyer achievement
  • changed Doomsday achievement icon
  • fixed steal technology quest making an incorrect item showing up on trade screen
  • increased cargo bay chances some more
  • fixed insurance-paid-for (Roswitha)
  • fixed imposter-controlled (Roswitha)
  • races no longer complain or praise about doing quests for races they haven't met yet (DarkTraveler)
  • fixed some effects showing up in the middle of nowhere (Roswitha)
  • added system name to incoming object announcements (Crisses)
  • red question mark on races now have a green * if they have a quest available in the player's system (Crisses)
  • kill race ships quests now get obsoleted if races end war (Crisses)
  • fixed a problem where sometimes the ! symbol would be over a planet with no completed quests (Roswitha)
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 7
  • now have an option to hide message types: attacks, resources  (defaults on), rumors, and colonizations (defaults on)
  • now have an option to make message types important: treaty changes (defaults on)
  • now have an option to hide messages about specific races
  • now have an option to always show messages about specific races
  • can now make friends always important (defaults on)
  • can now make enemies always ignored
  • fixed "ship's name" issue
  • fixed "Something strange is going on, destroy as many Xs as it takes" plural issue (Roswitha)
  • reworded Ancient Monster quest text slightly (Roswitha)
  • fixed Ancient Monster killed by race text (Roswitha)
  • changed weapon units from meters to a generic units (NefariousKoel/viper34j)
  • now show a race's technology level when you highlight their icon on the relation screens (Lyranaar)
  • trading planet data now shows system name also (Lyranaar)
  • fixed scrollbar down arrows blinking when you were at the bottom of the list
  • added borderless window option in advanced graphics options (profanicus)
  • fixed a few settings not getting initialized correctly across a graphics restart


  • achievements are now permanent, immediate, and tell you when you have achieved them
  • effects are simulated better at lower frame rates
  • no longer create/free particle models each time (a bit faster and should fragment memory less)
  • no longer change color, texture coord, or vertex array setting if hasn't changed
  • ai has less of a chance to wake up other ai now
  • now each race has a max number of civilian ships they can have out at one time
  • non-leader ai ships no longer activate other ai
  • ai destroyed by ai away from the player no longer drop loot
  • once a race's total number of military ships gets above a certain size, each fleet has to be a little smaller
  • now cull out more effects when too far from players
  • first level can now be purged of entities
  • fixed a convuleted crash involving Backlash Missile Hacking and Patchwork Burn Thrower
  • now when run out of entities, try to purge some entities right away, but are careful to not purge the same level
  • fixed a few cases where we could get duplicate monsters
  • now only calculate race's power once a second (instead of every frame)
  • now cache numMilitaryShips value
  • check for lost ship and planets less
  • no longer try to add set status effects (not used and speed improvement when ignoring)
  • now ai far away from a player check active status less often
  • on actors, only update skills when the actor is awake
  • turned stamina stuff off (wasn't being used, but was slowing things down slightly)
  • removed an unnecessary check in updateTimers
  • turned off recently hurt stuff (wasn't being used, but was slowing things down slightly)
  • fixed a couple problems with ship build time estimate (Roswitha/Crisses)
  • improved the look of the some of the menus a little
  • can no longer install more than one of the same kind of passive weapon component
  • rewrote some of the UniqueRaidPlan quest texts (Roswitha)
  • rewrote giant spiders quest text (Roswitha)
  • fixed punctuation in Shadow enemy attacking planet dialog (Roswitha)
  • fixed missing TalkToMonster translation (Roswitha)
  • guard planet announce text now tells you system (Crisses)
  • colonize quests will now fail if declined once accepted (kizune)
  • long teleporter traps are no longer allowed on random objects (DarkTraveler)
  • decreased unstable wormhole chance on anomalies (DarkTraveler)
  • now show a green + on main relation and diplomacy screens if a race has something they want to buy from you (Crisses)
  • fixed plural issue with 0 (Roswitha)
  • fixed have broken free typo (Roswitha)
  • reworded Colonize quest text some (Roswitha)
  • planets, rifts, and stars now slow down projectiles (longshot)
  • now show race bonus text if you highlight race icon on either character screen (ShaggyMoose/graffen69)
  • changed Patchwork's fire type attack to thermal damage


  • fixed a spacing problem in one of the Lithosoid race dialogs (Steve)
  • fixed escape not working on Drox screen (ScrObot)
  • added 5 more anomaly variations
  • fixed missing QuestAnnounceNeededItemUltimateWeapons translation (dtolman)
  • fixed super swarm thanks text (Roswitha)
  • fixed drug wave thanks test (Roswitha)
  • fixed containment field breach spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed Armageddon monster spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed WarCriminal translation (and other renegade types) (Roswitha)
  • fixed wishes to steal our collection typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed a problem where trying to install a 5th cargo bay sometimes the empty cargo bay disappears (alstein/Shrugging Khan)
  • Fringe's chaos is now a little more neutral
  • aggressive races are now more aggressive towards the weak or their desired war and less agressive towards everyone else
  • expansionist races now focus on scouting more and get some initial population boosts
  • fixed insidious spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed missing plasma storm translations (ScrObot)
  • fixed a wording problem in destruction help topic (graffen69)
  • fixed a problem where sometimes a rescue ship's position doesn't match quest location (Grifman/Roswitha)
  • fixed at least one of the ways ships go back and forth through wormholes (Roswitha)
  • added missing Rotate translation (all_zebest)
  • now jump gates that are traded for are shared with other players (Schappelijk)
  • fixed Dryad faction with some monsters and some neutral npcs like wandering vendors (Steve)
  • increased Industrial racial trait minerals bonus from 1.5 to 2.0
  • increased Productive racial trait minerals/food bonus from 1.35 to 1.5
  • fixed a race starting position issue (may or may not spread them out more)
  • increased Brilliant racial trait tech bonus from 1.5 to 2.0
  • increased chances Shadow do espionage, propaganda, and sabotage (Sendrien)
  • scrollbar no longer lets you scroll past last line (roy7/ScrObot)
  • fixed QuestOptionalShort (Lyranaar)
  • can now right click on starlane and wormholes on system map to jump to the next map (Waffles)


  • improved temporal flux effect
  • rearranged journal a little to give more room
  • added 5 new anomaly effects
  • gave Drox Operatives screen a hotkey, defaults to O
  • fixed "systems have been corrupted" quest text (Roswitha)
  • fixed monster base of operations quest text (Roswitha)
  • fixed a couple typos in Semi-Hardcore description (Excellion)
  • can no longer repair, identify, buy, or sell from vendors that you can attack (PrimeIntellect)
  • planets around orange stars now have a better chance of being terran
  • planets around yellow stars now have a better chance of being paradise
  • planets around red stars now have a better chance of being dead
  • planets around white stars now have a better chance of being toxic
  • planets around cyan stars now have a better chance of being barren
  • planets around blue stars now have a better chance of being inferno
  • planets around yellow stars now have a better chance of being fertile
  • planets around cyan and blue stars now have a better chance of being mineral rich
  • planets around white stars now have a better chance of being credits rich
  • planets around red stars now have a better chance of being tech rich
  • orange and blur stars now have more planets than average
  • added yellow, purple, red, green, and blue anomaly level modifiers
  • increased the spawn rate of most cargo bays
  • improved rebel clone quest some (Roswitha)
  • removed an unneeded world from monster group quest text (Roswitha)
  • fixed missing legend reward on monster group quest (Crisses/Roswitha)
  • halved cloak bonuses
  • added race and system to rescue announce text (Crisses)
  • changed it so the more structure you have compared to your component max durabilities the more the structure takes damage as opposed to your components (% is shown on character screen structure highlight)
  • added new structure stuff to damage help topic
  • now relations are capped with races depending on your treaty level with them
  • cargo bays will now show better than texture (+) if better than any of your current cargo bays (Crisses)
  • thrust boost consumables now increased defense as well (Chumpy)
  • incoming objects quests now give 0.5 legend (Crisses)
  • plague quests now give 0.25 legend (Crisses)
  • changed planet map textures so that they would draw round on the minimap and system maps


  • now get a print like xp when picking up credits (Crisses)
  • monsters now do less damage to race ships/planets (also gives more control to balancing)
  • decreased Trypanos InvisibleDistance from 200.0 to 125.0 (RoboAV)
  • fixed MagneticFieldShifting thanks text
  • fixed a bunch of quests that were using the wrong parm in the thanks text
  • fixed Plasma Storms not doing damage correctly
  • increased Ion Storm and Plasma Storm damage by 50%
  • made outlines brighter again
  • made text on context sensitive help screens easier to read by adding a background behind text (Steve)
  • fixed beams not lessening damage across distance correctly
  • now destroyed, stable asteroids has a chance of dropping a component
  • updated won game help topic to include new win conditions
  • added new win/lose condition stuff to game objective help topic
  • fixed critical hit calculation not working correctly in some cases (Shadowy Figure/Moonshine Fox)
  • SpottedByEnemy now gets translated
  • fixed cloaking not adding damage bonus correctly (Shadowy Figure/Moonshine Fox)
  • fixed economic, fear, and legend points some times being screwy on client (Crisses)
  • fixed 2 high level challenges not loading correctly (RoboAV)
  • added minimenu to relations trade help screen
  • doubled spawn chance of higher level cargo bays
  • changed default sector size to tiny
  • random number of races will no longer pick the minimum
  • added more to the inventory context sensitive page
  • made ballistics weapons another 25% efficient compared to beam weapons but they now take a little durability damage per shot (ammo) (goodgimp)
  • now color code crew happiness values better
  • now put a green * in front of player's names that are in the same system as you (Crisses)
  • fixed missing PlayersListDesc translation
  • fixed some text in Super Rats quest (Roswitha)
  • planet value is no longer classified at any treaty level
  • changed planet value calculations to focus on minerals, money, and tech production
  • added ion and plasma storm system modifiers
  • you are now shown how many planets a race has when you highlight their icon or portrait on most race screens
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 6
  • now fit component text and currently equipped text on screen at same time a little better (Steve)
  • fixed X on component icons not always being correctly drawn when component was on vendor (Steve)
  • added a Drox Operatives screen (button between Win and Lose buttons)
  • added buttons so it's easy to get between Drox, Win, and Lose screens
  • moved Drox bonus info to Drox screen
  • decreased beam degradation over distance from 0.25 to 0.4


  • Small Tides now do as much damage as the big versions instead of half
  • made Claws about 20% faster
  • increased Hyde's health by 33%
  • increased Flame's eating bonuses by 50%
  • halved Lasher's firing time
  • increased Guardian's alert range 33%
  • Harbingers now spawn fighters twice as fast
  • increased Grudge missile dot damage by about 33%
  • Obsidian's triangulation buffs now increase their critical hits also
  • doubled Pulse's Stored Energy damage boost
  • increased Venom's virus debuffs by 25%
  • doubled Legion Lord's overclock boost
  • increased Schistos approach speed by about 15%
  • increased Cryptospor defense by 33%
  • doubled Spiroc turn boost
  • increased Baylisa missile defense chances by 50%
  • increased Gleria's damage by 50%, health by 100%, and xp by 200%
  • made Trypanos freeze beam more dangerous
  • increased Helic shields and armor by 50%
  • fixed Limax damage types
  • Limax beam weapons are now full strength no matter distance
  • fixed postponed quests being selectable (Crisses)
  • fixed comet jumping (fluffybot/ShaggyMoose/Steve)
  • improved the look of the arrows and circles on help screens
  • fixed tip to help topic not working on mac
  • changed help page coloring
  • increased how often Spirocs teleport
  • Spirocs now teleport a little farther which breaks incoming projectile locks (RoboAV)
  • increased health of some of the monster rarities
  • increased damage for all of the monster rarities
  • decreased attack/defense for all of the monster rarities
  • made legend ships bigger
  • improved many of the monster enhancements
  • now monsters with higher xp mult also have increased magic find
  • now show low health help topic when below 75% structure instead of 50% (Crisses)
  • added trade screen context sensitive help screen


  • added empty slot graphics to Buy/Sell menu
  • added a help system where you can see/read all of the full help topics
  • added help system button on help topic menu
  • shorten help topic system help topic a lot
  • renamed the topics that pop up to quick help topics
  • renamed the topics on the main help page to full help topics
  • moved Dynamic Galaxy from quick to full help topic
  • combined Moving, Attacking, and Targeting into one quick help topic (incognoscente)
  • moved Component Rarity to full help topic
  • moved Find Combat Percents to full help topic
  • moved Left/Right Click to full help topic
  • reworded race relations help topic (Roswitha)
  • added quick tips full help topic
  • changed Drox Operatives Command to Drox High Command in Level Up help topic
  • added better spacing to Dynamic Galaxy help topic
  • reworded and added better spacing to level up help topic
  • reworded and added better spacing to damage help topic
  • reworded and added better spacing to desctruction help topic
  • now postpone ship speed help topic until after permanent ship speed drops below 140
  • renamed and reworded components in space help topic (was Alt)
  • color coded put X components here messages
  • reworded slot types help topic and added color coding
  • added better spacing to Inventory help topic
  • made donation stuff easier to highlight
  • improved diplomacy request highlight text some
  • fixed Vendors help topic not showing up correctly
  • simplified Vendors help topic
  • added an advanced vendors topic
  • split cargo bays help topic into quick and full
  • fixed Quest Gives help topic not showing up correctly
  • simplified stash help topics some
  • created an advanced quest givers help topic
  • updated tip 1
  • chat buttons now tell you hotkey
  • added context sensitive help page for main game screen
  • improved movement full help topic
  • improved attacking full help topic
  • improved inventory screen full help topic
  • improved ship speed full help topic
  • added power load full help topic
  • improved cargo bays full help topic
  • added a starlanes & wormholes full help topic
  • fixed a crash that sometimes happens when guard planet fails
  • changed item to component in a few places
  • redid some of the cargo bay icons to be more consistent
  • added advanced jump gate full help topic
  • added context sensitive help page to diplomacy screen
  • added context sensitive help page to relations screen
  • added a Getting Around Basics full help topic
  • added a way to jump straight from quick help to full help topic
  • added Finding Components full help topic
  • added Hotkey Slots full help topic
  • no longer show reset help topics button unless in developer mode
  • added context sensitive help page for character screen
  • added context sensitive help page for 2nd character screen
  • now open bags and then buy-sell menu (order is important in a couple cases)
  • changed a couple who to whom (Roswitha)
  • fixed getting race name twice when highlighting their race symbol on some of the race screens
  • now find a free slot before accepting quest (pecet)
  • fixed inconsistent line wrapping on attribute highlight texts
  • localized level and Ship name on select ship menu (all_zebest)
  • fixed thanks text for system attack quests (Roswitha)
  • fixed a Deliver Weapons to rebels typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed some issues with "Enemy achieved its objective" text (Roswitha)
  • fixed "don't appreciate your interactions" typo (Roswitha)


  • fixed another eliminated races ships/planets staying issue
  • fixed spacing on select ship screen
  • added aggressive/defensive pet control option (jonasan)
  • now show shields and energy regen to 2 decimal places
  • fixed completely unprotected typo (Roswitha)
  • unrest type of quests no longer escalate when the planet is destroyed
  • now get legend points for Expert and Veteran monster kills (Roswitha/incognoscente)
  • increased crew pay and happiness increase by 50% (PrimeIntellect)
  • fixed telling player a component was needed for a quest for a race not known yet
  • no longer show don't meet requirements on components that can't be used or equipped
  • reworded Machinist quest a little (Roswitha)
  • fixed legend reward on meeting quest (Roswitha)
  • doubled legend win xp bonus (Worthstream)
  • monsters now get thermal resistance
  • fixed list of broken items having an extra line
  • races that start in harder systems no longer get a level bonus
  • put race ships' armor back to normal (was just causing issues)
  • race ships now have 25% less attack and defense
  • wandering vendors should now have shields and use recharge stations
  • now color lose button red if in a losing state
  • now color win button green if won sector
  • now print win type to log
  • now print loss type to log
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 5
  • added bonus Drox High Command mission to keep a specific race alive
  • added bonus Drox High Command mission to destroy a specific race
  • now kill off quests on a conquered planet (Bluddy)
  • added a ship build time estimate to give players better information for protect planet quests
  • added a disruption icon
  • fixed a problem where some quests can't tell if they have been completed or not when loading
  • components in race specific slots now only use 50% power load (jonasan)
  • races no longer offer money to player for them to stop a war (Bluddy)
  • now specify where to pick up colony modules in quest text (Roswitha)
  • thrust boost components now get a defense boost like other thrust components (Chumpy)
  • race specified by Drox High Command to destroy now gets a bonus
  • races now try a little harder to keep out of multiple wars
  • now race ships use the correct crew (Chumpy/sbach2o)
  • can no longer look at npc equipment when too close to enemies (BQwoobie/RoboAV)
  • increased structure from structure components by 33%


  • fixed "Add flavor to the pot" text
  • added corruption thats slows down leading races some (the higher they are compared to the average power, the more corruption)
  • now race power bar is relative to strongest known race
  • fixed some race specific quests not staying race specific (incognoscente)
  • increased EconomicPointsNeededForWin from 3750.0 to 4500.0
  • now just about every quest has a direct impact to the quest giver's local economy
  • now when races have too much money they will start spending the excess on technology research
  • unrest, riots, rebellions, and civil wars now have a chance to escalate each other if more than one within same race
  • increased chances of ancient monster quests
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 4
  • added a few quests/events that can only happen to the most powerful race
  • added a few quests/events that can't happen to the most powerful race
  • races should turn on the leading race more often
  • weaker races should ban together more often now
  • fixed getting BaseLevelModifier sometimes
  • fixed world/level modifiers not working on ambient objects
  • decreased the level requirments for a few level modifiers
  • made some of the level modifiers a little more distinct
  • now if propaganda can't start unrest it will try to escalate current unrest
  • removed level requirement for rebellions and civil war
  • fixed a problem where sometimes would lose planet status effects from bad quests being deleted
  • fixed another issue with dimensional pocket levels (ShaggyMoose)
  • now only send discovered planet message to player that scanned the planet
  • race ships now have less armor plating and structure
  • tripled Patchwork monster's xp (jerebaldo1)
  • added a lose screen
  • you can now lose a sector if you cost the Drox Guild too much money (dying loses them money, but solved quests makes them money)
  • now show armor and structure regen to 2 decimal places (Crisses)
  • fixed PowerGridFailure thanks text (Roswitha)


  • added steal tech war quest
  • added s_maxChannels user var
  • sped up sector loading (in my test sector with maxed out high level entities about 15% faster)
  • no longer spawn combat effects if too far away from the nearest player
  • fixed some highlight issues on relations screen (ScrObot)
  • fixed crew level up happiness print (aReclusiveMind)
  • game handles loading while in a escape pod better (Valgor)
  • can no longer escape in an escape pod that is installing (Chumpy)
  • added race statement icon (alstein)
  • fixed some problems with auto user slot stuff (Roswitha)
  • improved the laser cannon sound
  • fixed a couple ways that a race could be eliminated but still alive (Philexan/Luringen/jonasan/Cheet4h)
  • fixed some planet finds not getting printed correctly (ScrObot)
  • now if you interrupt a component install the install sound will stop correctly (Valgor)
  • no longer show "EMPTY - put any kind of component here" on npc slots (ScrObot)
  • now mention hidden npc components are classified (ScrObot)
  • no longer color code level names with unknown races
  • no longer show yellow * for quests in a level for an unknown race
  • now tell you on minimap, if highlighted, that some objects are farther away than they appear
  • installing or broken weapons are no longer included in DPS calculation
  • self destruct components are no longer included in DPS calculation (Chumpy)
  • now when low on crew attributes or level on components mentions your current level (Crisses)
  • improved a few more menus
  • changed don't meet requirements from a red overlay to a red X in lower left of component icon (ScrObot)
  • doubled resistance on resistance components
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 3
  • can now have per level modifiers (18 of them so far) (Chumpy)
  • now shields regen rate scales with shields level better (Nori)
  • fixed "Greeting and salutations" (incognoscente)
  • fixed mutant modifier text (incognoscente)
  • fixed "pleased to see" (incognoscente)
  • fixed "Its only symptom" (incognoscente)
  • fixed some Colony Collapse Disorder text (incognoscente)
  • fixed infrastructure spelling (incognoscente)
  • fixed Insane Renegade text (incognoscente)
  • fixed "enhancing our people" wording (incognoscente)
  • fixed "The situation is out of" wording (incognoscente)
  • fixed "or some nonsense like" wording (incognoscente)
  • fixed sunlight spelling in a bunch of places (incognoscente)
  • fixed "Can't pick up cargo bays with components in them" wording (incognoscente)
  • fixed some Telepath quest wording (incognoscente)
  • fixed some Riot quest wording (incognoscente)
  • fixed hungry and angry spelling in CropFailure quest (incognoscente)
  • fixed a SuperWheat comma issue (incognoscente)
  • shorten some of the GeneticEngineering quest announce text (incognoscente)
  • fixed chest gift level (incognoscente)
  • player positions should act like waypoints on the minimap now (Crisses)
  • decreased population growth a little
  • doubled unrest event chance
  • fixed different win rewards on challenge sectors (Worthstream)
  • added back to game button on beta screen (Crisses)
  • Storm attacks can now miss (cpmartins)


  • fixed a text problem with 2 of the clone quests (Shardz)
  • now races get their freighter back when the player rescues it
  • you can now pull out certain wins while the lose timer is ticking down (Lekon)
  • crew now get a happiness increase when they level up
  • hooked up last 5 race statement text
  • escape will now close console
  • now get xp debt and black boxes when killed by a race ship (fluffybot)
  • changed "Your Character" to "Your Ship" (void)
  • fixed CharacterExportedToHTML & CharacterExportedToVbulletin translations
  • fixed escape pod text in character export (Shardz)
  • translated win button text (all_zebest)
  • fixed fares spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed some issues with the destroy the mutinous ship quest text (Roswitha)
  • now only announce a new race statement if there is no old one for that race (Roswitha)
  • can no longer get race statements from eliminated races (ShaggyMoose)
  • races are now smarter about how often they send statements
  • races will no longer send you statements if they haven't met you yet (Roswitha)
  • fixed an issue with peace talks quest (Roswitha)
  • added a protect planet quest (MOOMANiBE)
  • added a steal tech quest
  • made all Missile Defense components specify "Can only fire at missiles" (LostSoul)
  • increased anti-missile missiles speed from 275.0 to 325.0
  • increased anti-missile missiles turn speed from 300.0 to 600.0
  • fixed EM Shockwave (RoboAV)
  • added an Offensive Dampening Field component description (RoboAV)
  • made event text background a little more transparent (ScrObot)
  • fixed DiscoveredQuestLate translation (ScrObot)
  • fixed highlight area on held components and sell/repurchase (ScrObot)
  • races will no longer complain if you kill your own fighters (Crisses)
  • races will no longer ask for help to protect their planet when at war with the Drox (aReclusiveMind)
  • resistance tips now tell you which weapons cause that kind of damage (RoboAV)
  • fixed a bunch of issues with self destruct components (Chumpy)


  • added a kill race ships quest (Chumpy)
  • added a distract race quest
  • added destroy planet quest (MOOMANiBE/Chumpy)
  • added race statement system
  • added peace talks quest
  • toned down a few item colors
  • now show list of quests available when you highlight system name on main game menu or map (Chumpy)
  • now show list of quests available when you highlight star on galaxy or jump gate map (LostSoul)
  • now yellow * shows quests in a level that you don't have (Scotty)
  • fixed the bounding box on win button (ScrObot)
  • fixed ship option word placement (ScrObot)
  • now starlanes and wormholes color code and add key to system name
  • weaker races now give better money and relation rewards for quests (up to 4X)
  • now show who can sell you a jump gate activation when highlighting a star in galaxy map
  • weaker races now have a better chance to target the leading race
  • races now more likely to send diplomats to other races that share the same desired war
  • races now more likely to give gifts to other races that share the same desired war
  • increased economic points needed for win by 50%
  • increased fear points needed for win by 20%
  • many quests will now transfer to a new planet if the original planet is destroyed (Virosa)
  • now relation drops with race if you destroy a ship or planet of theirs (jonasan)
  • now clear waypoints on a new sector correctly (ShaggyMoose)
  • now waypoint max is per system instead of per sector (gornova)
  • minimap always directs you towards jump gates, starlanes, and wormholes (they draw like waypoints) (gornova)
  • increased medium and large population losses
  • now cap how many characters you can type in on confirm delete character screen (ScrObot)
  • centered text a little better on confirm delete character screen (ScrObot)
  • escape key now gets rid of confirm delete character screen
  • reworded military win reward text a little (ScrObot)
  • fixed a translation problem in Gleria shipyard text (ShaggyMoose)
  • fixed thanks and killed text for GiantPod quest (ScrObot)
  • changed party member to fleet member (ShaggyMoose)
  • changed skill damage to weapon damage (ShaggyMoose)
  • added description to Tuned Radiation Neutralizer (Valgor)
  • money gain events are now weighted towards weaker races
  • money loss events are now weighted towards stronger races
  • decreased NewEventMaxTime from 195.0 to 180.0
  • turned on non-startup, random quests
  • races no longer try to get into a war in the first 15 minutes of a new sector (Jab)
  • added MinModelDetail to allow individual models to force a minimum of tris
  • fixed stars losing too much detail with model detail slider (incognoscente)
  • decreased chance of races solving needed goods quests if player has quest
  • now won't start more than one declare war sound at once (Steve)
  • now won't start more than message alert sound at once (Cheet4h)
  • Leishma Stunners now just kill your movement (ShaggyMoose/robmack)
  • colony modules can no longer go into race specific slots (Von Paulus)
  • hooked up dialog for new race statement stuff for 5 races


  • switched back to old font
  • made small reward chests a little better (half of medium reward chest)
  • fear win now gets a small tribute reward chest from each remaining race
  • legend win now gets an xp bonus
  • economic win now gives you half of guilds credits take as an additional reward
  • military win now gives you a extra rare+ race specific component from the last remaining race
  • added "Meet any of the win conditions below to win the sector!" to win screen (Steve)
  • increased number of components in reward chest by 50%
  • fixed an infinite loop when starting a new character after winning or losing a sector
  • now only bind texture if it has changed (in quick test speeds up by ~5%)
  • changed button on planet status screen from cancel to done
  • improved the look of the main game menu
  • made advanced options a little easier to read on set up secter screen
  • fixed some quests showing up as completed when they weren't
  • fixed asking someone to make peace with another race never working (Lyranaar/Steve)
  • made it so damage right after two races declare peace doesn't put them right back into a war
  • added war quests (just like random quests but only start while in war)
  • added scout enemy planet quest
  • added worth to planet status screen
  • fixed scenario spelling (justanotherjoe)
  • fixed a few issues with rumors at planet (Cheet4h)
  • fixed Dimensional Pocket levels (cpmartins)
  • decreased points needed for economic, fear, and legend wins (Xemu/Roswitha)
  • doubled the minimap range
  • increased how far you can see planets (not full level, but many times what it was before)
  • increased fog elimination radius another 20%
  • decreased thruster volume and capped max number played at once (Magitek)
  • moved win conditions screen to main game menu instead of off of relations screen
  • increased energy/energy regen per engineering point by 50%
  • race ships no longer get attack/defense from base monster and computers
  • slowed down quest escalation a little bit


  • toned down a few flashing light effects on ships
  • winning conditions are now an or instead of an and
  • changed current win condition to military win (1 medium reward chest)
  • added diplomatic win condition back in (1 small reward chest per race alive)
  • races will no longer desire war with a fellow Drox ally (doesn't mean they won't go to war, just that they won't desire it)
  • added economic win condition (win if make Drox Guild enough money from sector, 1 medium reward chest)
  • quest credits reward, selling tech, selling race contacts, and selling planet info increases economic points
  • dying decreases economic points
  • added fear win condition (fear is useful to the Drox High Command, 1 medium reward chest)
  • many quests, destryoing race ships/planets, doomsday weapon use, genocide increase fear points
  • dying and some quests like rescue decrease fear points
  • added Legend win condition (Legends are also useful to the Drox High Command, 1 medium reward chest)
  • many quests increase Legend points
  • many quests, destryoing race ships/planets, doomsday weapon use, genocide decrease Legend points
  • discovering planets, secret dimensional pockets, systems, jump gates, races, and tech increases Legend points
  • fixed an issue with race saying they have a completed quest when they don't
  • improved some of the fonts
  • improved some ship damaged effects
  • improved menu layout/looks some more
  • fixed an issue with race saying they have an available quest when they don't
  • destroyed planets should now drop loot at the correct level (jonasan)
  • added win condition specific stats (not shown yet)
  • no longer get money or relation rewards for crew quests (also means you can safely do them for enemies)
  • fixed your first ship typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed rumors from planet screen not always showing correct victim races (ShaggyMoose)
  • fixed being able to highlight a few more things on win screen (ScrObot)
  • fixed QuestFailPlayerKilled translation (Roswitha)
  • fixed a "Keep an eye on the sneaky shadow" typo (graffen69)
  • translated Legend on power comparison screen (all_zebest)
  • ships needing rescued should no longer move (Valgor)
  • increased PowerRegenFromUnusedPowerLoad from 0.005 to 0.01 


  • added a relation summary screen so you can see why a race likes or dislikes you
  • if only 2 races left alive, the other race is the desired war regardless of power
  • races will no longer send gifts or diplomats to desired war race (Heffro)
  • added basic type to component text
  • increased BaseMaxPowerLoad from 60 to 75 to help with new race specific slots
  • races that don't need food should no longer value good food planets better
  • now you can query the planet status to see the storage and production rates of a planet (some things are classified until higher treaties though)
  • no longer show race components until have non-aggression pact
  • no longer show race weapons until have mutual protection pact
  • races will no longer try to colonize a planet a player already has the quest for from them and they aren't already on the way
  • turned intro off
  • planets and race can no longer give shell quests (Shadowy Figure)
  • crew of your race now gets happy faster and unhappy slower
  • view/cancel treaties menu done/close options now go back to diplomacy menu instead of all of the way back to relations menu
  • fixed and improved ingame icon when ingame menu is up
  • shortened win progress stuff a little (Valgor)
  • added a Race Relations help topic for the first time you meet a race ship or planet
  • changed "Don't show any more help" to "Hide help topics"
  • de-emphasized the turn off help option
  • doomsday component text is now gold to make it stand out a bit more
  • changed power rankings highlight text to mention only known races
  • changed the thruster cursor highlight text to match what it actually does
  • now ui_thrusterCursor defaults to off
  • changed quest menu button
  • fixed jump sounds happening at unused jump gates (Steve)
  • fixed race icon highlight showing race name twice on some screens
  • now get experience for discovering planets (DeathKnight1728/Tori)
  • wandering vendors now stop moving when a player targets them (Taolaen/ShaggyMoose)
  • destroying a race ship is now worth 5 times more xp (jonasan/alstein)
  • destroying a race planet is now worth 10 times more xp (jonasan/alstein)
  • fixed minerals and money rate not going up with level correctly
  • now tech rate increases per race level
  • fixed not getting relation boosts for destroying enemy race ships or planets (jonasan)
  • doubled relation boost for destroying enemy planets
  • increased bombs radius from 75.0 to 115.0 (fluffybot)
  • fixed discreet spelling in a few quests (Roswitha)
  • now show bonus race slots on create ship screen (fotan)
  • fixed some races killing wandering vendors on sight (Steve/Philexan)
  • killing of race ships can no longer count towards make this section safer and similar quests (Philexan)
  • changed "Recent purchases" to "Sell or repurchase"
  • fixed win menu to not let you interact with anything but the win menu
  • made stuff on special thanks on credits screen a little easier to highlight (ScrObot)
  • now guarded planets take half damage
  • now unguarded planets take double damage
  • targeting a missile now shows correct text (ShaggyMoose)
  • added radar component modifier
  • added effect to hacked missiles
  • now get loot when destroying race ships and planets (Nori)
  • fixed a problem with the sector win reward chest level (jonasan)
  • made productive race trait stronger (mostly affects the Hive) (Sendrien)
  • rewrote UI screen help topic some (kerzain)
  • fixed trade request screen so highlighting on trades works correctly (ScrObot)
  • fixed getting 0/0 when highlighting parts of the power rankings
  • added some highlight text for race quest available and solved


  • race ships now patrol around near their planets (cthonic/robmack)
  • fixed not being able to highlight xp, power load, and selected enemy health bars (ScrObot)
  • mentioned free component at level up in help topic and manual (ScrObot)
  • fixed race specific slot highlight text (ScrObot)
  • command highlight text now correctly takes into account race specific slots (ScrObot)
  • stat bars can no longer go beyond their specified bounds
  • fixed overloaded power load highlight text spacing
  • can now see what components are installed on friendly npc ships
  • changed the background color of UI Outline widgets slightly
  • added a win progress screen (button to it on the relations screen)
  • changed protocol version to 2
  • fixed ExtraDamagePerRage translation (fluffybot)
  • fixed a Dryad typo (Valgor)
  • fixed a affected spelling issue (Roswitha)
  • doubled planet bonuses/penalties for races
  • fixed ships losing race when planet was destroyed (Roswitha)
  • fixed Berserker/Fury/BruteForce/WeaponOverload bonuses (fluffybot)
  • changed space to spacebar in many places (Steve)
  • fixed overlord quest text (Valgor)
  • changed RelationChangeMaxNegativeRumor from -3.5 to -5.0 to make negative rumors a little more effective (jamuelscones)
  • Gravity Well Generators now have an energy cost and a reuse time (Shadowy Figure)
  • tesla leeches effect now goes up per level (Shadowy Figure)
  • decreased EnergyLeech power on hit from 1.0 to 0.5 per level
  • added a max count to decoys (Shadowy Figure)
  • increased TechWorthMult from 8.0 to 12.0 (aReclusiveMind)
  • can now put specialized crew in race specific crew slot (robmack)
  • now races update their knowledge when planets of known races are destroyed (jonasan)
  • now if can't spawn a race specific item on level up will try a normal item (fluffybot)
  • fixed minimap when emissive maps are turned off (incognoscente)
  • fixed bombs explosion radius (aReclusiveMind/Shadowy Figure)
  • increased fighter health by 50% (aReclusiveMind)
  • increased fighter damage by 50% (aReclusiveMind)
  • moved ingame menu icon to farthest right position (Roswitha)
  • planets are more likely to carry components that their race specializes in now (Jinsai/Chumpy/Valgor/LostSoul)
  • reworked a lot of the menus to look better
  • enemies that are invisible no longer get in the way of rescues (ShaggyMoose)


  • races now have up to 3 race specific slots (1 crew and either 1 heavy or 1 medium/1 light)
  • player initial loadout is now race specific
  • starting components now start with full durability/health
  • added support for race specific components (right now only used for race specific component slots that don't have components available at level 1)
  • every level up now get a free component from the Drox Operative Command (one of your race specific slots)
  • fixed heavy fighter bays icon (fluffybot)
  • fixed lightning field status effect icon (fluffybot)
  • fixed LeachesXPowerPerHit translation (fluffybot)
  • improved brute force text (fluffybot)
  • fixed an occasional crash when creating level 100 sectors (Shadowy Figure)
  • made it so trying to load .tga doesn't result in a critical error (Shadowy Figure)
  • fixed a couple shield icons
  • fixed the command points needed for heavy titan ship (Shadowy Figure)
  • rearranged create ship screen to fit everything better (Castruccio)
  • improved the look of the health bars on the selected entity menu
  • improved the look of the power bar on the equipment menu
  • fixed power load text spacing
  • decreased crew requirements on major components from 2.0 to 1.5 per level
  • decreased crew requirements on minor components from 1.5 to 1.125 per level
  • use slot outlines no longer flash when you pick up a component
  • now show treaties when highlighting a race icon
  • now show which cargo bays are open (RoboAV)
  • improved create ship screen look a little
  • fixed background texture of turn off help menu (Valgor)
  • increased ReuseTime of Emergency Energy from 10.0 to 60.0 (twice as long as status effect)
  • now deselect jump gate when shutting the jump gate screen (gornova)
  • fixed the lose time description (ScrObot)
  • now can highlight Drox icon on relation screen to see all races relation towards Drox (Steve) 


  • fixed HybridCortexRebels quest text (Bomphav)
  • closed some loopholes in trading (spacehog)
  • fixed a couple issues that were preventing the races from scrapping ships they no longer need or want (Cheet4h)
  • doubled desired war relation drop (races know they need to eliminate the competition)
  • changed win condition to ally with sole remaining race
  • added another lose condition - only one race and not allies
  • updated help text and manual for new win/lose condition
  • changed engine to drive in many places to be more consistent (Steve)
  • component rarity is shown on icons again (colored and numbered dots)
  • now hide bar icons when full player menu is hidden (spacehog)
  • now player gets bonuses per crew point depending on their race (50%, 30%, or 20% boost if only race stat, primary race stat, or secondary race stat)
  • increased HealthPerVit from 3.5 to 4.0
  • added new bonuses to create ship screen
  • changed ComputerActiveBoost from engineering to computers
  • toned down ui element outline color a bit (eRe4s3r)
  • toned down player health/energy bar colors (eRe4s3r)
  • changed the player health/energy bar look (eRe4s3r)
  • reworded energy when hit text (Ripperjk)
  • added text for energy per kill (ScrObot/fluffybot)
  • fixed quest slots 7-10 staying highlighted if something on the player changed and the active quest changed to the first one (ScrObot)
  • fixed AbsorbsUpToXDamage not being translated (ScrObot)
  • changed a monster item from memory to memory chip (ScrObot)
  • repair all now repairs structure also (Wanderer)
  • fixed mutate typo in super rats quest (Valgor)
  • added note that virus effect can stack 3 times (aReclusiveMind)
  • made "what would make this possible" more reliable when you are low on funds (aReclusiveMind)
  • added visit patch page to beta screen
  • increased the spawn chance of the first 4 cargo bays
  • reworded pirate quest text slightly (Roswitha)
  • fixed quests thinking sometimes when they weren't supposed to
  • races now give a discount on jump gates to a system where the player has a quest from that race in that system (Valgor)
  • added a description to missile defense components (Waffles/LostSoul)
  • fixed a potential infinite loop in projectile type of skills
  • made targeting with missile defense automatic
  • improved missile defense no enemy error
  • added text about what energy leech components do (fluffybot)
  • fixed harvester components (fluffybot)
  • fixed energy leech components (fluffybot)
  • changed crushing blow to direct hit (Waffles)
  • race selection for things like declare war on no longer show races you or the other race haven't met yet (ScrObot)
  • halved missile health (Virosa)
  • increased MaxDistanceThreateningMonster from 350.0 to 450.0 (longshot)


  • fixed input focus on confirm delete ship menu
  • fixed delete offset on confirm delete ship menu (ScrObot/Film)
  • now hide tech version on icons except on consumables
  • changed component slot colors from green, orange, and blue to green, yellow, and orange (more sense, going to bug players for a bit)
  • changed slot indicators to always have 2 corners covered instead of different amount depending on slot type
  • no longer show base name of elite components in the text (just duplicate info)
  • added a blank line to radar tooltip to be consistent
  • added dps tooltip hint
  • fixed player fighters sometimes not attacking other enemy races (Shadowy Figure/xemu)
  • fixed problem where races were colonizing gas planets with new more established sectors options (Tchey/aReclusiveMind)
  • now start new ships with a mine weapon
  • now component outlines stay when you pick up a component (Steve)
  • now correct slot outlines blink when you pick up a component
  • improved better component indicator to also compare main stats for that type of component
  • changed teleport to jump on jump gate tooltips
  • now show when max speed is being decreased by something temporarily and show usual value also (ScrObot)
  • now when highlighting known star systems that you don't have a jump gate for it will tell you what known races have it for sale
  • made player model guaranteed across network (Lyranaar)
  • made race name guaranteed across network (Lyranaar)
  • fixed crash when clicking on certain rebel freighters (Bomphav)
  • missile defense now uses only 25% of ballistics energy usage (LostSoul)
  • missile defense now uses only 25% of old power load amount (LostSoul)
  • fixed tesla coils not highlighting correct stat
  • can now pay for rumored position of most single enemy quests (adds a waypoint to your map)
  • now hitting escape on trade response screen doesn't leave relation menu completely
  • races now have a much higher chance of turning on other races they find weaker (this should make it much less likely to win with multiple allies)


  • added small icons to show what health/energy bars are on player menu and character screen
  • fixed thrusters repeatedly toggling on/off if you held the toggle key down (Chumpy)
  • reduced ballistics energy use to 70% more than beams (15% more efficient than beams)
  • reduced missiles/bombs/mines energy use to 180% more than beams (30% more efficient than beams)
  • reduced most weapons energy use 25%
  • increased chances unrest, riots, and rebellions get worse
  • reduced event time by about 30 seconds
  • doubled Faux Pas relation change
  • decreased GiftChance from 35.0 to 32.5
  • decreased Dryad GiftChance from 55.0 to 50.0
  • decreased ShipChanceDiplomat from 0.125 to 0.115
  • fixed mac patch instructions (thither)
  • added choice on new sector how settled the sector is (home planet only, early development, established, or random)
  • crew happier than 50 level up faster (the happier the faster) (Valgor)
  • changed the "max speed ever" wording (Valgor)
  • fixed a crash dealing with challenges and multiplayer (SoggyGravy)
  • improved screen size description (Valgor)
  • added a comma to gamma slider tooltip (Valgor)
  • added a couple commas to screen frequency tooltip (Valgor)
  • reworded zoom tooltip slightly (Valgor)
  • reworded anti-aliasing tooltip some (Valgor)
  • added a comma to detail models tooltip (Valgor)
  • added a comma to minimap alpha tooltip (Valgor)
  • fixed a spelling issue in hardware cursor tooltip (Valgor)
  • changed screenshot type to screenshot format (Valgor)
  • fixed a typo in screenshot format tooltip (Valgor)
  • reworded highest quality settings description a little (Valgor)
  • fixed a typo in sound device tooltip (Valgor)
  • reworded player's health bar tooltip some (Valgor)
  • reworded health bars tooltip (Valgor)
  • reworded use show items toggle tooltip (Valgor)
  • improved combat effects tooltip (Valgor)
  • changed world to planet in names tooltip (Valgor)
  • improved can shake screen tooltip (Valgor)
  • reordered show clock tooltip text (Valgor)
  • reworded show full player menu tooltip slightly (Valgor)
  • reworded client data rate tooltip slightly (Valgor)
  • improved "Nothing needs to be repaired" print (Caal/desophos)
  • fixed Couldn't find Effects/itemOnGroundMonster.eff
  • fixed Couldn't find Sounds/Objects/gateInactive.wav
  • fixed Couldn't find Sounds/Objects/gateActive.wav
  • fixed a quest with no text (won't fix currently broken ones though) (ScrObot)
  • now show that tab goes back and forth between system/galaxy maps on button (profanicus)
  • fixed clone quest text (ScrObot)
  • fixed captain award not referring to command correctly (ScrObot)
  • planets, stars, player stashes, and gates no longer need radar to see fairly far away on minimap
  • increased fog reveal range by 10%
  • fixed races giving players too large of gifts
  • fixed your ship's attributes typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed plural issue in "sell out their own mothers" text (Roswitha)
  • smoke screens now only last 30 seconds instead of forever (Chumpy)
  • unique monsters and bosses can now cause problems from 3 systems away (pnakotus)
  • removed racial traits and Danger Level stuff from new ship screen (kerzain)
  • made rebel ships easier to find (Valgor)
  • now make it a little more obvious you get relation bonus for donating components to races (Virosa)
  • fixed SkillMonsterTimeLimit not being localized
  • added a ship speed help topic (ScrObot)
  • added ship speed to manual
  • added a visit another start system quest at the beginning of sectors (ScrObot)
  • increased very slow pace quest event time mult from 0.8 to 1.0 (eRe4s3r)
  • increased slow pace quest event time mult from 0.4 to 0.5
  • fixed "Thank you for nothing" wording (Roswitha)
  • fixed "You ask too much." punctuation (Roswitha)
  • fixed shipwreck spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed chosen spelling in a couple places (Roswitha)
  • reworded Lithosoid food text (Roswitha)
  • fixed goods description wording (Roswitha)
  • added a period to a bunch of goods descriptions (Roswitha)
  • decreased JumpGatePriceBase from 20.0 to 5.0
  • increased negative rumor effect some (ShaggyMoose)
  • radar now picks up anything that is player related (fighters, other players, etc)
  • reworked how radar works for ships (starts off working much better, worse against higher level enemies)
  • improved radar tooltip to be useful
  • changed Trade to Trade/Negotiate (Steve)
  • added a tooltip to Trade/Negotiate button


  • added Win7 to manual/website
  • fixed some anomaly text grammer (Roswitha)
  • fixed Planned Rumor text (Valgor)
  • fixed background shift on beta screen
  • now solving a quest at the planet doesn't close the window (Lyranaar)
  • increased BaseThrust from 40 to 50, will make player ships faster (just about everyone)
  • increased MaxSpeedTurnMult from 0.25 to 0.3, will make player ship a bit more manueverable
  • improve some goods wording and spacing (Lyranaar)
  • increased turn speed on new ship screen and shipyard (Mivo/Aganazer)
  • improved no active quests line to give hint of where to get quests (Mivo)
  • increased default miniMapAlpha from 0.5 to 0.9 (Steve/Eduardo X/Valgor)
  • added a quick tip about talking to races directly to get and solve quests (Castruccio)
  • fixed Prepare typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed thruster disengage option working even when thruster toggle option was off (NefariousKoel/kerzain)
  • added relations line to screens help topic and manual (Aganazer)
  • added a quick tip about starlanes and wormholes being along the edges of the star systems
  • now if thruster toggle is on, W will start and stop thrusters (NefariousKoel)
  • changed npcs to NPCs in one of the tool tips (Valgor)
  • removed reference to earthquakes in can shake screen tool tip (Valgor)
  • added an option to disable the intro movie (Valgor)
  • added a button to replay the intro movie on the main opening screen
  • fixed an Expansionist typo (DeathKnight1728)
  • fixed some Space Junk wording (Puce Moose)
  • added a player thrusters volume slider to options (Castruccio)
  • fixed lose time going negative (desophos)
  • fixed lose menu to fit everything correctly (desophos)
  • fixed technology being hidden when the hide crappy loot option was on (snow)
  • added wealth line to race rumor, propaganda, espionage, and sabotage screens (kerzain)
  • fixed If you're on the run typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed Stop by an ancient recharge station missing word (Roswitha)
  • fixed patience spelling (Roswitha)
  • fixed Space cradles great treasures typo (Roswitha)
  • fixed stranded crew sound
  • decreased SpawnChance of teleport anomaly from 10.0 to 5.0 (gornova)
  • doubled ballistic energy use to be comparable to beam weapons energy use over time
  • tripled missile, bomb, and mine energy use to be comparable to beam weapons energy use over time
  • decreased mine damage to 75% of missiles
  • decreased bomb damage to 50% of missiles
  • quests that start from delivery quests now use the correct planet (Valgor)
  • changed pay and sell price to 0 if crew has left
  • improved propaganda and sabotage complete failure text
  • decreased MaxShipGuards and MaxPlanetGuards by 1 each
  • increased MAX_ENTITIES from 3000 to 4000, should help running out of entities
  • relaxed entity purging rules, less likely to run out of entity slots (Krippakrull/Brian Rubin)
  • made text a little more clear can't use shared stash in semi-hardcore (transigent8)

This is the first beta version.

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