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Drox Operative

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Soldak Entertainment
Soldak Entertainment
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patch 1.006

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:


  • fixed brunt escort 3 model issue
  • now higher end Hive, Human, and Fringe ships are bigger and have some color changes
  • now higher end Lithosoid, Shadow, and Utopian ships are bigger and have some color changes



  • made Shadow cloaking a little worse on their military ships
  • shadow non-military ships no longer have cloaking (Siveria)
  • increased beam range, increased full damage range, and decreased max range damage mult (more damage at all distances)
  • special weapons no longer get compared to other types of special weapons (Tyrax Lightning)
  • now higher end Brunt, Drakk, Dryad, and Cortex ships are bigger and have some color changes
  • fixed bombs (and other similar weapons) hitting enemies multiple times (Siveria)
  • decreased race ships' attack and defense some more
  • now if component comparison isn't using price will compare level if no main attribute
  • fixed Player Status Bars option (Tyrax Lightning)
  • fixed race icons not highlighting correctly on shipyard screen
  • made monster/race ships move a little smoother
  • simplified the avoid leader behavior (better race ship movement around planets)
  • changed PROTOCOL_VERSION to 14
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