Version 4.007 - #7P
- Binaries updated to visual studio version 8.0
- Gifts that get destroyed before deliver do not crash game
- Mouse Drawn Move paths would cause repeated bomber attacks without a chance to break
- Added throttle for screen change speed
- Added Throttle for unit location change speed
- Dup Error was possible in some PBM cases
- AI Exploration counts could get corrupted
- Resource Display in status bar wider to accommodate resource sharing
- Regicide unit could be chosen and yet removed from the database before play.
- Damaged Transport portage could be exploited.
- Path description was off on certain wrap map crossovers
- Stealth range firers were revealed in combat report
- Team play city capture, sighting would disappear for teammate
- Handicap of 0 in Battle Odds Calculator would cause a crash
- Loading a scenario without a supporting DB would crash game, now it exits
- Minimize and Close buttons added to "Initializing" Dialog on game loads
- Added Def Fire With 1 Mv Point Attribute
- View menus were not right in view mode
- Units dropped on a mine may not survive
- Some Drain calculations persisted even with drain turned off
- Manipulation of order point display could cause a crash
- Bombardment in storms allowed ships to run aground
- Units adjacent to other owner's units were not always being marled as having seen something.
New Player Preferences:
"Throttle Screen Change Spd" - some players disliked the rapidity with which the screen
changed while switching locations. This throttle speed will introduce two pauses if the
screen reference view has to change in unit processing: One before it changes, then
one immediately after it changes location. Value is in milliseconds.
"Throttle Loc Change Spd" - some players disliked the rapidity with which the screen changed
while switching locations. This throttle speed will introduce a pause if a unit is reported
to have changed location. Value is in milliseconds.
New Unit Abilities
Added Def Fire With 1 Mv Point Attribute
Units with this flag on may now participate in defensive fire if they have one movement
point left, regardless of whether or not they have moved.