- When units are combined, the combined unit takes on the average of the fatigue of the individual units by strength. - Added 2D terrain slopes to show elevations. - New Unit box graphics based off Panzer Battles - New terrain graphics for all ground states. - New hex features/hex side graphics. There is now both winter and summer versions in new directories under the map directory. Summer is the game default. Using Winter will add snowy trees and frozen rivers. To add just copy the 4 files under \Map\Winter into the Map directory and overwrite. To restore the summer defaults just copy the 4 files under the summer directory into the map directory and overwrite. - New NATO symbols, couresty Jison. - New map embedded fortification graphics. - New Winter Counterattack Order of Battle (Moscow '42 Counterattack - Variant). This OB is the default for all scenarios other than the #1201_01 Naro-Fominsk series. All German units have lowered maximum unit size to prevent reinforcements creating units that are ahistorically strong. - Various scenario changes.