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Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

Also known as:
Troika Studios
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Unofficial Patch 9.4 by Wesp5 & The Bloodlines Community

Author: Administrator Date: 01.09.15 System:

Changelog for patch 9.4. Entries marked with (+) denote changes which are only available if you play the Plus Edition of this patch, which further enhances the game:

+Added twelve original musical compositions, thanks to Rik Schaffer.

+Restored museum entrance and downtown area, thanks to EntenSchreck.

+Restored Blood Hunt newspaper and fixed bus stops and poles there.

+Restored lockpick sound, warehouse music and Last Round barkeeper.

+Improved details for all new maps and the SDK, thanks to Psycho-A.

+Made LaCroix give you the museum keys and Blood Theft always work.

+Fixed one Vandal gesture and his background music, thanks Psycho-A.

+Fixed snatch sound and other entity bugs using decompiler warnings.

+Fixed aura for crying woman in SM and improved library quest again.

+Opened pier after murder is gone, thanks atrblizzard and Psycho-A.

+Added random thunder sounds to waterfront and removed tutorial key.

+Added guard outside Empire hotel and changed Warrens Shortcut hall.

+Created default keyboard cfg for plus options, thanks to Psycho-A.

+Cleaned up SM apartment without switching map, thanks to Psycho-A.

+Corrected occult item heal rate and descriptions in plus and basic.

+Moved finding out about the Gargoyle XP to avoid preferring sides.


Fixed some Johansen, Lily, Dema, Boris and Copper dialogue issues.

Fixed many errors in particle and materials files, thanks Psycho-A.

Corrected Milligan not leaving his apartment in case you were loud.

Corrected Johansen's Empire hotel name and weapons and keys sounds.

Corrected Malkavian ghoul's sounds and restored basic wallet scale.

Corrected pier streetlights on three maps and removed police lines.

Removed Tourette gun from model and made her give it in basic too.

Added script to run Bloodlines and mods under Wine, thanks to SCO.

Added another Sweet FX shader suite preset, thanks to Citizenkane.

Your rating: None Average: 9.5 (11 votes)
    • Date: 19.11.2015


    • Date: 15.11.2015

      you're so cooooooool

    • Date: 13.10.2015

      Hope this works

    • Date: 23.09.2015


    • Date: 23.09.2015


    • Date: 22.09.2015


    • Date: 17.09.2015


    • Date: 17.09.2015
