Shop Now Available
- You can now browse and purchase a bevy of mounts and pets directly from within World of Warcraft through our newly added Shop interface.
- Just click the Shop icon on the menu bar once you've logged into a character, and you'll be able to pick out a new friend to add to your collection and start your adventures together right away.
- We've made it possible for you to receive your new pal right in your inventory (or via mail if your inventory is full).
- Talents
- [Temporal Shield]'s healing should now correctly modified by effects that affect healing (Battle Fatigue, Mortal Strike, Dampening).
- Glyphs
- [Glyph of Remove Curse] now increases the Mage's damage by 5% for 10 seconds after successfully removing a curse (down from a 15% increase to damage).
- General
- [Intervene] no longer removes movement-impairing effects on use. The talent [Safeguard] will continue to remove movement-impairing effects.
- Improved checks on pathing for Intervene and [Safeguard] to address situations where Warriors may wind up under the terrain.
[90] Catch and Carry: Druids can no longer attempt to catch Sacks of Grain while in flight form.
[90 Daily] Noodle Time: Resolved a situation that may cause players to be immediately removed from the scenario.
[70D] Lost Treasure: Resolved an issue where players may be unable to open Cache of the Legion.
[90] The Secret Ingredient Is...: Resolved a situation that may cause players to be immediately removed from the scenario.
Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
- Cross-Realm raid browser now has new categories for Mists of Pandaria World Bosses (Celestials and Ordos) and Flexible raid difficulty for Siege of Orgrimmar.
- The cross-realm raid browser is accessed through the 'Social Pane' (bound to the O key by default) and look for the 'Raid' tab on the bottom right.
- From there you can set the character as looking to join a raid or browse players that are forming up for a raid.
- Players are now able to place raid markers in the world even while dead.
- Siege of Orgrimmar
- Norushen
- Resolved a situation where Quarantine Measures may sometimes fail to destroy all life within the Quarantine Zone.
- Galakras
- Resolved a situation that may cause demolition NPCs to stop opening the door to one of the towers.
- Paragons of the Klaxxi
- Resolved an issue where players may fail to gain Hisek the Swarmkeeper's special ability if they were in the middle of casting a spell while interacting with his corpse.
- Norushen
- Players are now able to mail account-bound items to other characters that reside on a different realm on the same account. To send cross-realm mail: enter the character's name, followed by a hyphen "-", followed by the realm name. Note that cross-realm mail can only send account-bound items, not other items or gold.
- MiniZeps should now be able to damage each other while in a sanctuary area.
- The Customer Support button has moved. Customer support can now be reached in-game by selecting Help option through the Game Menu (Game Menu is bound to the Escape key by default).
- [You Don't Have an Eternity - Guild Edition] no longer has a timed requirement. The guild achievement now only requires that players defeat Malygos while in a guild group.
- Resolved an issue that caused players to not receive credit towards the [Drop It!] and [Drop It Now!] achievements.