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Patch 5.4.7 Hotfix 11/03/2014

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

Racial Abilities
        Darkflight's movement speed increase no longer stacks with Burning Rush or Burst of Speed.

            Successfully parrying an attack with Swift Reflexes should no longer incorrectly cause NPC guards to attack the Monk for reflexively striking back at an attacker.

Raids, Dungeons, and Scenarios
        Mogu'shan Palace: Resolved an issue where Trial of the King may not reset correctly if the party dies during the encounter.

Battlegrounds and Arenas
    Twin Peaks and Warsong Gulch
        The winning team now receives an 18 Honor Point bonus for each capture the opposing team is prevented from completing. This means every capture below 3, up to a maximum of 54 bonus Honor if the losing team had 0 captures.
    Arathi Basin, Eye of the Storm, and The Battle for Gilneas
        Bonus Honor is now awarded to the team for every 130 resources gained (down from 260) or every 100 resources gained when it’s featured on Call to Arms (down from 200).
    Silvershard Mines
        Bonus Honor is now awarded to the team for every 200 resources gained (down from 265) or every 130 resources gained when it’s featured on Call to Arms (down from 160).
    Strand of the Ancients
        The amount of Honor awarded for successfully destroying or defending a gate has been doubled.

Timeless Isle
    Guards at Huojin Landing and Tushui Landing on Timeless Isle are now significantly deadlier.

Brawler's Guild
    Hexos: Players should no longer be killed by the maze after successfully defeating Hexos.

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