* If Kenyas opponent is Mujahideen the default maps are Northern Kenya or Southern Sudan instead of Afghanistan. Mujahideen here represents Al-Shabab, Al-Quaeda, or Sudanese bandits and local warlords.
* Mine sweeper tank and engineer tank classes now protect any passengers as if an APC unless front armour is 0. This is for engineer type APCs.
* New Battle locations have been added when the two opponents are Japan and China.
* 73 pages of suggested OOB changes and/or corrections have been reviewed , researched and applied to the game along with a number of changes we made to enhance OOB accuracy and / or completeness. The USMC OOB and picklists have been redone completely and all game scenarios and campaigns have been corrected keeping them in sync with the new OOB's.
* For owners of the extended features version only. We have added a programmed barrage option. This new feature is only available as a prefirst turn set-up option so is only available when the player is advancing or assaulting. It can be set up to start at any time from initial bombardment to the limit of the turns set for that battle.
* All 15 levels of terrain are now represented by different colours on the mini map. Previously only the first 10 levels were with level 11-15 the same colour as level 10.
* MOBHack has been improved to work with most of the commonly used integrated database checks. You no longer have to open MOBHack manually and scroll to the unit you are interested in. Now you can click on that unit in the database and it will automatically set MOBHack to that unit ( or formation if you select formation checks..... the tabs marked with an asterix ( * ) will do this.
* MOBHack now has a "paste icons only" check box to allow pasting of only the 3 icon fields from the paste buffer.
* Units of class 180 Artillery Prime Mover will now offer crew protection if the front armour is >0.
* A bug was fixed in the AAA reaction fires routines if weapon 1 is turned off or damaged. This mainly affected dual gun/SAM systems in MBT.
* For the extended features version only. Full map editor functionality is now made available on the "View Map" Screen, for any desired tailored tweaks of a randomly generated map.
* For the extended features version only. A larger text option has been included. This uses a new font we developed for many of the screens that makes them easier to read in many cases. This new feature can be switched on or off and needs to be turned on manually by the player.
* General support and direct support artillery now have a bit more delay when adjusting fire due to the longer communications delay with their HQs.
* Rifle fire base hit chance has been reduced slightly at ranges of 6+ hexes and Self-Loading Rifle type weapons chance to hit has been increased slightly. SMG to-hit chance at 2 hexes or less has been increased slightly. This code was already in WW2 is now applied to MBT as well. An "assault rifle" is treated as an SMG at 2 hexes or less, and as an SLR at 3+ hexes. In addition, sections with more than 13 men have an additional to-hit based on the excess remaining men over 13 for any infantry prime class weapons. This code was also already in WW2, but is now applied to MBT as well. None of the above apply to indirect fires - only to aimed direct fires.