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Battlezone 2

Also known as:
Pandemic Studios
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Patch beta

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

- Construction rigs can upgrade once again
- Much work to make griefers less able to annoy people
- Anyone can now ban anyone at any time - if you're a client in a game, you can ban a host or another client. Anyone you've banned who's hosting a game won't show up on the list of servers. Anyone you've previously banned who is a client in a game you joined is now warned about
- CUT the 1.2-style physics craft variants. The 1.3 patch series does not encourage that monoculture of overpowered scouts. Learn to explore the tech tree.
- Tweaked session registration and browsing to hopefully work around antivirus with overactive web shields better
- Chroming of objects is now SSE-powered for greater performance
- Tracked vehicle physics ought to be more solid. BZ2's collision code is still garbage, though
- On players leaving in a teamplay game, their units are redistributed to remaining players to avoid orphanage
- Upscaled shell fonts to look less klunky at large resolutions - note that this will require mods with custom extra options pages to also be upscaled
- Ingame UI can be upscaled by a preference - see graphics options, page 2, bottom right
- Input smoothing option from Ken, also pathing system tweaks and particle render from him.
- MP escape screen chat should scroll better
- Fix for input getting stuck at edges of range
- Crash logs aren't overwritten next boot, up to 10 crash logfiles and 5 regular logfiles are kept

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