- The item description for the Hoard of Destiny now correctly details the number of Royal Aquilonian Brandies awarded.
- It is now possible to signup for minigames from the Border Kingdoms : Cimmerian End, Border Kingdoms : Aquilonian End and the Border to Kush.
- Players now need to be within 70m of a boss when it dies to receive loot and have their quest updated.
- Players need to be alive and within 30m of the boss when it dies to be eligible for the chance at one of the guaranteed Epic loot boxes.
Festival of Bloodshed
- All locations for Festival of Bloodshed events are now marked on the mini map for their respective playfields.
- Wolf Picts have landed in Khemi, offering permanent access to PvP Festival quests without the risk of being attacked while talking.
- A wolf pict scholar has arrived by the Armory of Khemi, he has studied the wolf picts' activities and is able to provide insight into how their events function (Festival of Bloodshed).
- Victory buffs from the Festival of Bloodshed (not xp buffs) now countdown while offline.
- The inventory for the Wolf Pict Envoy has been expanded to include two new unique swift mounts.
- Cooldowns between PvP Festival events have been reduced to 12-17mins (instead of 20-25mins).
- The festival of bloodshed will now rotate between the Border Kingdoms : Cimmerian End, Border Kingdoms : Aquilonian End and the Border to Kush on the Crom server.
Chosen of Gullah
- The Chosen of Gullah event now uses 1 of 3 possible locations in each adventure zone, this location is marked on the minimap and will be broadcast when the event starts.
- The Chosen of Gullah status will only be potentially applied to players within the set location.
- Leaving the area for 15 seconds with the Chosen of Gullah buff will result in it being transferred.
- Each location contains 1 Altar of Gullah, this altar will provide a lesser damage buff to anyone using it.
- The Chosen of Gullah buff now vastly increases the damage output and the health of the buff holder but blocks any form of healing. The increased damage is intended to incentivize offensive and memorable gameplay when acquiring the Chosen of Gullah status.
- The Chosen of Gullah buff now only lasts for a maximum of 2 minutes at a time on any player.
- The Chosen of Gullah will become hostile to all other players, including group and guild members.
- The Wolf Pict Shaman now offers an additional quest for the Chosen of Gullah event.
Arena of Death (solo)
- Certain team buff effects will no longer propagate to team members while flagged as an Arena Gladiator. These can still be applied to the caster but not any group members. This is to reflect the solo nature of the Arena of Death without enforcing group disbanding.