- Added minimap (F2 to toggle).
- Added tooltips for non-active dialogue options (like ‘Not enough gold’).
- Added descriptions for Scout’s available actions before a fight start.
- Hiring ‘Cavalry’ guard now requires ‘Warriors guild’ instead of ‘Barracks’.
- Added 8 new site types.
- Map generator bug which led to impassable locations.
- ‘Empty’ slot in enemy’ army description when attacking a province.
- Income tooltip preventing clear view for construction queue.
- Missing price for spells used by units during tactical combat.
- Incorrect damage prediction when using a flank or running attack.
- Bug in medal rewards distribution.
- Bug that caused often healed units to receive a Healer’s medal.
- Inability to see HP loss of huge units positioned in upper rows of the tactical map.
- Elf druid didn’t get advantage of Commander’s Ranged tactics skill.
- Events in uninhabited provinces.