- Novice levels have been changed to level 1-7.
- Non-novice players will no longer be sent to novice matches, regardless of wait time. This means novice matches will no longer be turned into normal matches.
- When novice players wait in queue for more than 2 minutes, they will have the option to join normal matches. If they do, they may get into any normal match. If they don't, they may need to wait, but will not face non-novice players.
- Matchmaker will now value balanced matches more, as well as some additional balance enforcements. Players will be less likely to be sent to unbalanced matches, unless we deem that they have waited too long.
- System made matches (including custom matches that recruit from queue) will have an upper limit of 3 rematches, which will down by per rematch. If there are no more rematches, the end match vote will be replaced by an alert message, and everyone will return to lobby as crew forms. This will give the queue more people to draw from while still allowing players to rematch against great opponents.
- Player level in chat message will be the max level (of 3 classes), rather than current class level.
- Some base system changes, which would allow the bounty event to show up again.
- Bug fix that caused captain in queue to be sent to crew slot or to a full lobby.
- Teaching achievement 8 was bugged, players should now be able to to track and earn "play X minutes with level 1-12 players" now.
- Ship theme objects stuck in the air randomly are now gone.
- Wrong language in Andrew Howell (Fyraxis) voice pack has been fixed
- Image for Desert Scrap has been fixed
- Custom match list scroll bar now scales proportionally to number of listed matches.
- Spott