- Addressed a few more cases of 'infinite falling' in Bridge and in the My Alibi club
- Users were able to get stuck unable to grapple if you miss the helicopter in Royal Hotel. This has been fixed.
- Fixed the Gotham bridge elevator so that if you backtracked you can still progress forward.
- Fixed the GCPD Sewers elevator stuck in wrong state when backtracking to the area.
- Should no longer be able to glide out of world with the fast travel system in the open world.
- Fix potential issue when backing out too soon after creating a new save slot.
- Immediately acquiring concussion detonator after using batwing now saves objective when fast traveling later.
- Fixed animation crash using invalid texture’s unused memory.
- On rare occasions, Batman would only have 1 health after restarting after title autosaves. This should no longer happen.
- Fixed situation where users were blocked from destroying the Black Mask Drug stash due to unlocking the cage to the stash near the Courthouse then immediately entering the courthouse.
- Bird Most Wanted side mission should now always start correctly.
- Fixed Firefly intro movie not starting properly in certain cases.
- Fix for Bane 2 not spawning again in FFC at start of prison
- Users should no longer be getting stuck outside of GCPD shooting range.
- Jezebel Plaza objective does not clear away in rare situations. This has been addressed
- Most Wanted - Deadshot - Upon completion of Deadshot side mission, title hangs.
- Fix for Deadshot quest not completing properly.
- *NEW* Fix potential cinematic mode blocks just before the objective to find Electrocutioner’s Electromagnetic Signature
- *NEW* Additional code to prevent ‘infinite falling’ states.
- *NEW* Fix another potential stuck in cinematic mode bug in the Bridge/Firefly sequence that prevents users from grappling away when loading a save game that’s in a bad state
- *NEW* Fixed another ‘infinite falling’ issue in GCPD
- *NEW* Added hack to fix not being able to get 100% because the Concept Art is measured out of 120 instead of the correct value of 80
- *NEW* Fixed Mad Hatter Icon not showing up on the back menu Map when restarting or quitting after Mad Hatter Intro
- *NEW* Fixed crash when performing Sign in/sign out process if Batman is equipped with any other costume other than default
- *NEW* Added safety net code which should greatly reduce the instances of corrupted saves in the future on Xbox.
- *NEW* Fixed a bug preventing users from confronting Black Mask at the church (After destroying drug stash in Sheldon Park)
- *NEW* Fixed another ‘infinite fallling’ in Blackgate Prison
- *NEW* Fixed ‘secure area’ bug with Gotham Bridge
- *NEW* Fixed missing objective for Lacey Towers in certain scenarios
- *NEW* Fix for the player being locked behind a door by AI vs AI (user was stuck in Industrial District Enigma Tower)
- *NEW* Item collected but not being removed from the map properly
- *NEW* Challenge maps not unlocking properly
- *NEW* Themes not unlocking when completing I Am The Night
- *NEW* Black Mask drug stash does not count when destroyed preventing confrontation at the Church
- Crash – Fixed issue where game would crash during load screens after multiple matches
- Host and clients may crash on loading screen/in-game when frequently entering and exiting a lobby.
- Networking – Improvements to matchmaking
- MP DLC skins unlocking properly in MP
- LAN-pulling during the SP to MP transition, after the big blue bat logo, crashes the title.
- Getting killed by a dead player cause incorrect Obituary and no XP to be gain
- Gameplay: combat - Direct hits from the UAV or RC airship will not destroy scramblers on control points.
- LAN pull is not detected while creating a private/public lobby.
- User is incorrectly informed that the active control point is 50m away when they are standing inside it.
- Gadget: Scrambler – Batman can turn on control points early by placing additional scramblers.
- Heroes cape detatches when a hero is killed while using detective vision.
- Audio - VOs are not triggered regularly enough when the Heroes are close to Victory
- Control: Elites - A user can temporarily lose their sprint capabilities if they're spamming and when the sprint meter is empty while bumping into a wall
- Booting some unsupported languages causes the consumable's names and descriptions to not be in English
- Functionality: HUD - When a Joker Elite client is killed while having his dual wield equipped, he respawns with the nail gun icon instead of primary weapon icon.
- Gameplay: Combat - If a player uses a suicide attack to kill the last thug, that thug will respawn and the match does not end.
- Hair renders on top of effects and distortion materials
- *NEW* Improvements to matchmaking
- *NEW* Safeguards to prevent faction XP from being reset
- *NEW* Fixed Hero Skin names being wrong
- *NEW* Fix for Batman's erect cape on death
- *NEW* Ensured DLC skins downloaded from Seasons Pass also work in MP matches
- *NEW* Matchmaking - Fixed not handling failing to resolve address during reservation request
- *NEW* Fix to stop players with different netvars from being able to matchmake with each other