- Killstreak count maintained across rounds in Search and Destroy, Search and Rescue and Blitz.
- Shorten countdown timer for Clan v Clan playlist.
- Extinction alien balance adjustments.
New Features
- PLAYLIST UPDATE: Gun Game replacing Heavy Duty.
- PLAYLIST UPDATE: Add eSports Rules to Clan v Clan (except friendly fire), and 1-4 persons can join.
- Added Heavy Duty health options to Private Match.
- IED damage adjustment based on player stance and IED location (for damage reduction: jump over IEDs below you, go prone for overhead IEDs).
- Added Operation progress bar to the After Action Report that pops up after MP matches.
- New MP lobby menu music.
- Social feed addition.
- New stick layout options for Southpaw.
- Disable party chat in Search and Rescue, Search and Destroy and Infected.
- Added 5 new Prestige Ranks to Extinction.
- Customization for player appearances (Create a Soldier) added to Extinction.
Fixed Sniper animation issue that could break the viewmodel.
- Load time improvements for Flooded, Strikezone, Warhawk.
- Fixed a couple bots related performance issues.
- Fixed loss of functionality issue that would occur when two crates were stacked if player attempted to capture bottom crate.
- In Private match, disable “Start Match” if party members are missing selected map.
- Fixed rare case of incorrect bot display amount in Private match.
- Various spawn improvements.
- Prevent players from using more loadouts than normal.
- Block users from sharing camos and reticles that aren’t previously unlocked.
- Anti-cheat prevention improvements.
Weapon / Perk Balance
- Dead Silence/Amplify Adjustment - Dead Silence completely silent including equipment, sliding, and footsteps. Amplify users can still hear a scaled down version of the footsteps and sliding sounds.
- Slight AK12 Increase on view kick.
- Adjusted reload times on L115 and USR.
- Reduce burst fire cool down of MSBS.
- Removed stalls caused by the host changing loadout in eSports games.
- Silent plant, silent defuse in Search and Destroy.
- Added killstreak count to eSports scoreboard.
- Improvements to MLG Broadcast mode for highlighted players.
- Added Domination flag capture bar to Broadcast mode.
- Added R3 to toggle enemy player outlines in Broadcast mode.
- Prevent eSports players (except COD Caster) from switching to 3rd Person Spectate cam.
- Added ability to select players when mini-map is enlarged in eSports.
- Fixed FOV issue that occurred in Broadcast mode.
- Fixed functionality issue that occurred if both thumbsticks were pressed while spectating a mantling player.
- Fixed issue which kept eSports rules enabled after losing internet connection.
- Add notification when spectated player gets a kill in Broadcast mode.
- Fixed text overlap bug that occurred when mini-map was enlarged.
- Better team identification in the MLG hud.
- Fixed killfeed color bug that occurred for spectators.
- Prevent crashes when COD Caster changed teams quickly.
- Restrict Ghillie Suits when eSports rules enabled (replaces with different game models).
- Fixed a Broadcaster Mode bug where the preset camera indicator wasn't getting reset between rounds.
- Add a kill feed to Broadcaster mode.
- Added team names to in-game scoreboard for Broadcast mode.
- Restrict Tracker Sights in eSports rules.
- Restrict Danger Close in eSports rules.
- Additional Broadcast mode fixes (better team identification in the HUD, simplified Scoreboard toggle, etc).
- Additional eSports fixes.
Additional Fixes
- Vita remote play optimizations.
- Adjusted difficulty of slide based operations.
- Reduced lean, point blank & rescue reticle challenge requirements.
- Search and Destroy bomb plant and defuse timers no longer wait for the weapon swap before starting.
- Fixed matchmaking issue in Squads.
- Display new icon in Operations when re-rolling Operations.
- Fixed rare cases of losing Sentry Gun killstreak when killed while placing.
- Menu fix for Operations.
- Fixed bug that would show improper time value in match countdown timer.
- Maniac, Juggernaut Recon and the Michael Myers are invisible to tracker and thermal sights.
- Fixing bug where the playercards in Squad Reports were only updated if you went into the friends list or squad mode first.
- Defaults loadouts correctly reflect the actual loadout in Private match.
- Free For All scoreboard adjustment.
- Fixed Trinity Rocket cancellation issue.
- MP Lobby improvement for Character Display.
- Combat Knife stats accuracy improvement.
- Fixed friends list shuffle that would occur for clans that had members across platforms.
- Killcam no longer goes underground on Warhawk.
- Improved audio ambient system in Multiplayer.
- Fixed Squads issue that would change mode icon when playing with a split screen guest.
- Fixed core playlist selection reset issue.
- Private match loadout bug fix.
- Additional customization options added for Infected in Private match.
- Improvements to Infected game mode.
- Optimization to generic UI elements.
- Fixed issue that could occur when squad member had specialist set as streak reward.
- Fixed minor VFX issue.
- Fixed under water killstreak exploit.
- Increased XP earned from completed Operations.
- Fixed issue that occurred when leader would leave clan.
- Fixed Bromance Clan Op issue.
- Fixed viewmodel loss issue in Safeguard.
- Fixed rare challenges issue in Safeguard.
- Fixed issue where some achievements could not be earned when moving from current generation to next generation platforms.
- Optimized some FX to improve game stability and performance.
- Fixed Trinity rocket issue where black/white overlay would remain on screen.
- Fixed Trinity rocket issue where laptop could not be put away.
- Improvements to the "Leper" challenge so that it appears closer to players.
- Added "COD Account" selection to the Extinction menu to improve account linking for Extinction players.
- Fixed bug where the "Death Machine" could obtain specialty ammunition.
- Fixed issue where players defaulted to pistol after revival.
- Fixed issue with accepting invites from custom Extinction matches where players would lose menu focus.
- Fixed issue where double XP was not resetting when going into solo, custom or split screen lobbies.
- Added a double XP icon to the Extinction lobby for when double XP is active.
- Fixed trophy issues where players could not plant any more trophies even though it had not been depleted after throwing a hypno-knife.
- Fixed issue where Feral Instincts would not default back to normal view after it depleted.
- Added the rank and icon to the Extinction end game scoreboard.
- Fixed issue where challenge timer would not appear when joining a game while a challenge is active.
- Fixed issue where Relic bonus was not appearing in the end game scoreboard.
- Balancing tweaks to the Sentry Gun and Death Machine abilities.
- Added ranks to the in game splash notification message when a player ranks up.
- Added player Patches to splash notifications for deployment items.
- The Riotshield icon now tracks ammo while the shield is stowed.
- Fixed issue where players would have no weapon on ladders.
- Fixed issue where players would lose their weapon after getting off a ladder.