New Features
- Added FOV slider to the MP PC menu.
- Added leaderboards for Gun Game.
- Added functionality to view the clans of remote players.
- Allowing soldiers to invite to clan in Call of Duty App.
- Added extra loadout slot support for Call of Duty App.
- Added link to the store from customization submenus.
- Added diamond clan icons to clan details page.
- Fixed lag that could occur when host rapidly changed classes.
- Fixed crash that could occur when player is killed while controlling a vehicle killstreak.
- Optimizations for AMD graphics cards.
- Performance improvements for modes using bots.
- Fixed loss of controller issue that occurred when second controller signed in after a non-signed in first controller tried accessing the store.
- Host migration optimizations.
- Fixed lost connection issue that could occur when lobby breaks after accepting the game invite.
- Fixed reactive motion jitter issues with local split-screen players.
- Updated ban messages to be more specific when appropriate.
- Overall anti-cheat improvements.
- We're working closely with the Valve security team to make the best use of VAC to catch cheaters and hackers.
Weapon / Perk Balance
- Patched 3rd person throw animations for explosives when using the Riotshield. This change moves the shield to the side exposing the thrower to attack.
- Fixed a bug where MLG spectator would lose controls when using advanced video options while spectating a match with many players.
- Removes delay for lobby member broadcaster icon when enabling/disabling it.
- Fixed a bug where MLG spectators couldn’t see enemies shooting on the minimap.
- Fix null string translation bug found when playing eSports rules coming out of spectate.
- Fixed cycle players button not functioning when the mini-map is displayed.
- Fixed issue that caused the eSports rule set header to carry over onto the system link menu.
Additional Fixes
- Updated nVidia hair and APEX DLLs.
- Killstreak count is correctly maintained across rounds in SD/SR/Blitz.
- Fixed some spawn issues specific to Stormfront.
- Fixed broken operations (must play one ranked game to fix data).
- Improved spawns on Whiteout.
- Fixed issue where players can make the bomb disappear by planting on top of their IMS/SatCom, then destroying the placeable.
- Fixed the progress bar improperly displaying "contested" if 2 players entered the flag's capture radius, then one player left or was killed.
- Fixed rapid fire popping animations that would occur when deploying an IMS or Sentry then immediately pressing up on the d-pad.
- Fix Infected bug where PDW was not shown initially when spawning in.
- Fixed text overlap when highlighting clan vs clan playlist.
- Fixed sign-in issues that would occur when accessing the store with different controllers.
- Fixed error with Clan Roster menu.
- Fixed issue where some camo’s were not applied correctly in game.
- “Escapes” leaderboard is now displayed in the correct order.
- We now track Armory level completions as “Escapes” on the Escapes leaderboard.
- Fixed issue where players would sometimes switch back to their pistol after reviving players.
- Fixed issue where splash message would sometimes not appear when scavenging.
- Fixed an exploit with the deployable money feature.
- Fixed issue with voice over playing when players are in last stand or when a player has died.
- Added Relic bonus to the post game score screen.