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Saints Row IV

Also known as:
Saints Row 4
Voliton, Inc
Deep Silver
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Patch 4

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

Patch 4 (released: 9/16/13)

•    Fixed a patch issue in the save system where weapon data was corrupted. Examples of the data corruption includes duplicated weapons or missing weapons.
•    Fix for the Rectifier and Penetrator Upgrade/Customization Screen freezes
•    Fix for double Dubstep Gun being available to certain players after the last patch
•    Fix for “Inauguration Station” .exe name
•    Fix for keyboard/mouse tutorial messages when using sprint toggle
•    Fix for radio key mapping not working as intended
•    Fix for key mapping of “ 1 “ and “ 2 “ for weapon swap
•    Fix for wall sprint functionality sticking when using sprint toggle
•    (AMD Eyefinity users) Fix for 21:9 resolution monitors to display UI correctly
•    Fix for hangs relating to DRM checks
•    Fix for missing Polish string translation (defaults to English if string is missing)
•    Fix for extra UI elements appearing in certain Mayhem activities

•    Added support for future DLC
•    Added crash reporting support, this will help to pinpoint crash issues
•    Added a toggle in the menu for allow weapon swapping not to bring up the weapon swap screen. When enabled, this stops the full screen menu from popping up during weapon swap
•    Added transparency to the weapon radial under certain conditions

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