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X Rebirth

Also known as:
Deep Silver
Release date:
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Patch 1.20

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

• Fixed several more causes of crashes and freezes.
• Fixed mouse controls not working after loading certain savegames.
• Fixed trade ships getting stuck after upgrade.
• Fixed skipping trade menu when going back to it.
• Fixed graphics options not setting correct shaders.
• Fixed missing build notifications from architects in other sectors.
• Fixed player trade ships trying to trade with enemy stations.
• Fixed menus showing out of date info about build progress.
• Fixed trades in another sector taking too long.
• Fixed upkeep mission to deliver architect to builder ship not ending.
• Fixed player ships not being returned during plot missions (will not re-create ships already lost, sorry).
• Improved ship movement in certain situations.
• Improved logic for station owned miners.
• Cell Recharge (fuel) stations in Omicron Lyrae now require Bofu instead of Food Rations.
• Various performance improvements (should be most noticeable when shadows are NOT enabled).

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