Includes changes from Patch 1.23 that was not released outside the Beta process.
• New feature: Manual target control with keys for target nearest crosshair, closest enemy and next/previous target. Further improvements planned.
• New feature: Logbook system covering non-plot missions, player ships, discounts/commissions and game tips. Logging of a wider range of events planned.
• Added shipyard to Gemstone Manufacture.
• Added escort fighters to some capital ships.
• Increased Pirate, Reiver and Xenon activity for more action.
• Increased yields for mining regions in DeVries and Maelstrom.
• Fixed error causing map to suddenly close under certain circumstances.
• Fixed more causes of being teleported into the middle of nowhere on loading a savegame.
• Fixed cases where destroying a ship could result in the target element not getting removed.
• Improved update frequency of target elements.
• Fixed cargo collection mode.
• Fixed mining ships collecting ware containers.
• Fixed builder ships not being able to trade with stations reliably.
• Fixed one problem with building restarting when player not present (another build issue remains).
• Added filtering by station/ship in trade offer menu.
• Added Hire option with negative response for certain NPCs.
• Prevented certain plot ships from being sold.
• Fixed problem with timing of money transfer to/from manager.
• Added means for NPCs to return to player ship from assignments.
• Fixed marines not showing up in player ship units.
• Fixed builder ship menu not updating player account.
• Fixed negative total yield amounts for asteroid fields.
• Fixed more inconsistencies in weapon counts.
• Fixed drone count calculation for ship trader.
• Fixed several issues with active mission/guidance info being disabled.
• Fixed missing/incorrect highway names in mission objectives.
• Fixed assigning a ship to a station without a manager.
• Removed "taglauncher" from encyclopedia.
• Removed civilian factions from encyclopedia.
• Fixed several encyclopedia layout issues.
• Fixed several issues with build/repair drones.
• Fixed incorrect cargo prediction based on shopping list data under certain circumstances.
• Fixed trade menus not keeping track of selected ship in some cases.
• Added default "protect" behaviour for ships in your squad.
• Improved capital ship fight behaviour.
• Fixed problem with ships not attacking.
• Fixed enemies not attacking correct target in certain circumstances.
• Fixed another cause of jumping ships ending up in invalid positions.
• Fixed player ship sometimes being in the wrong place after undocking.
• Fixed problem with engineer sometimes being paid twice for player ship repairs.
• Fixed incorrect player engine price calculation.
• Fixed incorrect weapon counts in ship menu.
• Ships working for a station no longer sell wares to their homebase (goods just transferred, no money involved).
• Shipyards and fuel stations should no longer run out of resources (may take a while to take effect).
• Fixed cargo drones bumping into hull of mining ships and blocking trade.
• Reduced likelihood of mining ships transferring more minerals to a station than it wants.
• Added hotkey for docking (Shift-D by default).
• Fixed welder drones appearing in property menu.
• Fixed "keycode NNN" appearing in Options menu.
• Fixed problem remapping keys used in Detail Monitor (C, I and G)
• Changed resource cost for ship-building in Omicron Lyrae
• Changed ships available for construction in DeVries
• Fixed URV Wharf module in Integrative URV Forge not producing drones
• Fixed scan sound being replayed for something that has already been scanned.
• Fixed scan highlighting not being properly removed when leaving cockpit.
• Fixed trade missions not completing.
• Fixed problem resulting in player getting stuck in Canteran air ducts.
• Fixed floating crate on Albion platform interior.
• Fixed floating ad signs and incorrect traffic at DeVries wheat station.
• Fixed DeVries shipyard interior orientation.
• Fixed lights in prison being too dark.
• Fixed bench obstructing hangar entrance of DeVries repair platform.
• Fixed NPC stuck in locker on DeVries repair dock.
• Fixed not being able to take cases out of cardboard boxes.
• Improved Russian localisation.
• Improved support for Chinese text.
• Fixed another problem with borderless window mode on certain hardware.
• Fixed freeze and memory-related crash caused by ships shooting excessively under certain circumstances.
• Fixed several more causes of crashes.
• More small performance improvements.