• New Feature: Interactive holomap with mouse support, rotation, panning and automatic zoom between map levels.
• New Feature: Stations can now be built in Empty Space zones.
• New Feature: Dangerous regions that can damage your ship.
• New Feature: Crafting of special items.
• New Feature: New non-plot mission chains.
• New Feature: Employee training to improve skills.
• New Feature: Ware exchange between player ships and stations.
• New Feature: Subsystem target cycling.
• Added ability to run in first person mode.
• Added custom trade offer price settings.
• Added new kind of floating crate that must be opened by destroying locks.
• Added new trade and targeting software upgrades for the player ship.
• Added option to enable automatic refuel when ships call player if they are out of fuel.
• Added build progress display to monitor and map.
• Added option to display non-squad ships in Trade Offers menu.
• Added Patrol Zone order to continuously secure a zone.
• Added Gather Resources for mining in different zones.
• Added option to recall all drones.
• Added encyclopedia page showing station build costs.
• Added estimated profit to trade menus.
• Added default drone setups to ship dealer drone menus.
• Added encyclopedia button to trade details
• Added shortcut display to new main menu.
• Added shortcuts for property owned, player inventory and undock.
• Added ability to rename Empty Space zones once a player station has been built there (improves new feature in 3.0).
• Added reminder to restart game after enabling/disabling extensions.
• Added new in-game statistics.
• Added new tips.
• Added localisations and voice recordings for new texts (new text in 3.0).
• Added Broadcast order button to property owned menu.
• Added new order 'Withdraw from Battle' to stop firing, fly away from enemies and wait for new orders.
• Added support for expanding/collapsing the map menu list with right/left keys.
• Added feedback when player property is attacked out of sector.
• Added pancakes.
• Added Attack action to interact menu for non-player-owned ships and objects (replaces Hail).
• Added event and reputation loss when player-owned ship is scanned and has to drop illegal cargo.
• Added new achievements and statistics.
• Added ability to hack shield generators resulting in shields being drained immediately.
• Added boarding resistance display to ship info menu.
• Added estimated total price per build stage to station build cost in encyclopedia.
• Improved gamestart balancing.
• Improved smalltalk gameplay.
• Improved smalltalk reward balancing.
• Improved hacking gameplay.
• Improved AI turret avoidance.
• Improved AI fuel station selection to reduce queues at the pumps.
• Improved AI attack behaviour on fleets of capital ships.
• Improved AI missile target selection.
• Improved small fighter attacks on big targets.
• Improved enemy target selection in non-fighter capital ships defending themselves.
• Improved police scan behaviour, giving more time to drop illegal inventory items.
• Improved duration of station response after being attacked.
• Improved positioning of highway advertising signs to avoid traffic.
• Improved price calculation and discount system to make trading viable for a wider range of wares (new base prices to come).
• Improved balancing of police licence prices, bounty rewards and mission rewards.
• Improved refuelling behaviour so that local budgets are no longer wasted on fuel.
• Improved effect on production efficiency of station employees, including skill levels.
• Improved AI engineer balancing.
• Improved holomap colour settings.
• Improved sound levels to muffle outside sounds when on a platform.
• Improved Defending/Attacking reaction time of the Defence Officer's configuration.
• Improved 'Attack Object' to not trigger negative reputation before start shooting.
• Improved AI combat movement to use the correct maximum combat range.
• Improved balancing of Teladi XL combat ships.
• Improved flight movement of boosting capital ships.
• Improved fight music so that it now also plays if a nearby player-owned object is attacked or attacks an enemy.
• Improved NPC trade ship distribution to address supply/demand inconsistencies in the default universe
• Improved NPC mining ship behaviour for better resource distribution.
• Improved balancing of ware price ranges for more interesting trade opportunities.
• Improved balancing of resources required for drone and small/medium ship construction.
• Improved balancing of boarding gameplay.
• Improved engineer repair behaviour allowing higher-skilled engineers to repair to a higher level.
• Improved balancing of station component prices to better reflect their contribution to profitability.
• Improved balancing of chance for NPC pilots to bail out when attacked.
• Improved default follow flight behaviour for player owned ships.
• Improved 'Fly to my Current Position' flight behaviour.
• Improved feedback from player-owned ships when under attack.
• Improved audio feedback for hacking gameplay.
• Fixed occasional highway-related sound cut-out.
• Fixed builder ship positioning.
• Fixed respawning of hidden ships once claimed.
• Fixed hull sections of certain ships appearing wrecked when they shouldn't.
• Fixed further cases of production getting stuck when storage for some products is full.
• Fixed attack/defend configuration of Defence Officer not working in some cases.
• Fixed unfriendly NPCs allowing further question options after 'Where can I find...?'.
• Fixed Refuel command being displayed twice in the pilot info.
• Fixed command info showing 'Docking' when ships undocking.
• Fixed wares being listed as available for resource gathering on ships not capable of mining them.
• Fixed damage not being taken into account when selling ships.
• Fixed some wares being illegal even to Pirates, the Xenon and Ren himself.
• Fixed collection of station dropped cargo not being flagged as illegal activity.
• Fixed negative credits in logbook messages.
• Fixed missing remaining discount time.
• Fixed "unlocked" percentage being shown for player-owned objects.
• Fixed incorrect unit capacity calculation in trader menus.
• Fixed incorrect number of engines displayed in ship detail menu.
• Fixed production times in the info menu not updating.
• Fixed 'Account Updated' notification sometimes reporting double amounts, even when transferred amounts are correct.
• Fixed trades failing completely if pilot funds are not sufficient for entire amount.
• Fixed additional wares being transported if an empty transport drone is destroyed on its return trip.
• Fixed player-owned ships not completing current tasks when being added to or removed from the player squad.
• Fixed switches on platforms not working when the game was saved while they were activating or deactivating.
• Fixed ships with trade orders stuck in following player ship (stuck trades will be completed after current task).
• Fixed capital ships not shooting at some stations.
• Fixed station not attacking enemies in several situations.
• Fixed damage per second simulation for ships using missiles as weapons when player is not present.
• Fixed demolition drone ammo.
• Fixed remote controlled missiles not moving if player stops controlling them.
• Fixed mining ships potentially getting stuck when they are unable to unload their wares.
• Fixed ships not finishing planned trade trips in certain situations.
• Fixed ships behaving as though moving while actually standing still.
• Fixed ships getting stuck in highways.
• Fixed at least one cause of unexpected warping of player ship to a new location.
• Fixed cockpit camera movement not working when loading a savegame.
• Fixed missing voice feedback for some orders.
• Fixed incorrect NPC voice feedback when there are no explicit orders.
• Fixed minimum budget display not taking into account local prices.
• Fixed object positions on map when viewing a different sector.
• Fixed random initial mouse position when mouse cursor activated on platform.
• Fixed target cycling sometimes skipping a target or selecting the wrong one.
• Fixed rare case of current target being lost when cycling targets.
• Fixed problems targeting certain objects using gamepad controls.
• Fixed repaired surface elements not being targetable.
• Fixed capital ships not showing target elements directly after having been constructed, refueled, or repaired.
• Fixed incorrect rotation of target element for collectible items.
• Fixed several other rare problems with target elements.
• Fixed various problems with "re-pinging" of mission targets.
• Fixed various problems with crosshair information display.
• Fixed Ability menu not updating if new drone is installed while menu is open.
• Fixed slider range for drones on small ship trader.
• Fixed flickering of buttons in Ability menu with mouse controls in some cases.
• Fixed case where buttion in Ability menu could get stuck in the active state.
• Fixed mouse-selection problems in dialog menu in certain cases.
• Fixed several minor issues with crosshair display.
• Fixed several other minor menu behaviour issues.
• Fixed shield values not being maintained over savegames (only applies to new savegames).
• Fixed mining order being available for CVs when it shouldn't.
• Fixed map mode showing ships in construction when it shouldn't.
• Fixed non-fighter small ships engaging fights even if they don't have fire-power.
• Fixed stations not becoming enemies when attacked by player-owned ships.
• Fixed price calculations for stations with build modules.
• Fixed stations not removing ammo offers if they no longer have any operational ammo-users.
• Fixed missing temporary reputation loss notification.
• Fixed command info on 'Attack Object' order.
• Fixed 'Attack Object' not attacking the target in several situations.
• Fixed stations/ships in different zones not being selectable for attack order
• Fixed small fighters not moving when player is not present.
• Fixed damage applied when player is not present.
• Fixed incorrect hull percentage display for ships when player not present.
• Fixed some cases of lights "popping" when player turns while close to an object.
• Fixed looping ability menu sound when pressing Alt-Tab in fullscreen.
• Fixed UI animation issues when capturing videos with fixed framerates.
• Fixed missing M-sized docks on various stations.
• Fixed infopoint location on xenon station.
• Fixed excessively bright lights in Albion interiors.
• Fixed missing engine descriptions on Teladi ships.
• Fixed missing explosion/schield effects on several engines.
• Fixed texture seam in local highways.
• Fixed mirrored text on several ships.
• Fixed engineer repairing first item after a pause almost instantly.
• Fixed stations not attacking enemies in some situations.
• Fixed rare case of player ship being invulnerable after using remote control.
• Fixed "ghost" cargo in storage that is wrecked and later repaired when player not present.
• Fixed boarding sometimes being missing from the interact menu.
• Fixed ability menu showing wrong reason for drones being unavailable during highway flight.
• Fixed UI-animation issues when capturing videos.
• Fixed 'Transfer Wares' command in several situations involving small and capital ships.
• Fixed cancelling intro conversations not cancelling the rest of the intro properly.
• Fixed lipsynch in certain conversations.
• Fixed transport drone arm pickup animation.
• Fixed another case of multiple ship dealers on one platform.
• Fixed stations sometimes offering to buy missiles for their turrets even though their ammo storage is full.
• Fixed possible rare case of some station component rotations not having been corrected in a previous update.
• Fixed NPC distribution on DLC stations when loading savegames from very old versions.
• Fixed case where mass traffic networks could get stuck forever.
• Fixed case where mission could get stuck if the player hit Escape during the mission briefing.
• Fixed case where mission could fail when giving crafted item to client.
• Fixed case of incorrect view after conversation ending.
• Fixed externally triggered music playing over fight music.
• Fixed missing option to clear shopping list.
• Fixed multiple cases where interact menu did not show certain actions if an object changed ownership (e.g. when the player claimed/boarded/sold a ship).
• Fixed Smart Defence button being available even if you had no drones.
• Fixed victims of attacks being excessively tolerant when the player is not present.
• Fixed rare issue with displaying hull values in the drone HUD.
• Fixed drone hacking of ships.
• Fixed several more causes of crashes and UI freezes, and improved crash reporting.
• Optimisations resulting in performance improvements, especially in busy areas.
The system requirements for the game have always stated that it requires a 64-bit version of Windows, and the 64-bit version of the game is now successfully in general use.
There is no 32-bit version for 3.00. Please note that The Teladi Outpost DLC is not compatible with the final 32-bit release, 2.51.