- Expansion Disapproval multiplied by 3 for Vaulters
- Systems with Portals aren’t count for Expansion Disapproval
- The unique Vaulter improvement (the Portal particle screen) now takes 15 turns to be built
- The unique Vaulter improvement provokes a loss of Science (- 66%) during its construction
- Only one unique Vaulter improvement is needed to generate Science from all the Portals
- Added new properties to manage the gain of Science on Empire from Portals
- Fixed an Alliance bug when in some cases making peace with another Alliance was impossible
- Fixed an issue on the creation of an Alliance in the multiplayer between two human players, when one is already in an Alliance
- Fixed a bug regarding creation of colony ship when using the "Wasted Space" trait
- Fixed a bug on the prefab of the Hissho Colony ship
- Fixed a bug where it was possible to create a Custom Faction and selecting "Militarists" and "Make Science, Not War" at the same time
- Fixed the Vaulters appearance title and tooltip description from the custom race menu
- Fixed bug where the teleportation FX of the Vaulters was played even if the fleet didn’t move