- Some minor bugs in cutscenes have been fixed.
- Some dialogues have been fixed.
- Some text- and NoKey-errors have been fixed.
- Achievements “Rohal's Heir” and “Master of Arcane” should work correctly now.
Blocker / Crashes
- Reworked AI-System should fix several crashes and freezes.
Interface and Text
- Added a general rule description to the game. Can be found at the top right of the screen.
- Added a control- and shortkey-overview in the options screen.
- The setting to deactivate the tutorial is working correctly now.
- Changes to defense/offense slider in weapon talents save correctly now.
- Achaz mage has his correct name now.
Balancing / Quests / Items
- Aurelias Mask isn't unequipped anymore if she is taken to the dwarf games with it.
- The special buff for the last two fights in the game is now triggered correctly, if enough of the gods trials are completed without using Urias' shortcuts.
- Increased damage and added special effects to the different kinds of throwing weapons.
- Increased the damage of the Fulminictus, Ignifaxius and Ignisphaero spells.
- Decreased ASP cost of some spells.
- Increased ASP cost of the Axxeleratus spell.
- Added some new items to the game.
- Russian dialogs have been reworked.