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Sword of the Stars: The Pit - The Pilgrim

Also known as:
Kerberos Productions
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Patch 1.3.3

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

- Added: Weapon comparison tool-tip now appears for items in Storage Lockers and Tesseract Wells.
- Added: Melee attack for Kheraizen.
- Added: Duration of psionic ability (before activation) to tool-tip.
- Fixed bug: Weapon comparison tool-tip was not taking racial penalties into account for the second weapon.
- Fixed bug: Some items not dropping from medium weapon lockers as expected.
- Fixed bug: Liir health medallion not regenerating health.
- Fixed bug: Spectres can now be damaged by Starlance.
- Fixed bug: Poison was preventing all health regen (eg such as from a healing salve), not just the character's natural health regen.
- Fixed bug: Madness not spawning hallucinations player changed floors.
- Fixed bug: Hiver / Morrigi can now use crafted claws.
- Fixed bug: Player no longer auto-targets reprogrammed Recycler.
- Fixed bug: Previously selected items in SotsDex remaining highlighted.
- Fixed bug: "Use" option in popup menu for tools.
- Fixed bug: Props / Characters not initializing correctly when character teleports multiple floors.
- Fixed typo: "Equipping Armor" text appeared even when equipping gloves / belts.
- Fixed typo: Glamor description.

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