[New Content]
- New Map: Strand (TDM, PB)
- New Map: Northbound (CON, PB)
- New Heads: 3 Viking, 1 Saxon
- New Sword: Rune Sword
- New Shield: Snowflake Shield**
- New Shield: Gilded Snowflake Shield**
- New Helmet: Saxon Aide Helmet (Promotional exclusive)
- New Helmet: Viking Hird Helmet (Promotional exclusive)
- New Helmet: Herja**
- New Helmet: Brynhildr**
- New Helmet: Saxon Steel Helm**
- New Helmet: Aidith**
- New Beard: Tyler (Competition Winner)
- New Beard: Jenik (Competition Winner)
- New Spear: Shieldmaiden Spear**
- New Spear: Warriormaiden Spear**
- New Class: Shieldmaiden
Front-Line Class
Stronger when using shields, Special Stance, Can use large Shields*
Allowed Weapon Types:
One Handed Swords
Throwing Weapons
*Larger shields reduce backward movement speed
**Only select-able in customization with Shieldmaiden DLC
- Added Vote Kick option when clicking on a player in Scoreboard
- Added progress bar to interactions
- Added text when a squadmate is bandaging you
- Added Admin Kick/Ban options when clicking on a player in Scoreboard if user is logged on to Rcon (/rcon <password> /login)
- Added new custom slots for Shieldmaiden DLC (1 free, 2 for owning the DLC)
- Added descriptions to weapon types (on mouse hover)
- Added descriptions to classes
- Reworked How to Play screen
- Moved Shield Paint Editor to top of loadout editor
- Reworked certain shield paints to avoid unintended design possibilities
- Added "Already Equipped" text to weapon categories already in use
- Added Server option to set spawn times based on game mode
- Developers now have Golden text in chat, and a few other secrets
There were no real drawbacks of choosing to play as a Warrior rather than a Skirmisher when using hunting bows. This is a problem as the Skirmisher is supposed to be the bow specialist. So, to be able to tone down the hybrid warrior build a bit while still retaining the potential of the hunting bow we effectively lowered the draw speed of the hunting bow for warriors. This was done by giving the Quick Blood perk a draw speed bonus and then lowering the draw speed of all bows to cancel this out for skirmishers. The stamina cost for firing the hunting bow has been rebalanced to take into account the lower speed for warriors and to make it interesting to the skirmisher.
- Decreased draw speed of all bows by 20%
- Added a 25% draw speed bonus to all bows to Skirmisher perk "Quick Blood"
- Increased hunting bow stamina consumption per shot to 31.25%, from 25%
Due to the two handed axe side swings having a built in charge time, the rest of the animation was playing way too fast resulting in where it to other players looked like the axe hadn't even swung before hitting. To address this, swing times for the side swings have been increased and the minimum charge up time has been slightly decreased to maintain overall balance. Dodge attacks where also swinging very fast and dealing damage very late in the animation. Dodge attack swing speeds and damage window have been toned down to remedy this.
- Decreased minimum charge time for side swings to 0.275, from 0.375
- Increased uncharged swing time for side swings to 0.45, from 0.40
- Increased charged swing time for side swings to 0.60, from 0.50
- Increased swing time for all dodge attacks to 0.55, from 0.47
- Reduced the duration where the dodge attacks deal damage by 5% off the end of the animation
The one handed axes were lacking a special trait like the swords' cleave, to make them more competetive they now do 10% extra stamina damage to shield blocks to reflect their historical signifigance in dealing with shields.
- gave one handed axes 10% extra stamina damage against shields.
To make repeated quick attacks slightly less viable and easier to defend against, attacks when the player is at very low stamina become slower. This will also reduce the rate of situations completely out of stamina and give added feedback to the player that his character is running out of stamina before it happens.
- All swing times increased at low stamina, up to 25% slower.
- All minimum charge times increased at low stamina, up to 50% slower.
Players were not receiving coins quite as fast as we have wanted, so this amount has been increased.
- Coin gains increased by 100%
- Increased coin gift amount to 5000, from 1000 coins. All founders club members have this redeemed and will get another 4000 coins from this.
- All current players receive a one time 10k coin bonus.
- Fixed an issue where the "Saxon Dogs!" and "Byrhtnoth" achievements weren't being properly unlocked
- Solved several issues where the server and/or client would momentarily freeze
- Fixed an issue where Ulfberht swords weren't dealing damage when thrown
- Fixed a crash which could occur when leaving the Loadout Editor
- Fixed a crash when using the /vote_kick text command without an ID
- Fixed a number of issues where the player character would attempt Godlike Ascension in odd locations
- Fixed a number of locations where characters could get stuck