- Slight fix to firing missiles from air proxy (inherit proxy from plane)
- Support Govt / Support Opposition now also influences belli values (both ways)
- -- (Effect is stronger if acting region has good treaty & WM approvals)
- Adjustments to AI Ruler consideration of hostile action in high volatility
- Resolved rare crash when zoomed in to top of map north/west of Alaska
- Resolved Air Transport compiler bug, again (hopefully for good)
- 1941 starting known designs updated
- Support for multiple AIParams files
- Alert message list now has game option to sort ascending (My Options - General)
- Fixed support for alterante region names
- Map fixes Bulgaria/Romania for '36 through '41 maps
- Burma Flag fixed, Mod flag for Facist France added
- GUI fix, expense report tooltip, overdraft interest charge reported
- Research Expense report fixed
- Events improved for '40 and 41 start Sandboxes including Bessarabia, Second Vienna and Treaty of Croiva
- Tech Tree minor update, some dead end techs removed/remapped
- Equipment file, tech prereq fixes, Obsolete date adjustments
- Equipment file, Italian Carrier-based aircraft for 1942 and 1945
- Equipment file, minor fixes to unit stats
- Removed IDLE from Espionage choices
- Starting Domestic Approval fixed for 1940, 1941 Maps (esp Germany/Italy)
- Social Services (safety net) spending no longer increases GDP
- Birth Rate and Immigration fixed for high GDP regions
- Petrol is now consider a consumer good as well as a military good for Minister Priorities
- Individual Bond controls added to Treasury Minister panel
- "No Sphere" lobby option added to Scenario / Engine support
- Resolved compiler optimization issues: Air Transport bug & Merge Crash
- User Interface fixes
- New equipment meshes
- Conditional Event changes and additions
- Minor optimization improvements
- Resolved rare crash when zoomed in to top of map north/west of Alaska
- Map fixes
- Order of Battle / Equipment Fixes
- Strategic Targeting fixes for minor regions
- Corrected Victory Condition filtering/functions to match maps
- 1940 Sandbox/Campaign fixes to represent final days of Operation Weserübung (Norway)
- Events fixes in the ’36 and ’40 maps