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Distant Worlds - Universe

Also known as:
Code Force
Matrix Games
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Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

- fixed crashes on some systems when drawing text in Hover Panel (the hover info for planets, ships, etc - this was incorrectly showing up from GDI+ as an Out of Memory exception)
- fixed crash when drawing empire colony summary (Empire Summary screen) and have no capital colony
- fixed rare crash when fighters checking for nearby threats
- fixed rare crash when ship performing escort mission
- fixed rare crash when fleet checks for next mission assignment
- fixed occasional crash in game editor when editing a planet with special ruins
- fixed crash when using custom mod with more than 256 components

- fixed bug when attempt to start new custom pirate game without any other empires
- fixed bug where loading premade designs allows premature building of colony ship (advisor suggestion)
- fixed bug where civilian pirate ships would not always get upgraded component values when researched
- civilian pirate ships will now properly retrofit as needed
- pirate civilian ship maintenance reduction bonuses from leaders, etc now properly applied
- fixed bug where victory condition progress sometimes shows NaN%
- fixed some Achievements for pirate factions (raiding)
- fixed 'Defeat Ancient Guardians' achievement
- further fixes for some achievements so that properly *retained* upon review: OwnOperationalPlanetDestroyer, JoinTheFreedomAlliance, JoinTheShakturi
- fixed bug where pirate factions would sometimes accept own attack missions
- further fixes to ensure pirate factions do not accept own attack missions

- AI more likely to offer trades of tech and maps when relations good between empires
- AI builds more construction ships in early game
- Freighters now less likely to be idle - when no transport orders to fulfill freighters are now more likely to bulk transport resources from mining stations and small colonies to spaceports
-reduced chance of newly conquered colonies switching empires, especially when have strong troop garrison present
-slightly reduced likelihood of empire splits and civil wars

- fixed problem where could not respond to multiple simultaneous diplomatic messages, e.g. multiple requests to honor mutual defense pact in alliance. These are now presented sequentially so that player can respond to all messages
- fixed Enemy Target List closing when have target without empire

- bases will now launch fighters at attackers even when have no other weapons
- now allow populations with colony population policy set to 'Exterminate' to be completely wiped out at colonies (do not stop at 1 million)
- Achievements screen now shows your empire when playing as a pirate faction - thus can see pirate achievements (e.g. raiding)

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