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Sword of the Stars: The Pit - Juggernaut

Also known as:
Kerberos Productions
Release date:
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Patch 1.5.2

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

- Added new monsters.
- Added new recipes.
- Added heavy weapon skill for Mercenary.
- Increased speed of attack animations.
- Increased penalty for attacking invisible enemies.
- Increased cost of psionic abilities.
- Transmogrifier ray now affects player when hit.
- Reduced number of rooms per floor.
- Fixed crash: Using temporal ejectors.
- Fixed crash: Using emitter rifle.
- Fixed: Reflect now reflects bullets back to attacker.
- Fixed: Reflect now reflects transmogrifier attacks.
- Fixed: Transmogrifier ray no longer turns enemies into turrets.
- Fixed: Mouse over not working for Tesseract Well and storage locker inventories.
- Fixed: Enduro Laser Pistol penetration was too high.
- Fixed: Ultra Amazoid being injured after copying player.
- Fixed: Roundoff error for Psi Point regeneration on higher difficulty levels.
- Fixed: Inconsistencies crafting ammo conversion recipes.
- Fixed: Chocolate eggs now marked as medical item.
- Fixed: Messages 362 and 363 unlocking wrong recipe.

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