Age of Empires II HD

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- AI should now function correctly and participate during gameplay.
- AI should now attack Palisade Walls
Scenario Editor:
- Change Unit Stance no longer crashes the game.
- Selecting transfer arrows with nothing selected in the options tab no longer crashes the game.
- Trigger scroll bar now scrolls correctly when using the up/down arrows.
- Seed values for map generation can now be changed after deselection.
- Trigger descriptions can now be edited.
- Character limit for trigger display instructions has been increased.
- Lock teams button should now function correctly.
- Choose Teams should now be on by default for older scenarios.
Mod Manager:
- Modded taunt files should now be functioning.
- Preview images when publishing are no longer gigantic.
- Preview images now function correctly as jpg files.
- Visibility drop down now functions correctly.
- A View Workshop button has been added and will bring up the appropriate Steam page.
Additional Improvements:
- Accepting a Steam invite should now allow players to interact with the multiplayer lobby.
- The multiplayer lobby screen should no longer freeze when the host if file transferring.
- Incorrect cursor outlines should no longer appear.
- Corrupted cursor should no longer appear
- Deleted scenarios no longer appear as the default option when creating a game.
- Added launch option “oldschool” for those who value style over readability (may not function in all languages)
Known Issues:
- Quick Match functionality has temporarily been disabled.
- Restore multiplayer games has not been fully implemented and may not load correctly.
- Fonts may not appear when patching from older builds – please restart your pc to resolve.
- When cancelling while joining a lobby players may still join the lobby (host can still kick).
- When updating a Legacy Mod the text field may appear cut off.
- Changing hotkeys to their current value may result in a crash.
- When building items without a hotkey it may cause a crash (reset hotkeys as a workaround).
- In the Editor the Choose Teams options does not affect Triggers.
- Embedded AI scripts inside campaigns are not properly being referenced. As a workaround, you can include necessary files to run campaigns inside resources/_common/ai/ folder.
- Civilizations are not randomizing correctly.
- Some customers may be experiencing framerate issues, this is currently under investigation.