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Europa Universalis 4: Art of War

Also known as:
Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
Paradox Interactive
Paradox Interactive
Release date:
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Patch 1.12.2

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:
  • Mods can now properly upload shader and pdf files.
  • Fixed a CTD related to releasing countries that are set to be in a PU in history files.
  • Fixed a crash related to display of completion text for “Keep Rival out of Italy” mission.
  • Fixes issues typing on OSX with a trackpad attached.
  • CIdler::OnAltF4 is now called again when Alt-F4 pressed (fixes Ironman not saved on Alt-F4)
  • Changed default anisotropic filtering to 4 (if supported) since "max supported" could cause performance problems.
  • Fixed bug where you would get 601 days travel time to any overseas inland provinces if your capital was inland.
  • Fixed some cases of startup crash (other cases were caused by outdated linux OS)
  • Fixed looting which was simply not happening.
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