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Buzz Aldrin's Space Program Manager

Also known as:
Buzz Aldrin's SPM
Polar Motion
Release date:
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Patch 1.6

Author: Administrator Date: 25.11.15 System:

* Added support for the Italian and Spanish languages.
* Fixed an edge case related to the number of employees available after a multi-season mission. This was reported as part of this thread.
* Various minor fixes to the English text files.
* Made the background music loop in all animation scripts. This issue was reported here, after the introduction of the ‘Tiger Teams’ game mechanic.
* iOS only: The main soundtrack list now gets properly reset when finishing an existing game and starting a new one.
* Fixed a bug in PBEM mode: the music soundtrack playlist wasn’t being properly initialized when resuming an existing challenge.
* Interactive tutorial: fixed the workflow in 1956.Q4 in order to prevent a situation where the player can finish the turn without having assembled the X-15 mission.
* Interactive tutorial: added code to prevent the last message from the previous turn from showing up again at the beginning of the following one in certain scenarios.
* Fixed scenario where the game would become unresponsive if the player opened a new rocket program from the mission configuration screen.
* Fixed incorrect skill icons for Mission Control and Astronauts/Cosmonauts employees.
* Added support for American English. This is a contribution from a member of the community.
* Fixed a rare bug in the X-15 missions. This was reported here.
* Fixed a rare bug in the tutorial mode, where a random event would occur that would break the flow of the tutorial and won’t allow the player to continue. This was reported here.
* Fixed a rare bug reported by a Steam user: loaded save games that started as in-game tutorials will now properly check that a scheduled mission has been assembled before proceeding to the next season.
* Added support in PBEM mode so that participants can continue playing the match, even after one of them has successfully performed a manned lunar landing.

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