- Added data to randomly change the AI's personality at the beginning of a new game
- The game speed value is used to modify the AI building scoring
- Players can now exchange resources when negotiating an open borders treaty during a Cold War
- Through the Diplomacy, the Alliance relation between 2 empires allows you to attack a tierce Empire army within the territory of your ally, if you are protecting your own territory
- Disabling multiple GUI elements during end of turn
- Available improvements are now sorted by category, then industry cost, then custom sort (based on the new GuiSorting.xml file)
- Improved the feedback of the active/activable luxury resources
- Fixed an issue where the Founder Pack bonuses (Ice Wargs minor faction, Namkang hero and "A song of ice, only ice" custom faction trait) are not available for the owners of the EL Founder Pack
- Fixed an issue where game remains stuck during the Battle simulation phase of the Manual battle when setting the "Encounter sequence" to "Advanced"
- Fixed an issue where armies disappear when going on water tiles surrounded by terrain tiles
- Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the user selects and then deselects multiple times a faction in the Diplomacy screen right after ending his turn
- Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when the user rapidly presses the Escape button several times while being in the faction selection screen
- Fixed an issue where clients joining sessions while the host is in the loading screen remain stuck if the host closes the game
- Fixed an issue where session does not appear for the previous host after a server migration
- Fixed an issue where the host receives a skippable assert resulting in being stuck when resyncing the multiplayer session
- Fixed an issue where if a client times out in a MP lobby, the host loses the session server and receives a "Failed to connect" notification
- Fixed an issue where the client doesn't receive a message that the connection with host was lost if the Ethernet cable is removed or the uplink is lost
- Fixed an issue where AI Empires do not build borough streets if they are custom factions with the Cellulose mutation trait
- Fixed an issue where AI Empires have a very low priority for rebuilding minor villages
- Fixed an issue where the AI is stuck when the frontier tile is a non stoppable one
- Fixed an issue where the "Deep Generator" technology is available for custom factions without the "Vaulters" or "Mezari" affinity
- Fixed an issue where several technologies are unavailable for custom factions with the "Mezari" affinity
- Fixed an issue where the "Rookery" and "Mercenary Market" technologies are treated as separate technologies in the faction editor
- Fixed an issue where the "Advanced Filigree" starting technology trait is available in the faction editor selection
- Fixed an issue where custom factions can be created with the "Language Square" starting technology and the "Pitiless" trait
- Fixed an issue where Settler can cost more than one population
- Fixed an issue with the Winter additional effect "-1 resource on strategic resource deposit"
- Fixed an issue where Winter River effect does not mention the dust malus in the Empire management screen
- Fixed an issue where contradictory information is displayed in the "Empire bonuses" on the slow game speed
- Fixed an issue where the notification for starvation will be displayed even when the city has 1 population
- Fixed an issue where the "Imperial Kennels" city improvement does not increase the experience units gain per turn
- Fixed an issue where the "Self-repairing Defences" city improvement does not grant an XP bonus
- Fixed an issue where there is a inconsistency of the values of the different market tabs
- Fixed an issue where the "Stun" capacity is always successful
- Fixed an issue where the "Ardent Fire" capacity is not functional
- Fixed an issue where the "Increased Fire 3" capacity of Ardent Mages heroes does not function properly
- Fixed an issue where the "Increased Fire 3" capacity of the Ardent Mages heroes does not have a visual effect when used
- Fixed an issue where the "Increased Fire 3" capacity status effect is not displayed on the supported unit
- Fixed an issue where the "Improved Movement" combat effects do not apply
- Fixed an issue where the "Confidence" bonus does not function properly
- Fixed an issue where the "Sharp Sense" bonus does not function properly
- Fixed an issue where the "Higher Ground" bonus does not function properly
- Fixed an issue where the "Higher Ground" effect does not appear in the unit status effects during manual combat
- Fixed an issue where support class heroes do not have the "Ranged" capacity
- Fixed an issue where Roving Clans heroes do not have the "Ranged" capacity
- Fixed an issue where the Preacher's "Unleashed Potential" support ability does not have any sound effects
- Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages pillar buttons remain functional and do not become greyed out when ending the turn
- Fixed an issue where the battle FX of the Ice Wargs are missing
- Fixed an issue where First Encounter between Empires occurs without mutual vision
- Fixed an issue where a user is not prompted with the First Encounter notification when discovered using the "Vision and Map Exchange" treaty
- Fixed an issue where no encounter notification is generated at the start of the session when playing against a Drakken empire
- Fixed an issue where building multiple "Verda's Temple" at the same time breaks the Ardent Mage questline
- Fixed an issue where the chapter 7 of the Roving Clans major faction is too difficult to complete compared to other major faction questlines
- Fixed an issue where the reward for the "Power and Prestige" side quest is too low for the first era
- Fixed an issue with the walk animation of the Urces units
- Fixed several issues with the animations of the Vaulters and Mezari ambassadors
- Fixed several issues with the French, German, Russian and Polish localisations
- Fixed an issue where spacing between words cannot be noticed due to the font choice in quest descriptions (modification of the kerning values)