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Endless Legend

Also known as:
Amplitude Studios
Iceberg Interactive
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Patch 1.3.0

Author: Administrator Date: 25.11.15 System:

ADDITIONS [Echoes of Auriga]

  • Added 9 musical items (2D reskins of basic items) when the "Echoes of Auriga" content pack is enabled.
  • Added 7 new soundtracks (played during Summer and/or Winter) composed by FlybyNo to the playlist of Endless Legend when the "Echoes of Auriga" content pack is enabled:
    • War of the Sundered (Gravity Well Remix).
    • Way of the Forerunner.
    • Under the Threshold.
    • Glassteel.
    • SkyGlade.
    • Pillars of Dust.
    • FlameSear.

ADDITIONS [The Lost Tales]

  • Added 20 new quests focusing the Minor Factions of Auriga when the "Lost Tales" content pack is enabled. Some of them are triggered once the faction assimilated.

ADDITIONS [Classic, Guardians and Shadows versions]

  • Added the support of Steam Workshop [G2G].
    Several mods can be loaded for a same game now, via the mods compilation feature.


  • Added the support of .tmx files format, allowing the creation of word maps by modders. World maps can be created with Tiled software, and imported in Endless Legend via a mod.
  • Added an exportation tool of the 3D meshes and textures of the units of Endless Legend, available via the --enablemoddingtool launch option.


  • Added a new outgame view, featuring the Ardent Mages faction [G2G].


  • Added the Scyther unit, which can be searched, or quest rewarded, when the first Guardian appears on Auriga [G2G] (Guardians only).
    Created by the Endless in their purge of Auriga - and of any power that might withstand them - the Scythers were designed with one goal in mind: To destroy any beings whose strength derived from Dust.


  • Added Kugua, a Sister of Mercy hero available on the Market Place, with her dedicated skill tree [G2G].
    One of only a handful who bear the title "Valete", Kugua earned this honorary rank through selfless dedication during the Red Pestilence.


  • Added 20 new items [G2G]:
    • 18 Bracelet Unit items adding, among other bonuses, these new abilities: Minor Faction Slayer, Last Resort and Group Cohesion.
    • 2 new Hero items: "Nwere" and Ziiri's Band (Shadows only).


  • Added 7 new faction traits to be used in the creation of custom factions [G2G]:
    • Dreams of Glory,
      Reduces production cost of new Settler units.
    • Who Can Do More Can Do Less,
      Reduces Research cost for Technologies of previous Eras.
    • Rest and Relaxation,
      Speeds regeneration of Unit health in city Garrisons.
    • Westward Ho!,
      Reduces Approval penalties caused by empire expansion.
    • Surreptitious Skills,
      Lowers cost of Infiltration actions (Shadows only).
    • Shipyard,
      Era 2 Technology available at start.
    • Diplomat’s Manse,
      Era 2 Technology available at start.


  • Added the Dust to Dust trailer (can be disabled in the game options).
  • Added an in-game feedback when the --enablemoddingtools mode is enabled.
  • Added Era number to the tooltip used by Technology faction traits.
  • Updated the World Generator (added a new algorithm of ground regions -- they should be more balanced).

CHANGES [All versions]
Siege and Battle

  • Added 3 faster game speeds in game options for combat animations.
  • Militia availability is now bound to city ownership (after a city has been taken).
  • Fortification lost in battle is removed from city fortification (then regenerates like before).
  • Doubled the base value of the natural fortification regeneration, from 4 per turn to 8 in normal speed.
  • Reduced the impact of sieging armies over garrison unit Life after all of the fortification has been depleted.


  • Victory Quest item becomes a Hero-only battle item (insignia).
  • Reduced a bit more bonuses granted to armor items by Iron and Dust materials.
  • Increased Effects granted by Mithrite and Hyperium accessory capacities.


  • Doubled XP bonus granted by the Era 1 Defense Improvement + increased to 100 the granted fortification bonus.
  • Doubled XP bonus granted by the Era 3 Defense Improvement.
  • Increased City siege protection bonus of the Era 4 Food improvement.
  • Added Level 2 Effects of Cargo Docks Expansion (Food/Dust/Industry bonuses).
  • Reduced Canal Locks per pop Industry bonus from 7 to 5.
  • Added Fortification regeneration bonus to the Defense City Improvements (except for the Era 3 Defense Improvement).
  • Reduced Defensive Wards per pop Fortification bonus from 45 to 30.


  • +1 Militia in cities.
  • Increased by 50% base values of Militia Defense and Damage, and by 10% their Life.
  • Added the Fast capacity to Militia units.
  • Increased by 50% Militia attributes bonuses granted automatically through Eras.

Heroes and Units

  • +2 Dust on Hero Upkeep per hero of the empire.
  • Divided in 2 skill levels the Keen Observer skill of Support heroes.
  • On Gios Guardian: -25% Defense, -20% Damage, -20% Life.
  • On Wild Walkers Shaman: +5% Damage, +40% Life.
  • On Sisters of Mercy Justicere: +30% Attack, +40% Life.
  • On Kazanji Daemon: -20% Life, +20% Production Cost.
  • Added "Sweep" capacity to the Yirmack Roving Clans unit.
  • Tweaked "Fast Learner" bonus values.
  • Added Heal to the "Blessing" capacity of Sisters of Mercy unit and faction Hero.
  • Reduced a bit Damage attribute of Sisters of Mercy unit and faction Hero.
  • Replaced "Disease Immunity" by "Natural Immunity" to the Sisters of Mercy Hero.


  • Added +15% Trade route gain in summer to the Roving Clans Trait: "Brace Yourself".
  • Added Privateers army upkeep reduction to the Roving Clans trait: "Mercenary Comforts".
  • "Winter Shelters" faction trait has now the right category in the Custom Faction screen.
  • Raised gain from "Endless Recycling" Vaulters technology for +4 on level 2 district to +14.
  • Added +20% empire plan cost per converted village on "Conversion" faction trait.
  • Added +4 Food per pop to Broken Lords "City Hall" (in case of city capture by other factions).
  • Added +4 Science per pop to Forgotten "City Hall" (in case of city capture by other factions).
  • Increased from 2 to 10 the Dust bonus granted by the Forgotten "Founder's Memorial".
  • Doubled Dust bonus granted by the Broken Lords "Founder's Memorial".


  • Reduced reward and amount of Dust required in the 1st step of the "Too Many Chiefs" quest.
  • Second step of "Too Many Chiefs" may not require any resource to talk to the other village (and if so, less than before).
  • Reduced difficulty of "Diplomacy by other means".
  • A minimum of 60 Approval is now required to get "A Fair Leader".
  • "The Incompetent Politician" can now only be triggered from Era 2 minimum (Luxury amounts required are now also lower).
  • Era 2 is now required to trigger "The Other Side of the Sea".
  • Added cost in Mithrite to build the Cultists quest improvement of the chapter 7.
  • Reduced difficulty of the Chapter 5 of the Roving Clans Questline.


  • Close Borders declaration price has been increased by 50%.

Legendary Deeds and Buildings [Guardians]

  • Increased challenge of Era 1 Luxury Legendary Deed objective to 4 boosters activated instead of 3.
  • Decreased value of Era 1 Economy Legendary Deed reward to 130 Luxury Resources.
  • Decreased value of Era 3 Economy Legendary Deed to 80 of Palladian or Adamantian.
  • Reduced from -30% to -20% of borough cost, the empire bonus granted by the Era 2 Legendary Building.
  • Reduced to 30 per pop the Defensive bonus granted by "Wards Fortification" Legendary Building.
  • Added a feedback to the technologies unlocking a National Building.

Espionage [Shadows]

  • Added one additional path to reach the Counter Espionage Hero skill in the skill tree.
  • Added the value and duration in the tooltop of the Poisoned Status on the Hero card in the Academy screen.

AI CHANGES [All versions]
Unit Designs

  • Improved the AI's choice of unit design: the AI should use more accessories and more strategic weapons and armor.
  • AI will avoid using Iron items from previous eras.
  • AI will use more dust equipment if available.
  • AI will now retrofit experienced units first.
  • AI will not retrofit units with a lower level than their current era's new recruits would be.
  • The current strategic resources stock plays more of a role in the choice of equipment than before.

Army decisions

  • Tweaks to battle targeting weights
    • Target distance now plays a bigger role
    • Improved the evaluation of heal and debuff immunity
    • Improved the evaluation of higher ground
    • Improved the targeting of "faster than shadows' and "chain lightning' area-of-effect attack
  • AI will now consider different attack angles when choosing to launch a battle
  • Improved general military power estimation
    • The number of available deployment tiles relative to army size is now taken into account.
    • Battlefield terrain is now taken into account.
    • City fortifications is now more accurately taken into account.
    • Available the reinforcements are more accurately taken into account.
    • Fixed an issue where the stealth armies are taken into account when computing military power in battle.
  • AI will retreat from hopeless battles.
    • The AI will avoid retreating when its army is at half health.
  • AI will no longer reinforce hopeless battles.
  • AI should have better army compositions.
  • AI should avoid pillaging neighbors it feels no hostility towards.


  • AI will now disembark its units correctly in order to break a siege.
  • AI should now be less hesitant when it comes to breaking a siege.


  • AI will now purchase more heroes when it can.
  • AI will spend more resources giving heroes equipment.
  • Improved choice of assignment for Cultists heroes: the starting cultists hero should now be set to governor by the AI.
  • AI heroes should now equip tomes, insignias, scopes and bracelets depending on their assignment.


  • Improved the AI's choice of city location for its first city.
  • AI now uses a better expansion pattern for its districts.
  • AI now takes into account the available space for expansion when evaluating potential areas to colonise.
  • Fixed an issue where AI colonists would get stuck when another empire beats them to their target region
    • Colonists will switch to a new target if one is available
    • Colonists will retreat back to safety is threatened
  • Improved the AI's choice of region for colonization: the AI should now choose "safer" regions.
  • AI is now less likely to build colonists when at war with someone.


  • Overhauled the research system:
    • AI now considers resource gains relative to their current empire production, instead of considering them in the absolute.
    • Strategic resource stocks and incomes are now taken into account when choosing technologies which unlock improvements which cost strategic resources.
    • Decisions are based on long-term tendencies rather than the current state of the empire.
  • The AI will now consider the number of models of this class already available, as well as the total number of available models, when evaluating unit model unlocks.
  • Strategic equipment cost discounts are taken into account when evaluating strategic armour and weapon technologies.
  • Pillage defense and anti-spy technologies are now unlocked by the AI when it suffers pillaging and infiltration actions.
  • "Pillage" and "Dust Sense" are evaluated based on the number of potential targets in neighboring regions.
  • "Search Party" is evaluated based on the number of ruins in the AI's empire
  • The AI no longer evaluates technologies that unlock National Buildings as though the building could be built multiple times.
  • Peace and Alliance technologies are weighted based on the AI's desire to make peace and to form alliances.
  • The AI will evaluate the utility of unlocking new minor faction slots based on the number of rebuilt villages of unassimilated minor factions in its empire.
  • "Meritocratic Promotion" is now evaluated based on the current army composition of the AI, and should now be far more attractive to the AI.
  • Ship technology is now evaluated based on the number of neutral and enemy regions on other continents.
  • "Cargo Docks" technology is now evaluated based on the number of coastal cities and takes into account the bonus to industry, food and approval provided by the improvement.
  • "Imperial Highways" technology is now considerably more attractive to the AI thanks to a better evaluation of the potential gain from trade and watch towers.
  • The AI will no longer research trade upgrades before researching either sea or land trade.
  • AI desire for watch towers will now increase in response to pillaging and infiltration actions, and to the presence of nearby non-friendly empires.
  • AI should no longer research watchtower upgrades without first having researched watch towers.
  • AI should no longer research guardians/guardian killers without having the needed strategic resources to build them.
  • "Imperial Coinage" should now be researched sooner, especially if the AI has a lot of resources at their disposal.
  • AI should now research "Learn from others" (Forgotten).
  • Improved evaluation of available holy resources for unlocking city improvements (Vaulters).
  • Pillar and Spell Arcana levels are taken into account when evaluating pillar and spell technologies (Ardent Mages).
  • The number of unlocked pillar technologies is taken into account when evaluating Arcana technologies (Ardent Mages).
  • The AI's faction will now influence their choice of technology.


  • The AI now focuses less on defense and more on economy at the beginning of the game.
  • Overhauled the system used to choose city improvements:
    • AI now considered resource gains relative to their current city production, instead of considering them in the absolute.
    • Decisions are based on long-term tendencies rather than the current state of the city.
  • AI will now build watchtowers in response to pillaging and espionage (Shadows).
  • AI will now build pillage defense improvements in response de pillaging (Shadows).
  • Forgotten AI should now build their "Founder's Memorial".
  • Vaulters AI should now build "Winter Shelters".
  • Vaulters AI now choose Holy Resources better than before.
  • Ardent Mages AI should now uses more pillars.
  • The AI will now sell surplus strategic and luxury resources on the market.
  • AI will specialize its mature cities in order to be the best empire at something where possible (Science, Dust, Industry, etc).
  • The AI will now build stockpiles when idle.
  • The AI's faction now influences their choice of improvements.


  • The AI will now evaluate the terms differently if it's the provider or the receiver. The AI will be less exploitable and more greedy.
    • The AI will take into account its wealth relative to their trading partner's when trading resources and when discussing the terms of commercial agreements.
    • The AI will take into account its technological advancement relative to their trading partner's when trading technology and when discussing the terms of research agreements.
    • The AI will take into account the AI's military power relative to their trading partners, as well as their current number of wars, when discussing the terms truce, peace and alliance terms.
    • The AI will take into account the ratio of explored map tiles when discussing the terms of vision and map exchanges.
    • The AI will take into account the relative military powers of all three empires when discussing the terms of a declaration of war on a third party.
  • The AI will take into account its faction when evaluating all diplomatic terms.
  • The AI will take into account its difficulty setting when evaluating all diplomatic terms: harder AIs will ask for more than easier AIs.
  • The AI will take into account its attitude towards their trading partner to a greater measure.
  • The AI should no longer propose research and trade agreements when trade is not possible.
  • Relative military power is now more important to the AI: it should now pick its fights better.
  • The AI's faction will now heavily influence what terms they will tend to offer.

IMPORTANT FIXES [All versions]

  • Fixed an issue where map generation can fail on OSX.
  • Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is received when using the show location button for several quests.
  • Fixed an issue where a null ref exception is raised when attacking an army on a city while the army is disbanding.
  • Fixed an issue where a player could be replaced by an AI before entering the game.

FIXES [All versions]

  • Fixed an issue where city fortification can be reduced to negative values after a battle occurs.
  • Fixed an issue where city fortifications are damaged inconsistently when cities are assaulted in either manual, auto or spectator battles.
  • Fixed an issue where the city loses the entire city fortification after any type of battle in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where Settler units can be sold and bought from the market place.
  • Fixed an issue where army movement buttons lose functionality and generate an assert message when defending a city.
  • Fixed an issue where units and heroes can equip one-handed weapons in their off hand.
  • Fixed an issue where the player cannot retrofit Heroes bought from the Marketplace if equipped with non-researched items.


  • Fixed an issue with strategic uncommon and rare resource extractors where the AI's potential gain is multiplied two different times by the number of extractors.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI's conversion of city Approval and Industry per population into Production uses an incorrect factor (Food to Production).
  • Fixed an issue where all AI heroes have similar skill tree builds which are not very efficient.
  • Fixed an issue where AI major factions do not learn skills for heroes according to their assignments.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI's battle targeting always considered the enemy as out of range.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI didn't take into account the reinforcement in the deployment.
  • Fixed an issue where terrified AIs are not willing to accept peace from the human player.
  • Fixed AI parameters for a number of late-game improvements.
  • Fixed military power calculation from regeneration and experience, bound military power of equipment unlocks to number of units, lowered minimum threshold for influence utility.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI playing Necrophages does not research the "Cannon Fodder" technology.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI does not research assimilation technologies.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI does not research "Stockpiles" technologies.
  • Fixed an issue where Vaulters "Endless Recycling" improvement has a low priority when using a science automated governor.
  • Fixed an issue where multiple AI empires have the exact same attitude in negotiations.
  • Fixed an issue where a pitying AI offers peace along with offering Dust to a player.
  • Fixed an issue where AI major factions will declare market ban to allied empires.
  • Fixed an issue where the deal approval bar is positive whenever asking an AI to open borders.
  • Fixed an issue where Stockpiles are always considered low value by the AI in the contract terms.
  • Fixed an issue where automated construction AIs do not build stockpiles.
  • Fixed an issue where Vaulters and Mezari AI do not activate strategic resource boosters based on their bonus or the quantity of the resources they possess.
  • Fixed an issue where AI playing Vaulters or Mezari do not research the "Endless Recycling" technology.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI rarely buys new heroes limiting its armies, economy and espionage potential.
  • Fixed an issue where AI Empires can declare negative treaties when they are in the "Terrified" Relationship status.
  • Fixed an issue where Cultist AI empires research "Cargo Docks" when their city is not on water.
  • Fixed an issue where typos in market ban removal and force truce agents prevent these terms from being declared/proposed.


  • Fixed an issue where the Drakkens' "Friendly Banner" hero skill does not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the Setseke free building allows to build a Legendary Building 2 times.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Conversion" trait is not functional while the owned capital is relocated using the Nomadic cities trait.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Conversion" trait loses functionality after players use Salting The Earth on the capital as a custom faction.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Conversion" trait loses functionality for custom factions if the empire's capital is captured.
  • Fixed an issue where the level 1 of the Ardent Mages' "Incantation of Enervation" is not working properly.
  • Fixed an issue where custom factions can be created with both the "Knack for knowledge" and "Science inefficient" traits.
  • Fixed an issue where custom factions can be created with both the "Dust efficient" and "Dust inefficient" traits.


  • Fixed an issue where city does not get their garrison out when there is a Settler even when a lot of units are willing to take part in the battle.
  • Fixed an issue where privateers get Influence points when killing units who are enemies of allies.
  • Fixed an issue where killing privateer units who are enemies of allies gives Influence.
  • Fixed an issue where units cannot exchange positions in the same round during manual combat.
  • Fixed an issue where armies in besieged cities can still be interacted with when assigning heroes.
  • Fixed an issue where the influence points are not divided per contender when killing enemies of allies in a battle.
  • Fixed an issue where Militia units are revived after loading the session.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Blessing" capacity is used in automatic combat when it has no effect.
  • Fixed an issue where Sisters of Mercy units and hero do not receive orders to use the "Blessing" capacity during automatic combat.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sisters of Mercy units and hero do not bless injured units when ordered to move adjacent to them.
  • Fixed an issue where all levels of the "Life Drain" capacity heal for an extra 2 HP.
  • Fixed an issue where melee units with the "Disease" capacity will become infected when attacking.
  • Fixed an issue where, when there is an army coming in as reinforcements, the battle XP gain decreases as if both armies participated in battle.
  • Fixed an issue where a wrong visual effect is displayed when using the "Debuff Immunity" capacity in combat.
  • Fixed an issue where quest armies came as reinforcements only in battle, and not in the encounter panel.
  • Fixed an issue where armies spawned by quests are not displayed as reinforcements inside the combat notification.


  • Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages faction quest cannot be completed by the custom factions with the "Pitiless" trait.
  • Fixed an issue where the Ardent Mages faction quest does not trigger for custom factions with the "Pitiless" trait.
  • Fixed an issue where chapter 2 of the faction quest does not trigger for Ardent Mages custom factions with the "Pitiless" trait.
  • Fixed an issue where quest victory spawned armies do not present a challenge in combat.
  • Fixed an issue where "Too Many Chiefs" can be given several times.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Plague of Savagery" quest does not increase the attributes of minor faction villages.
  • Fixed an issue where Step 1 of the "A Friend in Need" quest is failed after ending a turn.
  • Fixed an issue where the movement bonus received during winter from the "Watchman's Pelt" is modified by the winter movement penalty.
  • Fixed an issue where the "A Friend in Need" quest is received after purchasing "Valete Sapiri Kugua" in the third research era.


  • Fixed an issue where the city fortification value exits its designated text box when higher than 3 digits.
  • Fixed an issue where the AI Governor filter in the Cities List screen does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where details on notification when an empire is defeated doesn't show the defeated empire name.
  • Fixed an issue where the city label and army banners reappear if the user zooms out and in while the city is selected.
  • Fixed an issue where selected traits cannot be sorted according to their "Trait name", "Lvl" and "Cost" inside the Faction Editor screen.
  • Fixed an issue where traits are rearranged inside the Faction Editor screen when one is removed or added.
  • Fixed an issue where the sort by Influence cost option does not work in the Negotiation screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the scroll view of the in game chat doesn't scroll when the player opens it right after receiving a new message.
  • Fixed an issue where accessing the Save or Load screen and exiting it quickly multiple times causes the screen to display corrupted save files.
  • Fixed an issue where a skippable assert is generated when clicking on filters in the city list.
  • Fixed an issue where the Food production penalties applied during winter are not displayed by using percentile values.
  • Fixed an issue where the trade route Dust income penalty applied during winter is not displayed by using percentile values.
  • Fixed an issue where the winter Food penalties are displayed inconsistently inside the empire management screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the trade route Dust penalties are displayed inconsistently inside the empire management screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the user cannot immediately load the first save file in the loading screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the user can attempt to sell a higher number of stockpiles than available.
  • Fixed an issue where negative values of resources and stockpiles can be sold on the market.
  • Fixed an issue where the user can ignore the market ban for a few turns if they are in the market screen when they are banned.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Show FIDSI" button appears enabled compared to the hexagonal grid one.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip of the Assign Hero button does not display any relevant information when the button is greyed out because there is no available hero.
  • Fixed an issue where the effects of the "Farsighted" skill are inconsistent with the effects noted in its tooltip.
  • Fixed an issue where the description of the "Dust-Driven Distillery" Era 6 technology is inconsistent with the effects.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Brace Yourself" tooltip gives false information in the effects section.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Keen Observer" hero skill tooltip displays false information.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Rallying Call" hero skill tooltip displays false information.
  • Fixed an issue where the Army Action pop-up message is not centered.
  • Fixed an issue where text overlaps titles for improvements which are unlocked by one technology in the research screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the information displayed inside the "Life Drain" capacity tooltip is inconsistent with its effects regarding when it's applied.
  • Fixed an issue where the text displayed in the Empire Bonuses about the "Rest and Relaxation" trait is difficult to read and understand.
  • Fixed an issue with tier 4 items visibility.
  • Fixed an issue where multiplayer sessions do not inform or display the mod that is currently active.
  • Fixed an issue where the player's name exits the designated text box in the diplomatic notifications when over 23 characters long.
  • Fixed an issue where the world size changes from "tiny" to "small" when selecting 4 empires in the new game screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the Marketplace main table is not properly positioned after turning off Big Screen User Interface.


  • Fixed an issue where the "Maxed Out" Steam achievement is not properly unlocked.

FIXES [Shadows]

  • Fixed an issue where the "I Came I Slew I Scampered" Steam achievement is not properly unlocked.
  • Fixed an issue where detection does not function immediately after a hero is assigned to an army.
  • Fixed an issue where the weapons of retrofitted stealth armies are visible on the adventure map.
  • Fixed an issue where the stealth effect causes graphical corruptions in combat.
  • Fixed an issue where pillaging while sieging is possible.
  • Fixed an issue where pillaging extractors will not award resources if the region's city is besieged.
  • Fixed an issue where the pillage button is displayed for besieging armies when the user right clicks on a city.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip of the Retreat button of pillaging armies displays false information.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hero Released and Hero Captured notification options do not have tooltips.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hero Released and Hero Captured notifications and their tooltip display debug text.
  • Fixed an issue where the Research Wonder bonus doesn't apply to Forgotten empire cities.
  • Fixed an issue where the round-up action will always display a duration of 4 turns on all speeds when first initiated.
  • Fixed an issue where units without detection prevent stealth units from entering closed borders.
  • Fixed an issue where invisible armies cannot merge or split inside the closed borders of an opposing empire.
  • Fixed an issue where heroes captured through round-up actions behave as if captured by an unknown empire.
  • Fixed an issue where there is no specific notification for when a captured hero has been released.
  • Fixed an issue where infiltration actions can be accidentally activated when assigning spies from the espionage screen.
  • Fixed an issue where there is no "Show location" button in the city espionage actions notifications.
  • Fixed an issue where the round-up notifications do not have the Show Location button.
  • Fixed an issue where the user can select cities in the Visible Cities list located in the Espionage Screen with no use.
  • Fixed an issue where round-up provides false information when it disables a spy.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Reveal Spy" action reveals and wounds all the spies of the targeted empire.
  • Fixed an issue where, even if a spy is disabled, the active vision on the infiltrated city is kept, allowing an immediate re-infiltration.
  • Fixed an issue where the infiltration cost reduction trait is still available if the Shadows content is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where changing Forgotten Assassin design creates an error.
  • Fixed an issue where dual wielding has introduced possibility to equip a weapon off hand without a 3D model.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forgotten chapter 1 could block some side quests.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forgotten can receive a pacification quest when parleying during chapter 1 with a converted village.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forgotten questline cannot be completed if Archivist Mukangung is defeated by another empire during Chapter 7 step 3.
  • Fixed an issue where players remain stuck during the Forgotten questline if the empire targeted during Chapter 8 is defeated in step 1.
  • Fixed an issue where chapter 8 step 2 of the Forgotten Faction quest does not complete if the user defeats an army but does not also defeat that army's reinforcements.
  • Fixed an issue where players cannot complete the Forgotten Chapter 8 Step 2 by eliminating the target empire.
  • Fixed an issue where the counter for the Forgotten Chapter 8 Step 2 is modified when armies of the targeted empire are sold.
  • Fixed an issue where the counter for the Forgotten Chapter 8 Step 2 is modified when armies of the targeted empire are split and merged.
  • Fixed an issue where the counter for the Forgotten Chapter 8 Step 2 is modified when armies of the targeted empire are garrisoned.
  • Fixed an issue where the counter for the Forgotten Chapter 8 Step 2 is modified when armies of the targeted empire are defeated by others.
  • Fixed an issue where the city label allows infiltration of a city under siege.
  • Fixed an issue where the level 3 Target governor effects displayed in the city applied effects and empire bonuses are confusing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Decrease Vision empire effect is displayed twice after being applied as a level 4 infiltration action.
  • Fixed an issue where the Decrease Vision empire effect is displayed three times after being applied as a level 5 infiltration action.
  • Fixed an issue where the "Caudata Sanctuary" technology is linked to the forgotten affinity.
  • Fixed an issue where the Forgotten Chapter 1 step 1 quest objectives display false information.
  • Fixed an issue where the scroll bar in Chapter 8 step 3 of the Forgotten quest rewards does not function.
  • Fixed an issue where the "What's Mine Is Mine" trait is still available if the Shadows content is disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where users are granted detection on all tiles with vision after equipping any hero with "Insignia of the Hunter".
  • Fixed an issue where players remain stuck during the Forgotten questline if the empire targeted during Chapter 8 is defeated in step 1.
  • Fixed an issue where players cannot complete Chapter 8 step 2 of the the Forgotten questline by eliminating the target empire.
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