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Pike and Shot

Also known as:
Pike & Shot
Byzantine Games
Matrix Games
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Patch 1.03

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

1. Evaders and routers are now prevented from deviating by more than 90 degree from their initial or current direction of flight in each step of their flee move. Units evading will make an initial turn directly away from the charger. Units routed from close combat will make an initial turn directly away from the unit that broke them (or approximately split the angle if fighting multiple units).
Routers who cannot make any rout move at all because of the above are dispersed. Evaders will be caught in the back.
2. Keils no longer ignore the ZOC of enemy directly to their front.
3. Total maximum alternative unit texture folders permitted (including those in the Core set plus those in a particular campaign) increased to 32. (Was 16).
4. Game speed can now optionally be reduced to anything between 30% and 100%.
5. Corrected bug that prevented Side 1 intro popup from appearing in MP games.
6. Corrected bug that allowed pursuers to get free move to catch up with target of pursuit charge if it evades.
7. Corrected bug causing long-distance break-offs in extremely rare circumstances.
8. Corrected bug in tile Overlay sets which treated river-stream T-junctions and stream-stream T-junctions as interchangeable.
9. Corrected music bugs - prevented same track from restarting when switching menu, and made battle music play correctly on loading saved game or MP turn.
10. Random map scripts moved to /Data/Battle/Scripts to allow modded versions in custom campaigns to overwrite them. (Versions in /Tools/Slith_RandomMap/UI are now just shells and dummies to avoid issues with installation.)
11. Language localisation added for Troop Types in Editor, and alternative Skirmish campaigns.

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