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Mount & Blade: Warband - Viking Conquest DLC

Also known as:
Taleworlds Entertainment
Release date:
Off. Website:
Your rating: None Average: 8 (107 votes)

Patch 2.028

Author: Administrator Date: 04.08.17 System:

- update and fix various texts
- update Spanish localization
- fix duplicate husband bug
- fix documentation for siege restrictions
- prevent player from gaining kingdom in story mode
- fix battle presentation for dog exclusion, player team (unrecognized troops bug)
- limit items in lords' halls (no more "sneaking" visible weapons with second outfit)
- initialize hunt globals correctly
- add looted hofs to recovery trigger
- refine faction identification for dialogs
- apply quest generation shutoff to "no tasks"
- apply seax exclusion to all rob prisoner dialogs
- add default to torturer dialog
- fix farmstead cattle
- allow Ashdown battle restart from mid-quest save
- bind bottom of relation boost in case somehow goes negative
- clean up post-quest locales (Sven's Hideout, Ashdown destroyed, and Boar Grove)
- avoid operations on null item or to null inventory
- fix scope, div-by-zero problems in script_battle_political_consequence
- fix capture of ships problem with autoresolve
- prohibit unusable landing points at map border
- disable companion political complaints, which are completely wrong
- attach Tref Meguaidd East to Caer Meguaidd
- fix misnamed variable (MP)
- strip practice weapons on ESC from Doccinga tutorial
- remove stray dog dialog from Doccinga tutorial
- remove dead code

- 40 odd fixed scenes

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