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Blackguards 2

Also known as:
Daedalic Entertainment
Daedalic Entertainment
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Patch 1.1

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

– Pressing the “V” key (showing goals, interactive objects) is working also during deployment on the battlemap now.

– The status box has mouseover informations now

– Cities are more populated now


BLOCK (Spoiler Alert)

– Battle Prison of Assakal: fixed occasional soft freeze when AI picked up weapons

– Battle Marwans Palace pt 2: fixed possible blocker caused by incorrect cutscene trigger

– Battle Marwans Palace pt 1: fixed win conditions

– Battle Marwans Arena: corrected “petrified” flags so they are being considered for win and lose conditions

– Battle Dujar: fixed a dialogue trigger bug that made it impossible to reach the “creator”



MAJOR (Spoiler Alert)

– Effects: fixed a bug that prevented paralysis effects from ending

– Quest: fixed the quest “Everything shall be mine”

– Battle Mengbilla: fixed major bug that caused enemy troops to flee prematurely

– Battle Palace pt1: fixed narrator screen introduction

– GUI: fixed a potential malfunction with shop arrow buttons

– GUI: fixed initiative bar portraits of curiers

– Battle Arena: fixed dialogue triggering at the wrong time

– Monsters: corrected some issues with Great Petrifier’s eternal petrification effect’

– Story: Corrected consequences on character stats through dialouge choices

– Story: Corrected cutscene/dialogue consequences on characters dead-or-alive states

– Battle Mengbilla: fixed a bug with the hint system

– Mercenaries: fixed multiple issues with the black-ogre, made him unavailable in missions where he is absolutely useless

– Character Values: fixed an issue with debuffs still sticking on immune characters

– Battle Fisher Settlement: fixed dialogues

– Battle El Halem : fixed consequences of previous sabotage fight

– Story: Fixed a major text bug in english version of dialouge with labyinth guard

– GUI: fixed some issues with the saving screen

– Battlemaps: fixed scripted camera movement on special events

– Story: fixed consequences from failing an interrogation with a certain character

– Story: fixed eavesdropping event in the second Labyrinth map

– Battle El Halem Sabotage: Enemy guards now stop being reinforced if barracks are set on fire

– GUI: fixed -close- button in controls menu

– AI: fixed multiple bugs that caused AI controlled entities to never end their turns

– Balancing: significantly nerfed the gang of hunters in Battle Hunters Camp

– Battle Arena: fixed several block-path and height issues

– Battle Tykates: fixed LOS issues with Tykates cage

– Story: corrected consequences of major adversaries’ deaths

– Battle Fisher Settlement: fixed dialogue issues leaving players with only one option to win the map

– Story: fixed wrong “City El Halem” cutscene trigger



– Many minor bugs, like sound and garphic glitches have been fixed too

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