* Add new "Nebula" unique system.
* Adding some more race portraits.
* Add a game option to hide the locations of other systems/stars until an adjacent system is explored.
* Add planetary thruster building.
* Add singularity lab orbital.
* Add orbital frame constructor artifact.
* Added graviton condenser subsystem that can be activated to damage and eventually destroy stars and planets.
* Add cloaking mesh subsystem.
* Added a few 'scalable' resources, resources that don't have a required level, can't be exported and gain more benefits depending on the level of the planet they are on.
* Added Muon Cannon (support) and Muon Cannon Battery (flagship) weapons.
* Add Titan Hull, can be researched and used for various benefits and more interior space on ships.
* Small improvements to the looks and usability of the fleet support ship management interface.
* Bonuses/penalties for highest/lowest contributor in votes are now integrated over time instead of only checking the final votes of each empire. The vote tab displays which empires are currently considered highest and lowest contributors.
* Ship designs are now based on a static hex size with a limited amount of space available, instead of stats scaling based on the percentage of the ship covered. This invalidates many old ship designs.
* Removed adjacency hp bonus from armor.
* Armor on the outside of a ship does not count towards ship interior space limit.
* Flagships and defense stations are now in separate quickbars instead of together in the fleets quickbar.
* Peace proposals now use the treaty system.
* Flagships now need to rotate in the direction they're moving in before starting to thrust.
* Planetary wonders have been removed.
* Food and Water resource effects have been removed.
* Planets now go up to Level 5, resource requirements for level 4 have been lowered.
* FTL Crystals are now a scalable resource that provides more FTL/s as it levels up.
* Completely rework the layout of technologies in the research grid.
* Changed the bonuses Zeitgeists give to the highest/lowest contributors in the vote.
* Fix remnants leaving their systems in The Expanse.
* Fix bug with selecting different locales.
* Hyperdrive speed can now recover due to repair even during FTL.
* Homeworlds can no longer be gimped due to being mostly ocean/lava.
* AI now has a basic understanding of treaties.
* Empire attributes are now generated automatically whenever a hook uses a previously unknown one. New attributes are initialized to 0 by default.