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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

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Sledgehammer Games
Activision [+]
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Patch 03/03/2015

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

In-Game Updates:

    • Full Royalty Character Loot Set unlocked.

    • Connectivity Optimizations

    • Connectivity and matchmaking improvements when in a party.
    • Added 15 Master Prestige ranks and Grand Master Prestige.
    • Added 15 more Daily Supply Drop Challenges.
    • Fixed a rare issue where players were not able to spawn into the game.
    • Fixed the sound of the SAC3 with the Suppressor Attachment to not play in stereo to all players on the map.
    • Fixed a rare issue where players would spawn without a gun.
    • Players will now be shown a “Player does not own the map pack” message when a player without the Havoc DLC joins their party.
    • Added the ability for purchased Create-A-Class slots to appear in Private Matches.
    • [Xbox One, Xbox 360] Fixed a rare crash issue with signing out with one player while split screen.
    • [Xbox 360, PlayStation 3] Reduced the max number of players in a Private Match to 10 for performance.


Weapon Balancing Updates (Note: Adjustments affect base weapon and all loot variants):

    • Heavy weapons: increase player movement speed by 5%
    • Corrected scopes on the AE4.
    • MK14 - reduced recoil
    • ARX160 - increased magazine size
    • AMR9 - increased damage, decreased time between bursts
    • SN6 - reduced recoil
    • KF5 - mid damage range increased
    • Atlas 45 - mid damage range increased, max damage range increased
    • PDW - increased damage
    • Shotguns: reduced spread when using Gung-Ho
    • S12 - increased fire rate, increased damage
    • EPM3 - reduced recoil
    • Lynx - reduced recoil
    • ASM1 – slightly reduced initial fire rate


UI Updates:

    • Rare Supply Drop Error messages when opening fixed.
    • Added a display for how many free slots you have in the Armory from the “Redeem Items” menu.
    • Replaced the camouflage images for Diamond and Royalty with the correct images in the Create-A-Class menu.
    • Replaced the Valkyrie loadout for the Centurion loadout for players who were incorrected rewarded this character gear in Clan Wars.
    • Fixed an issue where duplicates of unlocked items were showing in the New Items list.
    • Fixed an issue where some Create-A-Class were showing the incorrect lock status when selecting a Permanent Unlock when Prestiging.
    • Adjusted kill feed speed from 4 seconds to 6 seconds.


Challenges Updates:

    • Removed ability to earn more than one of a non-redeemable character gear from the Daily Supply Drop Challenges.
    • Players will no longer receive a Daily Supply Drop Challenge for non-redeemable gear they have already acquired.
    • Removed the incorrect challenge for the Crossbow Scope to unlock at 10 kills.


Emblem Updates:

    • Fixed an issue where the Emblem would sometimes apply incorrectly to the player card.


Scorestreak Updates:

    • Sentry Gun turrets now die in one melee hit.
    • Decreased the amount of time the player has to hold X to exit a remote controlled Sentry Turret.
    • Unmodified Missile Strike missiles now travel faster when boosting (by hitting the fire button while coming down).
    • The Vulcan laser scorestreak now fires longer.


Ranked Play Updates:

    • Added probation time for players who do not complete or disconnect from Ranked Play matches.
    • Will properly award Division Points in the case of a forfeited match (when the entire other team leaves).


Broadcaster Updates

    • Adjusted the colors and over all look for Broadcaster mode to make text and names easier to read and a better experience for viewers.
    • Fixed a rare issue where HUD elements would get stuck on the broadcaster’s screen.


Game Mode Specific Updates:

    • S&D: Added UI to show if you were attacking or defending at the start of the round.
    • One Shot: Increased Kill Confirmed score limit to 80 in the One Shot Mosh Pit playlist.
    • Gun Game: Added a leaderboard for Gun Game.
    • Momentum: Adjusted spawn locations for the Drift map.
    • Uplink: Fixed an issue where the satellite drone could get stuck on the Clown Inn sign.


Map Specific Updates:

    • Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
    • Fixed an issue where Orbital Care Packages were removed from areas of the map on Drift after the dynamic map event.
    • Fixed an issue where indestructible objects would show up on the Sideshow map.
    • Adjusted the A Bomb site location on Sideshow.
    • Fixed a performance issue with some of the dynamic map pieces on the Core map.
    • Adjusted spawns locations for the Drift map..
    • Fixed Aerial Assault Drone and Recon Drone out of world exploits on the Sideshow map.


Exo Survival Updates:

    • Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.


Exo Zombies Updates:

    • Added ability for players to pause the game in single-player Private match.
    • Fixed an issue where players were not able to join a match together while in a party.
    • Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies.
    • Removed the ability for host to start the match before players were ready in a Private Match setting.
    • Fixed an issue for the 20/20 Achievement so weapons that are reacquired after leveling it up to level 20 still count towards the achievement status.
    • Exo Zombies intro movie is now skippable.
    • Fixed a rare crash issue in Exo Zombies.
    • Fixed an issue where certain camos were missing for the ARX160.
    • Fixed an issue where the pop-up messaging for Player 2 could only be closed by Player 1.
    • Fixed a rare issue where the After Action Report was showing the incorrect map information after joining a Private Match.
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