Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare
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In-Game Updates:
- Connectivity optimizations.
- Matchmaking improvements.
- Fixed a rare frame rate drop issue that occurred in multiplayer.
- Fixed a rare issue where the underwater HUD would not display after a host migration occurs.
- Fixed an issue where some Scorestreak and medals were not being tallied when leaving in the middle of a match.
- Fixed a rare issue where the player could use the Exo Hover ability for longer than intended.
Weapon Updates:
- Fixed some missing geometry on the gun barrel of some of the M1 Irons variants.
- PDW - increased damage, max damage range increased.
- MP443 Grach - Increased damage, max damage range increased.
- Atlas 45 - increased damage, max damage range increased.
- MORS - increased damage modifier on upper arm hitbox.
- Crossbow - decreased reload time, increased projectile speed.
UI Updates:
- Fixed an issue where players were able to accept an invite to join a DLC playlist when they didn’t own the DLC, resulting in the player not joining a match.
- Fixed an issue where a large number of previously unlocked or owned items could show under the "New Items" menu after signing in.
- Fixed an issue where the player would return to the multiplayer menu after selecting a secondary weapon through the Armory.
- Fixed a placeholder image that was showing on the SHG cap.
Scorestreak Updates:
- Fixed a rare issue with the Missile Strike scorestreak where the fog settings would remain on screen until the player respawns.
- Fixed a rare crash issue with the Goliath.
- Fixed an issue where the player wouldn't receive an "Out of Bounds" message when using the XS 1 Vulcan outside of the playable map on Compound.
- Fixed Aerial Assault Drone and Recon Drone out of world exploits on the Parliament map.
Game Mode Specific Updates:
- Kill Confirmed / Grapple Moshpit - Fixed an issue where players were able to use the grape grapple on dog tags in Kill Confirmed.
- Grapple Playlist - Fixed an issue where players were able to fire a grapple while climbing a ladder but stay in a first person viewpoint.
- Gun Game - Fixed an issue where the player would not be able to progress in gun rank when getting a kill from the grave after being setback by a melee.
- Uplink - Fixed an area on Kremlin where players are able to throw the Satellite Drone without it being immediately reset while playing Uplink.
- Search and Destroy - Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on the Search and Destroy bomb site.
- Uplink - Fixed an area on Parliament where players are able to throw the Satellite Drone without it being immediately reset while playing Uplink.
Map Specific Updates:
- Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
- Kremlin - Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck on the Search and Destroy bomb site.
- Skyrise - Fixed an area where players could get stuck.
- Kremlin - Fixed an area on Kremlin where players are able to throw the Satellite Drone without it being immediately reset while playing Uplink.
- Compound - Fixed an issue where the player wouldn't receive an "Out of Bounds" message when using the XS 1 Vulcan outside of the playable map on Compound.
- Parliament- Fixed an area on Big Ben where players are able to throw the Satellite Drone without it being immediately reset while playing Uplink.
- Parliament - Fixed Aerial Assault Drone and Recon Drone out of world exploits on the Parliament map.
Exo Zombies Updates:
- Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies.
- Fixed an issue where players were not able to crawl off a ledge while downed in Exo Zombies.
- Fixed a rare issue where called in Sentinel Reinforcements wouldn't revive the player in a solo match.
- Fixed an issue where a solo player would not be able to use the Exo Medic upgrade while the Sentinel Reinforcements were spawned.
- Fixed an issue where players were able to pick up and throw back a Contact Grenade after it's been used.
- Fixed an issue where the player could keep a scorestreak item forever.
- Fixed a rare issue where a player could fall to their death with Exo Revive, and be forced into spectator mode.