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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Also known as:
Sledgehammer Games
Activision [+]
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Patch 27/04/2015

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

In-Game Updates:

    • Matchmaking improvements.
    • Connectivity optimizations.
    • [PlayStation 4] Fixed a rare issue where players could freeze when loading a map or remaining idle in a lobby.
    • Fixed a rare crash issue when entering the System Link menu.
    • Fixed an issue where spectators in third person would see first person crosshairs on some weapons.
    • Fixed an issue where the stock of the ARX-160 would disappear when cloaked.
    • Fixed an issue where scopes would not display after viewing a player in third person Spectator mode.
    • Fixed an issue where the field of view would not change when changing from first person to third person in Spectator mode.


Weapon Updates:

    • MK14 – Increased headshot damage multiplier.
    • ASM1 – Reduced the magazine size.
    • Pytaek – Decreased initial recoil, decreased aim down sights time.
    • EPM3 – Increased the headshot damage multiplier, decreased the heat build up when firing.


UI Updates:

    • [PlayStation 4]Fixed an issue where players were unable to connect to "Play Online" after creating an online PSN account from the in-game menu.
    • Fixed a rare issue where the game could freeze when redeeming an item from the Armory.
    • Fixed an issue for the virtual firing range could display a higher than 100% accuracy when using shotguns and grenades.
    • Fixed an issue where arms without bodies would show up in the virtual lobby.
    • Fixed an issue where some players were not able to pass leadership of a party to another player in the party.


Challenges Updates:

    • Fixed an issue where the "Woo Who?" slide-kill challenge was not tracking kills with certain variants.


Store Updates:

    • Added quick access to the in-game store to the Message of the Day.
    • Various improvements and network optimizations for the in-game store.


Scorestreak Updates:

    • Fixed an exploit with the Aerial Attack Drone scorestreak.
    • Fixed a rare animation bug for the XS1 Goliath scorestreak.
    • Fixed a rare issue where a player could be invincible after calling in a Goliath.


Ranked Play Updates:

    • Fixed a rare issue where players would lose functionality after entering and exiting the Create A Class menu.
    • Fixed an issue where players were able to get around the probation period when leaving a game early.


Game Mode Specific Updates:

    • Adjusted various spawning logic for Domination, Momentum, Capture the Flag, Hardpoint, and Uplink game modes.
    • Fixed an issue where players were able to enter into a Free-For-All match while using splitscreen.
    • Fixed a rare issue wher players were able to advance more than one Gun Rank with a multi-kill in Gun Game.
    • Fixed an issue where the "Contested" and "Taking" notifications were displaying incorrectly in Domination.


Map Specific Updates:

    • Fixed various out of map exploits across different multiplayer maps.
    • Adjusted various spawns for Drift for before and after the dynamic map event.


Exo Survival Updates:

    • Adjusted damage for the EM1.


Exo Zombies Updates:

    • Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies.
    • [Xbox One, PlayStation 4] Exo Zombies Fixed a rare issue where the UI icons for downed teammates, orbital supply drops, and civilians would not show up in later rounds.
    • Fixed a rare issue where the fire rate of some weapons would affect the secondary weapon of a player.
    • Various improvements to the Exo Zombies menu.
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