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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

Also known as:
Sledgehammer Games
Activision [+]
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Patch 04/08/2015

Author: Administrator Date: 25.08.15 System:

In-Game Updates:

    • Fixed an issue where two bullet cartridges would eject from the Lynx Sniper Rifles.
    • Fixed a rare issue where the player would lose functionality when repeatedly leaving and rejoining a Ranked Play lobby.
    • Fixed a rare issue where some players were not receiving a Match Bonus at the end of the match.


Weapon Updates:

    • Fixed an issue where the “III” camouflage was not displaying correctly when equipped on the IMR Assault Rifle.


UI Updates:

    • Fixed a rare issue where the player’s avatar wouldn’t show up in the player lobby after failing to join a game.


Scorestreak Updates:

    • Fixed a rare issue where the player could freeze after getting a kill with the AST Goliath scorestreak.


Map Specific Updates:

    • Fixed out of map exploits on the Kremlin map when using Exo-Grapple.
    • Fixed various out of map exploits on the Parliament map.
    • Fixed an issue where the Skylight Missile’s VFX could remain on the players screen for the duration of the match on the Parliament map.
    • Fixed an area where players could get stuck behind an object on the Drift map.
    • Fixed various out of map/wall breach exploits on the Climate map.
    • Fixed various out of map/wall breach exploits on the Skyrise map.
    • Fixed an area where players could get stuck behind an object on the Skyrise map.
    • Fixed various out of map exploits on the Site 244 map when using Exo-Grapple.
    • Fixed various out of map exploits on the Greenband map.
    • Fixed various out of map exploits on the Bio Lab map.
    • Fixed various wall breach exploits on the Defender map.


Broadcaster Mode:

    • Adjustments made to the layout of buttons and text in Broadcaster mode for different languages.


Exo Zombies Updates:

    • Fixed various out of map exploits for the Carrier Exo-Zombies map.
    • Fixed various out of map exploits where players could remain in place and not be attacked by zombies on the Carrier Exo-Zombies map.
    • Fixed an out of map exploit which allowed players to fire grenades into the back of the grenade disposal machine.
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