- Manta light cruiser added to campaign and skirmish modes (the Manta is available as a reinforcement from the third chapter onward - the Hunted and The Shipbuilder’s Yard
- Graphics update with improved ship textures and dynamic lighting
- Campaign mission War Scale has been balanced, and mission logs now show the War Scale bias awarded when the selected mission is completed
- Additional actions have been added to War Scale calculations, including successful ram commands and countermeasure use
- Completed campaign missions are tracked visually, and briefings can be viewed to review chapter progress
- Campaign chapter events have been visually updated
- Four new skirmish maps (The Scrapyard, The Gap, Buckyball and Spiderweb)
- Hi-score feature added to skirmish maps. Scores can be viewed on the map selection screen. Steam Leaderboards are also supported.
- Skirmish battles configurations can be saved and re-loaded, so same skirmish battle can be replayed.
- VSync added to Graphics Options menu
- General campaign difficulty balancing
- Various bug fixes